26 years ago - 43-year-old Damien Darhk creates the global think-tank H.I.V.E. bringing together like-minded scientists to work without moral restrictions, selling many of their creations as weapons. 45-year-old Thaddeus Sivana becomes part of the backbone of the earliest incarnation of H.I.V.E. 31-year-old Regina Kane merges her labs with H.I.V.E., bringing several of her assistants and followers with her. 16-year-old David Hyde is recruited by H.I.V.E., who wipe out his previous identity so that he can become one of their weapon designers. he takes the name Black Manta. 41-year-old Brain gives a massive donation to H.I.V.E. 43-year-old Niles Caulder is a founding member of the the global think-tank H.I.V.E. but his association with the group quickly wains. 25-year-old Thomas Oscar Morrow earns his Doctorate, and becomes one of the earliest members of H.I.V.E. 28-year-old Anthony Ivo becomes a founding member of H.I.V.E. 27-year-old Jason Woodrue is a founding member of H.I.V.E. 25-year-old Helga Jace is one of the founders of the global think-tank H.I.V.E.. 43-year-old Avery Sunderland is one of the earliest investors in H.I.V.E., making a fortune. 26-year-old Jarvis Kord becomes a founding member of H.I.V.E.
25 years ago - 22-year-old Eric Needham is dishonorably discharged for his drug habit. He is poached by H.I.V.E. for its operative program, who use his drug addiction to build an augmented adrenal system. Twins Baran & Selinda Flinders are subjected to experimental radiation by Doctor Helga Jace.
21 years ago - 21-year-old Black Manta kills his H.I.V.E. handlers & steals his ship, the Devil Ray. He becomes a pirate, raiding the seas to expand his technology to challenge Atlantis.
20 years ago - 27-year-old Mikron O'Jeneus is recruited into H.I.V.E. 32-year-old Helga Jace leaves H.I.V.E. to work for the Markovian crown.
19 years ago - 28-year-old Eric Needham, released from the abandoned H.I.V.E. operative program, begins working as an enforcer for the mob of Star City.
18 years ago - 34-year-old Jarvis Kord separates from H.I.V.E. becoming an independent weapons contractor.
17 years ago - 52-year-old Damien Darhk is killed by 40-year-old Regina Darhk, usurping control over H.I.V.E. to use it more directly amassing her own power base. 30-year-old Mikron O'Jeneus transitions into the new H.I.V.E. weapons division, developing his own systems. 54-year-old Thaddeus Sivana & 34-year-old Thomas Oliver Morrow abandons H.I.V.E. when the organizations leadership changes. 37-year-old Anthony Ivo leaves H.I.V.E. after the change in leadership to keep his research to himself. 36-year-old Jason Woodrue leaves H.I.V.E. as it's leadership changes. 15-year-old Derek Reston is recruited into H.I.V..E.'s weapon division.
15 years ago - 14-year-old Grant Wilson, looking for ways to emulate his father, becomes a test subject for H.I.V.E.
14 years ago - 43-year-old Regina Darhk creates the H.I.V.E. Academy as a way to train some of the subjects of the experiments of H.I.V.E. members including 15-year-old Grant Wilson & 15-year-old twins Baran & Selinda Flinders. The Brute Robot is built by H.I.V.E. scientists.
12 years ago - 17-year-old Grant Wilson leaves H.I.V.E. to become the assassin Ravager, an unwitting test-subject of their synthetic bio-enhancements
10 years ago - 47-year-old Regina Darhk moves to steal Atlantean magical archives. Tempest discovers the plan, and her H.I.V.E. Academy, including 37-year-old Mikron O'Jeneus, 22-year-old Derek Reston & 19-year-old twins Baran & Selinda Flinders, fights the Teen Titans, who disassemble her organization. She initiates a final defense, and her inner circle all commit suicide rather than be captured. She dies in the destruction of her headquarters. Most of the H.I.V.E. Academy go on to join Doctor Light's Fearsome Five, while Derek Reston steals The Brute Robot and joins the Royal Flush Gang.
8 years ago - 18 (61)-year-old Damien Darhk's cloned body reaches maturity. He begins to rebuild H.I.V.E. dealing heavily with Ra's Al Ghul.
6 years ago - 20 (63)-year-old Damien Darhk frees several old allies of H.I.V.E. from prison including 41-year-old Mikron O'Jeneus, who rejoins H.I.V.E. He brings his son 4-year-old Mikron O'Jeneus Jr to see their new facilities.
4 years ago - H.I.V.E. battle the Titans. 43-year-old Mikron O'Jeneus is again imprisoned, & 22(65)-year-old Damien Darhk's clone body is destroyed. Thaddeus Sivana acquires their island property.
1 year ago - 35-year-old Zazzala finds the remains of her own technology among the abandoned H.I.V.E. facilities and begins to rebuild, claiming the organization for herself.