Magnificus Sivana
23 years ago - Magnificus Sivana is born, the son of Thaddeus Sivana.
22 years ago - 1-year-old Magnificus Sivana is taken from his father Thaddeus Sivana by his mother to protect him.
16 years ago - 7-year-old Magnificus Sivana is kidnapped by his father Thaddeus Sivana, and brought to Venus on his space saucer.
13 years ago - 10-year-old Magnificus Sivana returns from Venus with his father Thaddeus Sivana, and returns to live with his mother, unaware that a dormant Mister Mind is inside his brain cavity.
5 years ago - 18-year-old Magnificus Sivana appears to be interested in joining his father Thaddeus Sivana's research, but is revealed to be under the control of Mister Mind, who had lived dormant in his body since his time orbiting Venus. Once Mister Mind unleashes the various monster creatures of Sivana's labs he releases Magnificus, who helps Freddie Freeman & Mary Bromfield enter Sivana's
lab to help Billy Batson fight Mister Mind.
lab to help Billy Batson fight Mister Mind.
2 years ago - 21-year-old Magnificus Sivana joins his father Thaddeus Sivana on his artificial Rock of Eternity, and is tricked into saying his name, triggering the rock and becoming Captain Sivanna. He, Thaddeus Sivana Jr & Georgia Sivana fight Billy Batson, Freddie Freeman & Mary Bromfield until they are all tricked into saying Sivana and depowered.
The fact that Doctor Sivana even has kids is actually a pretty obscure part of the DC Lore. They've all made a pretty limited number of appearances, so you'd be forgiven for not knowing they exist at all. The main reason we're including them is because it allows us to build some very specific stories into our timeline that, we think, make Captain Marvel a more active and interesting character.
Magnificus Sivana's Comic HistoryMagnificus wasn't actually a recurring character in the classic Fawcett comics. That role belonged to Sivana's daughter Beautia. She was essentially as close to a regular Lois Lane-style love interest as Captain Marvel got; She was a social worker who had a crush on the Captain, not realizing that he's a child. I'm sure you'll recognize this whole situation as being creepy as hell.
In any case, Sivana's musclebound brother Magnificus was introduced in Whiz comics #15 in 1940, where we learn that Sivana, as a young frustrated scientist, took his kids to Venus and raised them there. Magnificus actually fought Captain Marvel to a standstill, but by the end of the issue he was revealed to actually be a pretty nice guy. Beautia continued to appear through the era, but Magnificus basically didn't appear again until the Captain Marvel property was owned by DC. The fact that Sivana had two adult children that were actual allies of the Marvels came up sporadically, even appearing in the post-crisis Powers of Shazam series. |
Our Magnificus StoryWe could safely leave out the Sivana family and not really miss them; they're a minor recurring element of the Captain Marvel mythology at best. They don't really have a lot of appearances to speak of, but there are a few simple ideas that we can adapt into our timeline to give us a few adventures to build out Captain Marvel's timeline. First, we're going to include Magnificus's time on Venus with his father. He makes a great host for a dormant Mister Mind, giving us a great explanation for one of the weirdest baddies in Marvel's mythology.
The second story we're adapting is much more modern and a bit weirder, but it's a great opportunity to use these characters well and give Mary & Freddy another opportunity to wield their powers. During Grant Morrison's Multiversity series, one of the one-shots was Thunderworld, in which Sivana manages to build an artifical rock of eternity and empower his children. Magnificus becomes a sort of "Captain Sivana", and the Marvels have to trick them into saying their magic words to lose their powers. It's a really cool little story, and fits really well into our timeline. |