73 years ago - K'ryssma is hatched in her larval stage.
58 years ago - 15-year-old K'ryssma enters her chrysalis
54 years ago - 19-year-old K'ryssma exits her chrysalis as a sterile queen. Her people have no role for her, and she devotes herself to the study of law.
47 years ago - 26-year-old K'ryssma, having advanced her people's role in the galaxy, is honored with the title of queen.
18 years ago - 55-year-old K'ryssma is distrustful of the new Green Lantern recruit Hal Jordan.
8 years ago - 65-year-old K'ryssma speaks out against the unsanctioned relationship between Hal Jordan & Arisia Rrab's unsanctioned relationship, She is killed during Thaal Sinestro's attack on Oa, her final words a warning against trusting the Corp in the hands of reckless Lanterns like Hal.
The extended membership of the Green Lantern Corp comes from a few different sources, but interestingly, those same sources all seem to happen in cycles. There are characters introduced more or less as background characters who have a line here and there but who gain popularity because of some quirk of their design, there are characters introduced in their own standalone stories whose role may or may not expand over time but who remain popular because that original story was so clever, and there are characters that are actually introduced with the intention of playing a role in the main continuity Green Lantern story. These different character sources repeat through the various eras of Green Lantern Corp mythology, resulting in a pretty deep roster of potential characters for us to go over.
K'ryssma isn't really that unique a design as Green Lanterns go. What makes her relevant is the role she played in the larger mythology, which has brought her in contact (or even conflict) with some of the human Lanterns in really interesting ways.
K'ryssma isn't really that unique a design as Green Lanterns go. What makes her relevant is the role she played in the larger mythology, which has brought her in contact (or even conflict) with some of the human Lanterns in really interesting ways.
K'ryssma's StoryK'ryssma appeared for the first time in Tales of the Green Lantern Corp #1 in 1981, one of the earliest large crossover stories in the mythology of Green Lanterns, which did quite a bit to advance the story of the Corp into a new era. As the collected corps members all gathered to confront the threat at hand (which wound up being Krona), we saw that long-time friend of Hal Jordan, Tomar-Re, was now a member of the Lanterns Honor Guard. The other two members of the honor guard were Apros, a weird fungus/jellyfish looking alien, and K'ryssma.
The Honor Guard started to regularly appear in the comics from that point onward. Since Hal was the protagonist and regularly depicted as rebelling against the authority of the Guardians, the Honor Guard was regularly pitted against him as well. Tomar was of course generally on his side, and Apros didn't really speak, which meant that K'ryssma was outspokenly against Hal... and to make sure she posed an adequate threat to him, she was depicted as being much more experienced and powerful. |
Her character underwent a pretty huge change after the fall of the Green Lantern Corp at the hands of Hal Jordan. She continued to appear over in the Guy Gardner series, where we see that she is in fact from an insectoid alien species, and was actually in a sort of larval state. She was using her powers to keep herself in that form, but as soon as her ring was depowered, she immediately went into a chrysalis, and emerged in a much more insectoid form.
We're not going to be using any of the larval/crystalis stuff in our story, but what we ARE going to use is her role as a formidable elder statesman of the Corp who was outspoken in her distrust of Hal. We're not being subtle about the fact that our version of Hal really leans into the way he was always depicted as rebellious lone wolf with a disdain for authority, but for that to work we need some authority for him to rebel against, and by including characters like K'ryssma there are levels to the authority outside of the Guardians. Also, because ultimately Hal's penchant as a hot-headed rulebreaker eventually leads to the destruction of the Corp, K'ryssma is actually right not to trust him, which we really like. |