Mackenzie Bock
42 years ago - Mackenzie Bock is born in Gotham City
24 years ago - 18-year-old Mackenzie Bock joins the army.
20 years ago - 22-year-old Mackenzie Bock attends college on the GI bill, studying criminal justice.
14 years ago - 28-year-old Mackenzie Bock is the first officer on site when Victor Fries stages a heist of the diamond exchange, saving several people.
12 years ago - 30-year-old Mackenzie Bock helps the GCPD solve several of Edward Nygma's riddles. He is promoted to detective.
8 years ago - 34-year-old Mackenzie Bock is brought into the GCPD Major Crimes Division, where he partners with Stanley Kitch.
3 years ago - 39-year-old Mackenzie Bock steps up as a leader in his old neighborhood during the No Man's Land earthquake.
There are quite a few named officers that have appeared in the pages of Batman comics over the decades. When filling out our take on the Gotham City Police Department, we though we'd pick out a few of our favorites. Mackenzie "Hardback" Bock is actually one of the first named officers I personally remember from the comics, and so he was pretty much always to stand out as some one to include.
Mackenzie Bock's Comic StoryMackenzie Bock appeared for the first time in 1995 in the very early issues of Tim Drake's new Robin series. He was partnered with Harvey Bullock, and would also often appear alongside Sarah Essen. Bock would go on to make appearances all over the various Batman comics all through the 90s, right on up through the massive No Man's Land crossover and even into the early 2000s more muted and restrained Greg Rucka years, although by the time the actual Gotham Central series rolled around, he'd been promoted to Chief of Police and therefore didn't actually make many appearances. From the very beginning, Bock's most notable quality was that he seemed to have a unusually broad collection of knowledge and skills, all related to his understated claim that he "reads a lot", which I just find very charming.
For our purposes, we wanted someone who just felt like a real journeyman detective, someone who had worked Gotham tirelessly and just been a downright good cop. We made him a part of several major events related to the cities strange crime history, and eventually decided to partner him with former lawyer and FBI agent Kitch. I just find the combination of these two guys who are both very clever but in very different ways a lot of fun. |