33 years ago - Celia Forrestal is born.
15 years ago - 18-year-old Celia goes to the air force academy.
11 years ago - 22-year-old Celia graduates from the academy & becomes a candidate for flight school.
9 years ago - 24-year-old Celia completes flight school & becomes an air force pilot.
7 years ago - 26-year-old Celia is selected as the test pilot for the Argo Harness, a flight & energy conversion device derived from Pat Duggan's cosmic harness. She becomes one of the meta-soldier candidates of the First Strike Program.
5 years ago - 28-year-old Celia becomes Skyrocket, America's representative in the Global Guardians after General Wade Eiling is exposed as a war criminal.
4 years ago - 29-year-old Celia is replaced on the Global Guardians by Warmaker One and retires temporarily, but when he goes rogue, she rejoins them to stop him.
now - 33-year-old Celia begins a relationship with Leonid Kovar.
Skyrocket was a character from the Power Company, a team created by Kurt Busiek featuring some really great designs. We've used several of these characters in our rebuilt Global Guardians in an effort to make the team more relevant. Celia specifically is a fantastic fit for the role as the american representative of the international team. We've even deliberately made sure that her training with the Air Force is as realistic as possible so that she feels like an ideal candidate.
beyond her new position in the Global Guardians, she also fit very nicely into several other nitches through the continuity. After the death of Sylvester Pemberton Pat Dugan retired to work for the government, and it makes sense that he would have sold his skyman harness designs to the government. It follows that they would eventially design their own version, and the Argo Harness is a perfect result. Also, her career lines up almost perfectly with General Wade Eiling's attempt to build his own group of government led superhumans that led him to recruit Captain Atom. Celia can easily also have been a part of that group. Her replacement on the Guardians is part of a story we deliberately concocted as a way to involve Warmaker One in the guardians. It's a little cliche to have one of the team go rogue and need to be bought down, but the design elements at work within this team play into that cliche quite nicely, and the resultant story is fantastic. Ultimately, Skyrocket is a great character design that fit fantastically into a story we were putting together, and in doing so becomes a character that we all are very excited about. |