Mad Harriet
1911 - Mad Harriet is born among the Lowlies of Apokolips. She is taken from her home to be raised in Granny Goodness's Terror Orphanages.
9 years ago - Mad Harriet and the Female Furies are brought to watch as Granny Goodness makes Auralie dance in High Voltage Shock Boots until she immolates herself.
7 years ago - Mad Harriet and the Female Furies are sent to Earth by Granny Goodness to capture Scott Free. They are betrayed by Big Barda, who abandons them and leaves them in chaos.
4 years ago - Mad Harriet and the Female Furies join the Parademon wave invasion of Earth. She is defeated by Big Barda.
2 years ago - Mad Harriet and the Female Furies are sent to Earth to capture Supergirl, sending an army of Doomsday clones as a distraction. Supergirl is put through a training gauntlet and is tested by the Furies but defeats them all, as well as Granny Goodness, earning her own freedom.
I've been given to understand that the original Female Furies were all based on different female character archetypes, and that Mad Harriet was meant to represent a "Hag", which is a wizened old woman or witch that menaces children in old folklore. I suppose that maybe that's true visually, but she actually comes down somewhere between a Kabuki death monster and Animal from the Muppets. I've actually seen her played vaguely sympathetically, but I'm pretty sure the intention is to make her a terrifying sociopath.
Mad Harriet's StoryMad Harriet was the first of the Female Furies to ever appear, literally springing on Barda out of the woodwork and cackling at her. The latest foe from Apokolips to try to recollect Scott and Barda, this time it was old friends of Barda, her fellow Female Furies. Eventually the Furies would actually side with Barda, join her rebellion in Apokolips, and then join her as part of Scott's escape act, but Mad Harriet was curiously absent for this now-forgotten stretch of continuity.
There is precious little we need to do with Mad Harriet. She's absolutely a core part of the Female Furies, appearing alongside them in tons of stories, but the fact is she really just has to be insane and fighting with crazy Voldo-weapons. We even made her the youngest of the original Furies and had her join AFTER any drama about who might be the leader was already resolved, since she has never once been depicted as caring about that sort of thing. |