Lyta, the daughter of Circe & Ares, showed up in 1994 in the pages of Wonder Woman. Both characters had adapted human disguises and Circe had actually cast a spell on herself so that she had no memory of herself, so the implied affair between a god and one of the most powerful witches in the world didn't really play out the way one might imagine. For a number of years the fact that Circe was a mother was a huge part of her character. This idea was eventually lost in the many reimaginings of Wonder Woman's story, but it's still a very cool idea that deserves to be a part of our story.
Lyta's StoryOur version of Lyta isn't going to be born of a disguised Ares and a bespelled Circe; this is both characters with their full power. Both characters are subtle manipulators working in the background despite their huge level of power... you imagine that the affair between these two would be intense, passionate, and very very short.
Lyta, in the meantime, is six as we leave our timeline. She's going to be only a few years older than a future generation of heroes, and while you can kind of imagine a version of this character that might be a bit of an antihero... the daughter of Circe and Ares can also be one of the most powerful villains in the whole world. It really all depends on just what sort of childhood she has. She might actually wind up spending her teens among the Amazons. In fact, a teenage Lyta might make one heck of a sidekick for Donna Troy... |