Orvax Marius
79 years ago - Orvax Marius is born, part of the Atlantean military elite.
61 years ago - 18-year-old Orvax Marius becomes an officer in the Atlantean Naval Fleet
57 years ago - 22-year-old Orvax Marius achieves the rank of Mariner Captain.
56 years ago - 23-year-old Orvax Marius is chosen as the future husband of Princess Atlanna, making him the future king of Atlantis.
52 years ago - 27-year-old Orvax Marius fathers an illegitimate child, Orm Marius.
46 years ago - 33-year-old Orvax Marius is married to Atlanna. He begins using his authority as King to sink surface ships.
42 years ago - 37-year-old Orvax Marius is killed in a coup staged by followers of his illegitimate son, Orm Marius.
This isn't necessarily a character that we need to worry about, but he serves a role in shaping a few other characters, and it helps us to get their stories right if we give him a framework.
Our Orvax StoryOrvax is a character that has shown up in two comic books, ever, both in flashbacks that were used to flesh out the backstory of Aquaman's mom, Atlanna.
We are using him pretty much the same way, although he doesn't necessarily need to be depicted as abusive. He was simply the former Military Officer that was chosen as Atlanna's husband and king, as well as the actual father of Orm Marinus, the Ocean Master. This means that he's the king killed by Orm during his coup. It's a small role in a larger story, but it gives us a structure that helps other characters make more sense. |