1684 - Stompa is handed over to be raised in Granny Goodness's Terror Orphanages. She commits to her training, striving to be a Female Fury.
9 years ago - Stompa and the Female Furies are brought to watch as Granny Goodness makes Auralie dance in High Voltage Shock Boots until she immolates herself.
7 years ago - Stompa and the Female Furies are sent to Earth by Granny Goodness to capture Scott Free. They are betrayed by Big Barda, who abandons them and leaves them in chaos.
4 years ago - Stompa and the Female Furies join the Parademon wave invasion of Earth. She is defeated by Big Barda.
2 years ago - Stompa and the Female Furies are sent to Earth to capture Supergirl, sending an army of Doomsday clones as a distraction. Supergirl is put through a training gauntlet and is tested by the Furies but defeats them all, as well as Granny Goodness, earning her own freedom.
Stompa is my favorite Female Fury, mostly because of the simplicity of her concept. She's generally the one that gets the least amount of screen time, since she's clearly built to be the muscle of the group, but without a central drama to her character, she just comes across as someone who really legitimately loves doing what she does, and that is stomping stuff. On the rare occasion when the Furies are depicted as having any sort of agency over themselves, she is the one who seems to be just living her best life as a violent foot soldier.
Stompa's StoryLike Bernadeth, Stompa was among the Female Furies who appeared to threaten Scott and Barda at the end of Mister Miracle #6 without appearing earlier to attack on her own. She was really more of a design and a name than a particular character, but she continued to appear with the other Furies nonetheless, siding with Barda during her revolution on Apokolips and then following her to Earth, but of course that bit of their story doesn't seem to be canon anymore. Stompa hasn't really developed that much more personality over the years, but you do see her sometimes standing up for herself or confronting the other Furies when their bickering takes them off task. She's also the only one of them that actually seems to have a sex drive at all, as she is sometimes seen flirting with other denizens of Apokolips.
For our purposes we really just need her to be there, as it's just not the Furies without her, but we decided to make her a little more prominent a character in their lineup by actually making her the rival of Big Barda herself, as she's the only one of them that could conceivably match her strength, even if Barda is obviously the more skilled combatant. Stompa doesn't really need to do much other than the Furies muscle, but we do think her role on the team feels a little complete this way. |