Sapphire Stagg
36 years ago - Sapphire Stagg is born the daughter of industrialist Simon Stagg.
32 years ago - 4-year-old Sapphire Stagg's mother dies on an undiagnosed blood disorder.
18 years ago - 18-year-old Sapphire Stagg goes to college. Her father Simon Stagg takes on the newly recovered Co-Magnon valet Java.
16 years ago - 20-year-old Sapphire Stagg meets Rex Mason. They begin a secret romance as he works for her father Simon Stagg.
14 years ago - 22-year-old Sapphire Stagg is engaged to Rex Mason. He is sent to Egypt by her father Simon Stagg, where an accident turns him into a monster. He hides from her, but when she finally sees him she stay with him despite his deformation.
8 years ago - 28-year-old Sapphire Stagg is kidnapped by Java, and brought to the tomb where he & Rex Mason fond the Orb of Ra. Rex is forced to kill Java to save her. When the tomb collapses, Rex chooses to save Sapphire instead of Simon Stagg. She can't stay with him after he lets her father die.
4 years ago - 32-year-old Sapphire Stagg marries her college boyfriend, Albert Song.
2 years ago - 34-year-old Sapphire Stagg gives birth to their twins, Joey & Emily.
Sapphire Stagg's Comic HistoryBob Haney is the creator of some of the most wackadoodle characters in the DC Cannon, and Metamorpho is no exception, but when he arrived in the pages of Brave and the Bold in 1957, what really made him stand out wasn't just his borderline lunatic powers and strange look, but the neat relationships built into his fun supporting cast, all of which revolved around his love interest Sapphire.
There's a lot about Sapphire that just seems like the standard 'hero's girlfriend' stock character, in that she often serves as the prize that all the characters are trying to possess or control. The difference, however, is that even with a cast full of characters all trying to make her do what they want, even in a story invented in the fifties, Sapphire is wholly in control of her situation. She wants to be with Rex. Even when Rex keep thinking he's not good enough for her she just isn't hearing it; she knew what she wanted and wasn't going to be told otherwise. |
Our Sapphire Stagg StoryFor a while, even outside of the original Metamorpho stories, Sapphire would continue to hold onto that dogged determination to have what she wants; their relationship held true right through his appearances in the Outsiders. Later on, however, as he appeared in the Justice League and beyond, Rex's connection to his supporting cast fell out of focus, and Sapphire became more of an afterthought. While the story of Metamorpho and his supporting cast was a fun part of his early history, He really does eventually move past it. The problem for us us is that there's really no transitional event in their lives moving them to this next chapter, so our task became to invent one.
The idea that Java would finally snap and kidnap Sapphire to force her to love him instead of Rex is practically inevitable, and Stagg trying to twist that situation to control Rex and get him out of Sapphire's life is par for the course. The only thing missing is for it to all finally come to a head, and for it to go wrong in a way where Rex is unable to save all of them. As much as Sapphire has always loved him, the one thing she sould never be able to forgive him for is letting her father die. |