28 years ago - Niharika Dyal is born in India.
16 years ago - 12-year-old Niharika leaves her family to become an acolyte in a hidden temple.
13 years ago - 15-year-old Niharika's sorcery makes her an elemental magic nexus.
10 years ago - 18-year-old Niharika overpowers the other acolytes and her temple master, and is only stopped from destroying her home by Wonder Woman.
9 years ago - 19-year-old Niharika is freed by the Fearsome Five, becoming their newest member, battling the Teen Titans.
8 years ago - 20-year-old Niharika Dyal is imprisoned when Psimon is banished by Trigon.
6 years ago - 22-year-old Niharika gains access to Amazonian magic, and attempts to take control of Doom's Doorway before she is stopped by Wonder Woman & Nubia.
3 years ago - 25-year-old Niharika is freed from prison when Doctor Sivana reforms the Fearsome Five. They are defeated by the Outsiders.
Jinx is a character with a lot of potential that doesn't really get used enough. Her main utility is as a member of the Fearsome Five, but she's also cropped up a few times as a Wonder Woman Villain, and she seems to be well suited for the role. We'll be primarily using those elements to build her a timeline.
Jinx's Comic HistoryJinx appeared for the first time in issue #37 of New Teen Titans in 1983, part one of a two-part crossover between the Titans and the original Outsiders. At that point the original Fearsome Five, introduced earlier in the series as a team built by Doctor Light, were getting back together, but didn't want to use Light anymore both because he was a little too high-profile to be a part of this Titans-specific group of minor enemies, but also because in continuity, they just didn't want to deal with him. Short a member, Jinx basically becomes a mcguffin of the issue, as the remaining four members break into Star Labs where she's being kept in suspended animation. Once she's awakened she quickly proves how dangerous she is, joins the Fearsome Five practically on the spot, and remains a member from then forward.
She's also cropped up in Wonder Woman comics as a modern member of Villainy Inc, which was actually DC's very first supervillain team up from WAY back when... but her most popular appearances are probably in the animated Teen Titans series where a completely redesigned version of the character had such a prominent role in the series (and comics based on the series) that she essentially eventually reformed and became a Titan herself! |
Our Jinx StoryWe're primarily just using Jinx the same way she's used in the comic, as a very powerful member of the Fearsome Five. As usual we fleshed out her backstory a little bit, just to get a sense of who she is and where she came from; the only reference to her backstory she EVER got came in a few panels during her appearance in Wonder Woman, so we just an with that and gave her a little more structure... We even gave her the name, since she's really only ever gone by Jinx. There was a reference somewhere to her being named "Nicole Diaz"... but this is one of a VERY limited number of only Indian characters in comics, so We figured we'd give her an Indian name. We also made sure to make a few references to Wonder Woman in her history, because she honestly does work pretty well as a Wonder Woman villain, and in fact would be a stellar foe for Donna Troy, moving forward.
There isn't a lot to say about her costume; she traditionally had her full headdress, although she started appearing with a shaved head after the Fearsome Five's turn in the Outsiders. Either look works pretty well, so I'd say just go with whatever you like. |