2977 - Drake Burroughs is born on Earth.
2995 - 18-year-old Drake becomes an astroengineering student.
2999 - 22-year-old Drake is in an accident when an experimental drive system bathes him in anti-energy. His body is converted completely to energy, but Querl Dox is able to contain him, building him a suit. He joins the Legion of Super Heroes as Wildfire.
3000 - 23-year-old Drake is lost in a distant galaxy, and expends almost all of himself battling the progenitor.
3007 - 30-year-old Drake begins to develop the ability to coalesce into matter.
There's a prettying interesting shift that happens over the years of Legion membership. They was always a standing tradition of just packing the team full of characters with as wide a variety of superpowers as they could come up with, but somewhere along the way it became less about the powers and more about the physical properties of the characters themselves. You had nonhuman characters like the snake-like Sensor Girl, or Quislet who was.... I never totally figured it out, but I think he was a microscopic extra-dimensional energy being that flew around in a dog-sized spaceship?
Somewhere in the transition between the two we got Wildfire, who frankly is such a bad-ass character concept we all think he could star in his own book. While the idea of a being of pure energy contained in a technological suit isn't totally unique (Captain Atom didn't start that way, but he got there), Wildfire just took it such a killer level. He's had a few different looks, and there's a real pedigree to that old wings & stars logo costume... but the more robot-suit costume he wore in the late 90's & early 2000's is one of the coolest superhero outfits EVER. We made him a much later recruit, so the bulk of his membership actually AFTER the involvement and later reboot of the team, but that actually works really well. This guy is a fantastic example of what the modern Legion looks like. |