Shrinking Violet
2977 - Salu Digby is born on Imsk.
2993 - 16-year-old Salu is exposed to Dwarf Star Energy, which activates her latent metagene. She tries out for membership in the Legion of Super-Heroes second recruitment drive, but is approached by Querl Dox to instead assist in his Quantum Macroverse experiments.
2994 - 17-year-old Salu is unleashed as a secret weapon against the White Triangle Daxamites by Querl Dox. She joins the Legion of Super-Heroes and first meets Gim Allon.
2997 - 20-year-old Salu first meets new Legion member Ayla Ranzz, and they immediately become very close. Her relationship with Gim Allon ends.
3000 - 23-year-old Salu is corrupted by the Emrald Eye of Ekron, falling under the influence of Mordru and used against her teammates in the Legion of Super-Heroes. When the Mage Wars are over, she returns to Imsk to heal.
3002 - 25-year-old Salu fights in the war between Imsk & Braal. She saves Rokk Krinn from her own people, suffering an injury. She is nursed off-planet by Ayla Ranzz.
3005 - 28-year-old Salu rejoins the new Legion of Super-Heroes, reconciling with Rokk Krinn after the war.
Salu Digby is a great example of just how wildly different a character can be from one version of the Legion to another. While they've all shifted costumes wildly, Salu has also been almost every possible ethnicity AND had multiple sexual orientations. While many of the teammembers we're brining into our Legion have a particular story that we've latched onto as the central thrust of our character, in Salu's case we wound up essentially cherrypicking versions of her story for cool elements and folding them together into a timeline that we think is very cool.
The story where she was kept in reserve by Brainiac 5 is only in one version of the Legion, but it's an interesting concept that really plays up how powerful she is, so we've decided to use that as part of her story. In addition, the storyarc where she was corrupted by the Emrald Eye of Ekron exists only in the pre-crisis Legion timeline, but again, that's just a cool ark for her to undergo. Of course, her name suggests that there might be some connection between her and Ralph Digby, the modern day Elongated Man, who interestingly was introduced in the comics only a year before Salu was... but rather than make that the source of her powers we went with Dwarf Star energy, the same powersource that empowers the Atom. The notion that the Dwarf Star energy and her family lineage are somehow combining to empower her is just a cool bonus. |
Obviously, the biggest and most important part of Salu's story is the fact that she is part of one of the very first same-sex relationships ever depicted in comics. This happened in 1982 in the original pre-crisis timeline; The Legion hadn't yet been rebooted over and over. Salu had twenty years of history behind her, and just like most of the Legion had a long-time boyfriend. (we're using Colossal Boy in our version of the story, but in the classic comics it was Timberwolf.). Her relationship unfolded in a very human, realistic way as the two women discovered their feelings for each other, and wasn't sensationalized at all. How cool is that? That's totally something we want to have in our own version of the Legion.