Warren Griffith
1920 - Warren Griffith is born.
1936 - 16-year-old Warren contracts lycanthropy.
1939 - 19-year-old Warren joins the Creature Commandos.
1945 - 25-year-old Warren & the Creature Commandos join the final push into Berlin. they discover Vandal Savage's attempt to clone a new body for Hitler, initiating the Secret War.
1946 - 26-year-old Warren dies during the Secret War.
The Creature Commandos debuted in Weird War Tales in the eighties, and have made multiple appearances with a variety of members over the years. It's as solid a story idea as you're likely to find: a wartime group of monsters fighting Nazis.
We're using the team as a way to introduce the pseudo-government organization S.H.A.D.E., and as an exciting part of Frankenstein's history. We're not going for a big, complicated team, instead zeroing in on a few key members. Warren is one of the most commonly featured members of the Commandos. He's usually depicted as the result of an experiment that makes him look like a werewolf, but he's a much more interesting character if he has actual lycanthropy. We love the idea of Warren as an earnest young soldier that can transform into a savage beast alongside the other monsters. |