Yuga Khan
1066 - Yuga Khan and the New Gods come into being on a higher plane of existence on the twin planets of Apokolips and New Genesis after Ragnarök, the fall of Asgard. Khan is the god of evil and ruler of Apokolips. His wife Heggra is the goddess of malice. and their sons are Drax and Uxas.
1157 - Yuga Khan attempts to descend from the New Gods higher plane into the material universe with his full godhead, and is absorbed into the source wall.
There have been quite a few elements of the New Gods that have been introduced outside of the original Jack Kirby comics. That's really how superhero comics work, with other creators expanding the story of these characters, it's just particularly noticeable in this case as the New Gods are such a singular Kirby creation. The non-Kirby New Gods bits that we're going to use should all create very particular utility in their world, and a very good example is the existence of Yuga Khan.
Yuga Khan's StoryYuga Khan isn't part of the original story of the New Gods. We did see Darkseid's mother Heggra, but there was no suggestion that there was ever a bigger, scarier, more dangerous ruler of Apokolips before Darkseid claimed the throne. Frankly, it wouldn't have made sense if there was, Darkseid wasn't really depicted as such an omnipresent threat in those old stories, he was more of a petty tyrant.
Khan was introduced in Vol 3 of New Gods from 1989 by Mike Evanier. Darkseid's father returned to power and threatened everyone, but his quest for power led him to cross through the source wall and be imprisoned in it. This is probably the biggest contribution to regular DC continuity, as people now get stuck in the source wall all the time. We do like the idea that Darkseid has to rise to power, so using Yuga Khan in our timeline sets that up. Also, we like to imagine the Source Wall a little differently, rather than the barrier between our universe and the source (or the barrier into the multiverse or however they're using it on modern continuity) it's the barrier between the higher plane of the New Gods and our own material plane, and we can establish that with Yuga Khan. |