Vril Dox
25 years ago - Brainiac creates a clone of himself to escape the control of the Coluans. Vril Dox is placed in the Starlog, an intergalactic prison run by the Citadel. The Durlan stows away on his body, joining him in prison and beginning to educate him.
19 years ago - 6-year-old Vril receives a message from his own clone in the future, Brainiac 5. He surgically reactivates Gates' powers, using them to escape along with several fellow prisoners, who form the beginnings the Omega Men
17 years ago - 8-year-old Vril is targeted by the intergalactic bounty-hunter, Lobo. He outsmarts him, and Lobo becomes a part-time member of the Omega Men.
15 years ago - 10-year-old Vril & the Omega Men are arrested by Adam Blake, but Vril convinces him not only to let them go, but to become a freelance member.
11 years ago - 14-year-old Vril and the Omega Men defeat Calculators of Colu. He helps establish a new Coluan government, & begins setting his own extra-governmental mercenary police force, phasing out the Omega Men as he finally replicates Ti'julk Mr'asz's powers.
8 years ago - 17-year-old Vril, seeing the return of Onimar Synn, contacts Carter Hall on Earth to find the Claw of Horus and battle Synn.
2224 - Vril Dox begins the practice of using cloning technology to replicate himself.
2730 - Vril corrupts the programming of Brainiac 4.0, a sleeper weapon meant to target Superman in the past. The corruption allows her alternate personality to assert it's dominance, becoming Indigo. She fights Brainiac 3.0 before escaping into the past, allowing Vril to finally destroy him. Vril takes up residence on Colu, beginning a small research community using clones of himself.
2978 - The Clones of Vril create an offspring using both their cloning tech and the repurposed artifical intelligence of Brainiac, creating Querl Dox.
Brainiac is one of the biggest villains in the DC Universe, and his influence reaches all over, affecting both huge stories as well as small ones. Trying to get the relationship between Brainiac & his son/clone Vril Dox just right became the key to the larger, extended story involving the Legion of Superheroes character Brainiac 5, as well as Indigo of the Outsiders. All these characters have ties to Brainiac.
We've modeled the overarching story of Vril Dox on his comic appearances, making him the mastermind of an intergalactic paramilitary organization, but we got creative with both his origins and his eventual destiny. He is now a very deliberate clone of the original Vril Dox, the scientist that becomes Brainiac. By creating a clone of himself and dumping it into the Starlog, Brainiac is able to escape from the gene-tracking of the Coluans. Another idea that is completely original is that Vril will, in the future, go on to clone himself, mimicking the way Brainiac continually produces updated versions of himself. This comes to a head when Vril actually defeats Brainiac, simultaneously creating Indigo and allowing him to actually become the scientific enclave of Coluans that go on to create Brainiac 5, the hero that would join the Legion of Superheroes in the distant future. This idea is taking some large liberties with the character, but the end result is a fantastic legacy character built from the machinations of one of DC's greatest villains, and it makes both Vril and Brainiac 5 into epic players on a grand stage. Meanwhile, Vril's role with the Omega Men stretches across decades, making him a constant force to be reckoned with. When Adam Strange assembles his new Omega Men to battle Lady Styx's armadas, they are supported by Vril's armies of android soldiers, giving the battle an operatic scope. This re-imagined version of Vril is a huge part of our DC Universe. |