Prohl Gosgotha
1901 - Prohl Gosgotha is hatched.
1909 - 8-year-old Prohl Gosgotha leaves his pupal stage.
1919 - 18-year-old Prohl Gosgotha joins his planet’s warrior caste.
1924 - 23-year-old Prohl Gosgotha becomes a warrior elite.
1926 - 25-year-old Prohl Gosgotha is selected as a Green Lantern and serves with distinction.
1942 - 41-year-old Prohl Gosgotha pursues the Weaponers of Qward out of citadel space to Korugar. Thaal Sinestro takes his ring & defeats them, but then leaves him to die.
Prohl Gosgotha isn't a character that has ever appeared in any of the ongoing tales of the Green Lanterns. He's really only ever appeared in one story, but it's an important story, so much so that it necessitates that we include him.
Prohl Gosgotha's StorySinestro is a very well-represented character in the larger Green Lantern story, and for a long time the fact that he was a former Green Lantern that had turned against the Corp was about as much origin as seemed necessary. It was in a 1999 comic anthology called "Secret Origins of Super Villains" that gave us what amounted to his more complete origin. Written by Ron Marz, it was a really cool little story where Sinestro takes his first power ring from his predecessor, uses it to defeat the Weaponer of Qward pursuing him, and then does not give the ring back to save his predecessor's life, allowing him to die. It's a really well-conceived origin for Sinestro, foreshadowing everything he was likely to become. The story has been retold several times in several other comics, as can be expected from the origin of an important character.
The story also gives us Prohl Gosgotha, a character who basically serves the same role for Sinestro that Abin Sur does for Hal Jordan. This makes him an important character within the larger timeline, and absolutely someone we want to include, even if he's really only necessary for this one story. |