50 years ago - Prince Garnet is born, the son of Lord Garnet.
38 years ago - 12-year-old Prince Garnet saves the Lady Emerald from a magical whirlwind, casting himself into the Paths Beyond. He is found by the Lords of Order & Chaos, taken in as their agent, agreeing to pay his debt to them by traveling the Paths and observing the many worlds there, taking the name Rhodo.
2 year ago - 12-year-old Rhodo is found in the Paths Beyond by Amaya, Donal & Phoss, who help him escape his debt to the Lords of Order & Chaos an return to Gemworld, where he reconnects with his father Lord Garnet.
Prince Garnet was introduced late in the story of Gemworld, but he brought with him one of the largest evolutions of the larger world, and if the series had continued he would have definitely gone on to become one of the main characters of the series. As he is, he happens to give us a great hook for a particular story in our own timeline.
Rhodo's StoryThere are references in the original maxi-series that hint toward the existance of Prince Garnet, mostly in Lord Garnet's references to his lost son, but it's only much later that we learn that Prince Garnet was lost in the magical realms beyond Gemworld itself. Even later again, we discover that he is actually alive, and serving the Ancient Ones that gave the original residents of Gemworld permission to settle there. He has become their herald as they go to the various magical worlds under their domain as they harvest them for their magic. His return to Gemworld is part of a larger story as Amy tries to stem the destruction of Gemworld.
We are not using the same backstory for Gemworld in our timeline, but we do very much like the idea of Garnet's son being lost in the magic beyond their world, and spending decades in service to the Lords of Chaos & Order. Just what he's doing for them can be more benign, acting more as a spy and agent for them as he observes the infinite Paths Beyond, but he still longs to return to his home.
This sets us up to use him as part of a fun adventure for the young princess Amaya and her friends. We chose to give Prince Garnet a new name (Rhodolite is a particular color of Garnet) so that he fits in with the other young adventurers his age, even if technically he was born decades before them. Also, we're not saying we're TRYING to create a possible future love interest for Amaya, but if we WERE... |