Injustice Gang
15 years ago - William Asmodeus Zard assembles the first Injustice Gang. They frame the Justice League for their own crimes before their plans are exposed and they are defeated. Membership: 45-year-old William Asmodeus Zard, 34-year-old Sam Scudder, 26-year-old Paul Booker, 24-year-old Lester Buchinski, The Fisherman & 34-year-old Mike Miller
3 years ago - Lex Luthor, while president, creates his own secret organization of villains to confront the newly created Watchtower.
Membership: 46-year-old Lex Luthor, The Joker, 39-year-old Arthur Light, 30-year-old Evan McCulloch, 49-year-old Ocean Master, Circe
Membership: 46-year-old Lex Luthor, The Joker, 39-year-old Arthur Light, 30-year-old Evan McCulloch, 49-year-old Ocean Master, Circe
1 year ago - Lex Luthor, not realizing he is under the influence of Mageddon, assembles a new Injustice Gang. They practically route the Watchtower. Membership: 48-year-old Lex Luthor, 56-year-old General Wade Eiling, 38-year-old Curt Calhoun & 35-year-old Zazzala