29 years ago - Nnamdi is born the son of Solovar.
7 years ago - 22-year-old Nnamdi's psychic powers manifest.
5 years ago - 24-year-old Nnamdi battles Gorilla Grodd's invasion forces alongside the Flash, Wonder Woman & Giganta.
2 years ago - 27-year-old Nnamdi becomes the new ruler of Gorilla City when his father Solovar is assassinated while trying to end Gorilla City's policy of isolation. He chooses to end his father's plans.
Our Nnamdi StoryNnamdi is a newer part of the story of Gorilla City, introduced for the first time in 2003 when he was invented by Geoff Johns. After the assassination of King Solovar, his son took the throne, and it actually infused the story with a neat new tension where he was greatful for everything the Flash had done and appreciated all of his fathers dreams of peace, but also was a bit more threatening, imposing the story of Gorilla City with a little more menace. We very much like him as a character and wanted to bring this new character into our timeline.