Teen Titans West
9 years ago - 15-year-old Betty Kane meets 17-year-old Dick Grayson after he's left behind his Robin identity. She helps him remember why he does what he does, and they work together for a time, taking on the names from a Kryptonian Folk legend, Nightwing & Flamebird. He returns to the TItans, and she accepts some designs from him to start building her own equipment, and begins building the resources to make her own spin-off Teen Titans West team.
8 years ago - Betty Kane creates the Teen TItans West, with the help of Lilith Clay. They work alongside the Teen Titans before they disband. Team Members: 16-year-old Betty Kane, 17-year-old Lilith Clay, 17-year-old Karen Beecher, 18-year-old Mal Duncan, 17-year-old Hank Hall & 17-year-old Don Hall
7 years ago - Eddie Bloomberg returns to life as a Kid Devil. He joins the Teen Titans West. Toni Monetti is teleported to her alien progenitors ship where her skin turns silver & she develops her plasma powers. She escapes back to earth with the help of Koriand'r & Dick Grayson, and joins the Titans West. Lilith Clay is taken by the Titans of Myth as they attempt to recall their lost children, as she is revealed to be the lost daughter of Thia, Titan of the Sun. The Teen Titans West venture to their home on New Cronos to save her, with the help of Donna Troy. Team Members: 17-year-old Betty Kane, 18-year-old Lilith Clay, 18-year-old Karen Beecher 19-year-old Mal Duncan, 18-year-old Hank Hall, 18-year-old Don Hall, 14-year-old Toni Monetti, 15-year-old Eddie Bloomberg
6 years ago - The Teen TItans West try to stop the Ravens from stealing a nuclear weapon from Kobra, but are decimated when Cheshire detonates the bomb in Qurac. 19-year-old Lilith Clay, 20-year-old Mal Duncan 19-year-old Don Hall & 16-year-old Eddie Bloomberg are killed. The surviving Titans are saved by the Doom Patrol. Karen Beecher's powers are warped by the radiation, and her life is saved by Niles Caulder. Survivors: 18-year-old Betty Kane, 19-year-old Karen Beecher, 19-year-old Hank Hall, 15-year-old Toni Monetti
Noteworthy Teams
Teen Titans West Founding Members
Later Recruits
For a group that operated in continuity for so little time, you hear about them constantly. If I had to guess, it's because the concept of the Titans having a spin-off team has been baked into the bones of it's lore, so even though they were barely around for a few months in real time, they still have a long-standing place in the history of the team.
The Teen Titans West Comic HistoryThe Teen Titans comic started in 1966. Eleven years later, in issue 50, a spin-off group of Titans called the Teen Titans West was formed. They were in the next two issues, and then the book cancelled with issue #53, with both teams disbanding.
And that's actually it, that's the full history of the Teen Titans West. They were referred to retroactively here and there, but otherwise you never heard from them again. Now, this isn't the last time there was ever a spin-off Titans team. Briefly, during the run of Dan Jurgens Titans, we learn of the formation of a group called the Teen Titans L.A. being put together by Beast Boy and Flamebird. This team includes Bumblebee and Herald, which actually makes it at least vaguely similar to both the original Titans West, and our own team. Later in the Geoff Johns Teen Titans of the 2000's, when the main team actually had their headquarters set up in San Francisco, several groups cropped up using the name Teen Titans East, none of them with any real longevity. |
Our Teen Titans West StoryWe wanted a team following the breakup of the New Teen Titans group, and it made a lot of sense to tie that into the Qurac Bombing. We used this team as a loose catch-all for Titans members that we liked, but that wasn't quite right for other lineups. We were calling them 'Flamebird's Titans', but they weren't around very long.
When rethinking this team, we realized that they made so much more sense if the group actually came together earlier and operated at the same time as the classic Titans. This meant that we needed to create a separate page for them, but of course The Titans actually have a built-in, in-continuity spinoff team, and as it happens the group of characters we were planning to use is remarkably close to the original Teen Titans West anyway. In the comics, the Qurac bombing was an incident that happened in the pages of Deathstroke, and was more of a one-off incident that then became more important in Devon Graysons Titans. We've made it actually affect the Titans more directly, causing the deaths of several characters, all of which we believe actually builds on the overall legacy of the Teen Titans. |