Larry Lance
67 years ago - Larry Lance is born.
48 years ago - 19-year-old Larry joins the police academy.
46 years ago - 21-year-old Larry becomes a police officer.
42 years ago - 25-year-old Larry Lance assists Laurel Drake in her career as Black Canary. They become partners.
39 years ago - 28-year-old Marry marries Laurel Drake.
28 years ago - 39-year-old Larry and Laurel Drake decide together that Laurel will retire.
20 years ago - 47-year-old Larry is killed in the line of duty.
While the idea that a butt-kicking female vigilante would NEED a guy holding her hand is laughable now, there's something in the way that Larry saw how awesome Dinah was and helped her break down the doors so she could go out and be awesome. In a lot of ways, you could argue that Larry recognized that there was inequality happening, and used his own privilege to help level the playing field. This makes him a fairly good feminist ally on paper, and these are comics, so EVERYTHING is on paper.
I can't believe I just wrote that. |