13 years ago - Phoss is born among the tradepeople of Gemworld.
9 years ago - 4-year-old Phoss starts raising her riding catepillar Stan from a grub.
2 year ago - 11-year-old Phoss meets Amaya of House Amathyst & Donal. She helps them explore the connected Paths Beyond where they meet Rhodo, helping him escape his debt to the Lords of Order & Chaos and return to Gemworld, where he reconnects with his father Lord Garnet.
the 2020 Amethyst series by Amy Reeder is a very different animal than the rest of the depictions of Gemworld. Which makes sense, given that it was published more than 30 years later by what was essentially a completely different company. The Gemworld as it's depicted here really bares very little resemblance to the one from the earlier comics, and the story is practically unrecognizeable, but it is a very fun, visually captivating series all the same. If there's any one element that deserves to be included in our version of Gemworld, however, it's Amy's latest ally...
Phoss's StoryPhoss is from Turquoise. In Reeder's version of Gemworld, that means she has four arms. She's a young warrior who rides a gigantic riding catepillar named Stan. She agrees to join Amy's quest because she needs help, and because Phoss wants to do the right thing... also because her girlfriend is obsesses with Earth, and Phoss wants to show Amy off to her.
What really makes Phoss a good character to include in our timeline is that she represents a very different perspective on Gemworld than what we usually get. Phoss even points it out in the comic; Amy is usually flying OVER Gemworld, not traveling THROUGH it. With Phoss, we get to actually see what the day to day experience of Gemworld is for the people who aren't living among the great houses. As we depict Amaya growing up in Gemworld, this is a really great new perspective for her to have, and by making her friends with Phoss, Amy gets to see all the lush weirdness Gemworld has to offer. |