The Question
42 years ago - Vic Sage is born & becomes a ward of the state.
35 years ago - 7-year-old Vic runs away from his foster home & lives on the streets of Hub City.
23 years ago - 19-year-old Vic earns his GED.
22 years ago - 20-year-old Vic gets into college & studies journalism.
20 years ago - 22-year-old Vic starts writing investigative stories for the local & campus papers, some of which get picked up by larger papers.
18 years ago - 24-year-old Vic graduates & becomes a freelance investigative journalist & blogger.
14 years ago - 28-year-old Vic starts taking cases as a private investigator.
11 years ago - 31-year-old Vic's college adviser's invention is stolen. He becomes the Question to investigate.
9 years ago - 33-year-old Vic is beaten near to death. He learns from Richard Dragon & Lady Shiva, his nature at war with itself.
6 years ago - 36-year-old Vic helps in the election of a new mayor for Hub City.
4 years ago - 38-year-old Vic leaves Hub City.
3 years ago - 39-year-old Vic finds Namba Parbat, where he embarks on a journey of enlightenment.
1 years ago - 41-year-old Vic returns to Hub City, newly invigorated in his quest for the truth.
Even in a comics landscape littered with characters that use the title 'detective', the Question really stands out as unique. This is mostly due to the unique brilliance of his creator, the legendary Steve Ditko. The Question is probably the character that most directly represents Ditko's adherence to the philosophy of Objectivism.
The question was very likely the most well-known of the Charlton Comics characters to move under into the DC wheelhouse, but unlike his contemporary characters like Blue Beetle, he didn't exactly fall right into the world of the Justice League. He was a part of that continuity, but he existed in his own little corner of it. His own series by Dennis O'Neil told a very contained, insular world, following his exploits in this own Hub City. We've tried to largely follow the story of Vic Sage's adventures in Hub City in our own timeline, from his relationship with Mayor Myra Fermin, to his long association with Richard Dragon and Lady Shiva, who so deftly conveyed an ongoing dispute about the moral applications of violence. We've also included his studies in the city of Namba Parbat, and very notably his decision to actually abandon his own city, something absolutely unique to his story. Of course, there was some question as to whether we would use Vic Sage or his eventual successor in the comics, Renee Montoya. We love Montoya, but the fact is she was a cool character even before she took over after Vic's death. The actual character of the Question wasn't advanced or improved at all by becoming Renee, it was more of a lateral move for everyone involved. In the end, we'd rather leave Montoya as a detective where she is very awesome, and keep a fantastically unique and standout character like Vic Sage as the Question. |