Green Lantern Corps
22,000 BCE - With the failure of the Manhunters, the Guardians of Oa construct the Central Oan Power Battery and begin building the Green Lantern Corps.
20,000 BCE - The Green Lantern Corp defeat the Arakacian Terror Fleet, destroying the last of the Stygomorphs.
1430 - The Green Lantern Corp stop the White Martians campaign of ethnic war, and the psychic fungus that initially created their belief in their ethnic superiority is removed. The White Martians are integrated back into Martian society, but their beliefs continue to persist as a psychic virus within their shared psychic mind.
Membership: Mogo
Membership: Mogo
1864 - Abin Sur & Apros are chosen to join the Green Lantern Corp.
Membership: Mogo, 31-year-old Abin Sur & 30-year-old Apros
Membership: Mogo, 31-year-old Abin Sur & 30-year-old Apros
1901 - Hannu becomes the Green Lantern of Sector 2, keeping constant watch over the Reach.
Membership: Mogo, 68-year-old Abin Sur, 67-year-old Apros & 21-year-old Hannu
Membership: Mogo, 68-year-old Abin Sur, 67-year-old Apros & 21-year-old Hannu
1904 - Apros is selected to join the Green Lantern Honor Guard. .
Membership: Mogo, 71-year-old Abin Sur, 70-year-old Apros & 24-year-old Hannu
Membership: Mogo, 71-year-old Abin Sur, 70-year-old Apros & 24-year-old Hannu
1925 - Saarek is selected as a Green Lantern, and trained by Abin Sur.
Membership: Mogo, 92-year-old Abin Sur, 91-year-old Apros, 45-year-old Hannu & 35-year-old Saarek
Membership: Mogo, 92-year-old Abin Sur, 91-year-old Apros, 45-year-old Hannu & 35-year-old Saarek
1926 - Prohl Gosgotha is selected as a Green Lantern and serves with distinction.
Membership: Mogo, 93-year-old Abin Sur, 92-year-old Apros, 46-year-old Hannu, 36-year-old Saarek & 25-year-old Prohl Gosgotha
Membership: Mogo, 93-year-old Abin Sur, 92-year-old Apros, 46-year-old Hannu, 36-year-old Saarek & 25-year-old Prohl Gosgotha
1942 - Thaal Sinestro witnesses the fall of Green Lantern Prohl Gosgotha, pursued by a Weaponer of Qward. He uses the ring to bring down the Korugar ruins on the Qwardian to kill him, and then allows Prohl to die rather than return his ring, joining the Green Lantern Corp.
Membership: Mogo, 109-year-old Abin Sur, 108-year-old Apros, 62-year-old Hannu, 52-year-old Saarek & 26-year-old Thaal Sinestro
Membership: Mogo, 109-year-old Abin Sur, 108-year-old Apros, 62-year-old Hannu, 52-year-old Saarek & 26-year-old Thaal Sinestro
1948 - 49-year-old Alan Scott tracks the alien criminal Evil Star into space, where he meets Abin Sur, discovering the origins of his own ring, the Starheart. Together they save an entire planet, with Scott overloading the Starheart to reverse the effects of Evil Star's technology. Abin brings him to Oa so his body can be rebuilt.
Membership: Mogo, 115-year-old Abin Sur, 114-year-old Apros, 68-year-old Hannu, 58-year-old Saarek & 32-year-old Thaal Sinestro
Membership: Mogo, 115-year-old Abin Sur, 114-year-old Apros, 68-year-old Hannu, 58-year-old Saarek & 32-year-old Thaal Sinestro
51 years ago - Manhunters tech is discovered by the Psions. Their meddling reactivates the Manhunters who assault Sector 666. The Guardians of Oa instruct the Green Lantern Corps to try to stop them, beginning the Manhunter Wars.
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek & Thaal Sinestro
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek & Thaal Sinestro
45 years ago - the Manhunters war with the Green Lantern Corps leads to the destruction of the planet Ryut, the home of Atros. Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek & Thaal Sinestro
43 years ago - The Green Lantern Corps are forbidden from returning to Sector 666 when the Guardians of Oa are forced by Atros & other leaders to close it off after the defeat of the Manhunters.
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek & Thaal Sinestro
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek & Thaal Sinestro
42 years ago - K'ryssma & Salaak are chosen to join the Green Lantern Corp.
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 31-year-old K'ryssma & 24-year-old Salaak
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 31-year-old K'ryssma & 24-year-old Salaak
40 years ago - Larvox is chosen for the Green Lantern Corps.
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 33-year-old K'ryssma, 26-year-old Salaak, & 16-year-old Larvox
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 33-year-old K'ryssma, 26-year-old Salaak, & 16-year-old Larvox
37 years ago - Kilowog & Tomar-Re are chosen as Green Lanterns. They are trained by Ermy, who leads them to save a group of Lanterns including Sinestro.
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 36-year-old K'ryssma, 29-year-old Salaak, 19-year-old Larvox, 22-year-old Kilowog & 19-year-old Tomar-Re
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 36-year-old K'ryssma, 29-year-old Salaak, 19-year-old Larvox, 22-year-old Kilowog & 19-year-old Tomar-Re
34 years ago - K'ryssma is selected to join the Green Lantern Honor Guard.
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 39-year-old K'ryssma, 32-year-old Salaak, 22-year-old Larvox, 25-year-old Kilowog & 22-year-old Tomar-Re
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 39-year-old K'ryssma, 32-year-old Salaak, 22-year-old Larvox, 25-year-old Kilowog & 22-year-old Tomar-Re
26 years ago - Graf Toren is selected as the new Green Lantern for his sector, openly battling the Spider Guild.
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 47-year-old K'ryssma, 40-year-old Salaak, 30-year-old Larvox, 33-year-old Kilowog, 30-year-old Tomar-Re & 37-year-old Graf Toren
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 47-year-old K'ryssma, 40-year-old Salaak, 30-year-old Larvox, 33-year-old Kilowog, 30-year-old Tomar-Re & 37-year-old Graf Toren
24 years ago - Kilowog becomes the main trainer for new Lantern recruits. One of his first recruits is Galius Zed. Tomar-Re is selected to join the Green Lantern Honor Guard.
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 49-year-old K'ryssma, 42-year-old Salaak, 32-year-old Larvox, 35-year-old Kilowog, 32-year-old Tomar Re, 39-year-old Graf Toren & 22-year-old Galius Zed.
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 49-year-old K'ryssma, 42-year-old Salaak, 32-year-old Larvox, 35-year-old Kilowog, 32-year-old Tomar Re, 39-year-old Graf Toren & 22-year-old Galius Zed.
21 years ago - Chaselon is chosen to join the Green Lantern Corp.
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 52-year-old K'ryssma, 45-year-old Salaak, 35-year-old Larvox, 38-year-old Kilowog, 35-year-old Tomar-Re, 42-year-old Graf Toren, 25-year-old Galius Zed & 15-year-old Chaselon
Membership: Mogo, Abin Sur, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 52-year-old K'ryssma, 45-year-old Salaak, 35-year-old Larvox, 38-year-old Kilowog, 35-year-old Tomar-Re, 42-year-old Graf Toren, 25-year-old Galius Zed & 15-year-old Chaselon
18 years ago - The Tchk-Tchkii, after spending several millennia trapped within their planet, develop an anti-oan war-homunculus and uploads their entire hive mind, escaping their prison and setting out to destroy the Guardians of Oa. They murder dozens of Green Lanterns including Abin Sur. Hal Jordan is chosen by Abin Sur as the new Green Lantern of Sector 2814, while Guy Gardner is chosen as his backup. He is brought to Oa where he begins his Green Lantern training with Kilowog alongside Ch'p & Medphyll before being assigned as an apprentice to Thaal Sinestro. He befriends Tomar-Re. When Legion arrives to kill the Guardians, Hal is able to absorb enough power from the battery to destroy the Legion armor. The protoplasmic remains of the Tchk-Tchkii are returned to their home planet. new recruits are selected to replenish the Corp, including Brik.
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 55-year-old K'ryssma, 48-year-old Salaak, 38-year-old Larvox, 41-year-old Kilowog, 38-year-old Tomar-Re, 45-year-old Graf Toren, 28-year-old Galius Zed, 18-year-old Chaselon, 23-year-old Hal Jordan, 4-year-old Ch'p, 26-year-old Medphyll & 25-year-old Brik
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, Thaal Sinestro, 55-year-old K'ryssma, 48-year-old Salaak, 38-year-old Larvox, 41-year-old Kilowog, 38-year-old Tomar-Re, 45-year-old Graf Toren, 28-year-old Galius Zed, 18-year-old Chaselon, 23-year-old Hal Jordan, 4-year-old Ch'p, 26-year-old Medphyll & 25-year-old Brik
17 years ago - 24-year-old Hal discovers Thaal Sinestro's tactic of ruling his home planet of Korugar through fear. Kilowog & Tomar-Re are among the only Lanterns to believe Hal's claims about Sinestro. He undermines Sinestro's regime and exposing him to the Guardians of Oa. Sinestro is stripped of his rank and banished into Qwardian Space. 21-year-old Katma Tui is offered his ring but rejects it. Instead, it is given to Stel. 42-year-old Kanjar Ro begins staging hit and run raids on the home planets of several Green Lanterns.
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 56-year-old K'ryssma, 49-year-old Salaak, 39-year-old Larvox, 42-year-old Kilowog, 39-year-old Tomar-Re, 46-year-old Graf Toren, 29-year-old Galius Zed, 19-year-old Chaselon, 24-year-old Hal Jordan, 5-year-old Ch'p, 27-year-old Medphyll, 26-year-old Brik & 6-year-old Stel
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 56-year-old K'ryssma, 49-year-old Salaak, 39-year-old Larvox, 42-year-old Kilowog, 39-year-old Tomar-Re, 46-year-old Graf Toren, 29-year-old Galius Zed, 19-year-old Chaselon, 24-year-old Hal Jordan, 5-year-old Ch'p, 27-year-old Medphyll, 26-year-old Brik & 6-year-old Stel
14 years ago - Arkkis Chummuck is selected to join the Green Lantern Corps.
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 59-year-old K'ryssma, 52-year-old Salaak, 42-year-old Larvox, 45-year-old Kilowog, 42-year-old Tomar-Re, 49-year-old Graf Toren, 32-year-old Galius Zed, 22-year-old Chaselon, 27-year-old Hal Jordan, 8-year-old Ch'p, 30-year-old Medphyll, 29-year-old Brik, 9-year-old Stel & 28-year-old Arkkis Chummuck
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 59-year-old K'ryssma, 52-year-old Salaak, 42-year-old Larvox, 45-year-old Kilowog, 42-year-old Tomar-Re, 49-year-old Graf Toren, 32-year-old Galius Zed, 22-year-old Chaselon, 27-year-old Hal Jordan, 8-year-old Ch'p, 30-year-old Medphyll, 29-year-old Brik, 9-year-old Stel & 28-year-old Arkkis Chummuck
13 years ago - Hal Jordan is assigned Arisia Rrab as an apprentice. Thaal Sinestro returns to Guardian space, having taken command of the Weaponers of Qward, who have outfitted him with a yellow Anti-Oan ring. He assaults several Green Lanterns inside their own sectors murdering 43-year-old Tomar-Re, who sacrifices himself to save Arisia before she & Hal stop him. Salaak is selected to join the Green Lantern Honor Guard upon the death of Tomar-Re.
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 60-year-old K'ryssma, 53-year-old Salaak, 43-year-old Larvox, 46-year-old Kilowog, 50-year-old Graf Toren, 33-year-old Galius Zed, 23-year-old Chaselon, 28-year-old Hal Jordan, 9-year-old Ch'p, 31-year-old Medphyll, 30-year-old Brik, 10-year-old Stel, 29-year-old Arkkis Chummuck & 13-year-old Arisia Rrab
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 60-year-old K'ryssma, 53-year-old Salaak, 43-year-old Larvox, 46-year-old Kilowog, 50-year-old Graf Toren, 33-year-old Galius Zed, 23-year-old Chaselon, 28-year-old Hal Jordan, 9-year-old Ch'p, 31-year-old Medphyll, 30-year-old Brik, 10-year-old Stel, 29-year-old Arkkis Chummuck & 13-year-old Arisia Rrab
12 years ago - Shilandra Thane is chosen as the replacement Green Lantern when her people kill the Green Lantern coming to her planet to end their apocalyptic nuclear war. She manages to save a few thousand of her people before the planet’s destruction.
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 61-year-old K'ryssma, 54-year-old Salaak, 44-year-old Larvox, 47-year-old Kilowog, 51-year-old Graf Toren, 34-year-old Galius Zed, 24-year-old Chaselon, 29-year-old Hal Jordan, 10-year-old Ch'p, 32-year-old Medphyll, 31-year-old Brik, 11-year-old Stel, 30-year-old Arkkis Chummuck, 14-year-old Arisia Rrab & 21-year-old Shilandra Thane
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 61-year-old K'ryssma, 54-year-old Salaak, 44-year-old Larvox, 47-year-old Kilowog, 51-year-old Graf Toren, 34-year-old Galius Zed, 24-year-old Chaselon, 29-year-old Hal Jordan, 10-year-old Ch'p, 32-year-old Medphyll, 31-year-old Brik, 11-year-old Stel, 30-year-old Arkkis Chummuck, 14-year-old Arisia Rrab & 21-year-old Shilandra Thane
11 years ago - Katma Tui is again offered a ring when Sinestro kills 12-year-old Stel and accepts, joining the Green Lantern Corp despite being hated by her own people. Thaal Sinestro attacks Earth, Injuring both 30-year-old Hal Jordan and his backup lantern, 28-year-old Guy Gardner. A new Green Lantern of Earth, John Stewart, is chosen and defeats Sinestro. Katma Tui & John Stewart train together on Oa and have an affair. 31-year-old Arkkis Chummuck defeats his people’s ruler in single combat, ending bloodshed on his homeworld. He is brought to trial by the Green Lantern Corps for killing & eating him, but is freed because this was a sign of great respect among his people.
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 62-year-old K'ryssma, 55-year-old Salaak, 45-year-old Larvox, 48-year-old Kilowog, 52-year-old Graf Toren, 35-year-old Galius Zed, 25-year-old Chaselon, 30-year-old Hal Jordan, 11-year-old Ch'p, 33-year-old Medphyll, 32-year-old Brik, 31-year-old Arkkis Chummuck, 15-year-old Arisia Rrab, 22-year-old Shilandra Thane, 27-year-old Katma Tui & 29-year-old John Stewart
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 62-year-old K'ryssma, 55-year-old Salaak, 45-year-old Larvox, 48-year-old Kilowog, 52-year-old Graf Toren, 35-year-old Galius Zed, 25-year-old Chaselon, 30-year-old Hal Jordan, 11-year-old Ch'p, 33-year-old Medphyll, 32-year-old Brik, 31-year-old Arkkis Chummuck, 15-year-old Arisia Rrab, 22-year-old Shilandra Thane, 27-year-old Katma Tui & 29-year-old John Stewart
10 years ago - the Manhunters destroy planet Xanshi, framing 30-year-old John Stewart. He proves his innocence in Citadel court, prompting the Manhunters to attack Oa. Kilowog leads the defence of Oa. 33-year-old Brik, 46-year-old Larvox, & 26-year-old Chaselon are killed. 15-year-old Yrra Cynil is the lone survivor of the destruction of Xanshi. She flees to deep space to escape the reach of the Green Lantern Corps, unaware that the act was actually performed by the Manhunters. She begins her advanced combat training under the darkspace warlords. 23-year-old Shilandra Thane saves several of the Manhunter’s victims populations. She creates the Mosaic World, and dedicates herself to managing it. Neil Emerson escapes Earth and begins absorbing Oan energy, internalizing his control of magnetism & battling the Green Lantern Corps. The Guardians of Oa place him in a coma. Laira is chosen as her sector's new Green Lantern after fighting her predecessor while he tries to stop her father. She goes to Oa rather than confront him.
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 63-year-old K'ryssma, 56-year-old Salaak, 49-year-old Kilowog, 53-year-old Graf Toren, 36-year-old Galius Zed, 31-year-old Hal Jordan, 12-year-old Ch'p, 34-year-old Medphyll, 32-year-old Arkkis Chummuck, 16-year-old Arisia Rrab, 23-year-old Shilandra Thane, 28-year-old Katma Tui, 30-year-old John Stewart & 19-year-old Laira
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 63-year-old K'ryssma, 56-year-old Salaak, 49-year-old Kilowog, 53-year-old Graf Toren, 36-year-old Galius Zed, 31-year-old Hal Jordan, 12-year-old Ch'p, 34-year-old Medphyll, 32-year-old Arkkis Chummuck, 16-year-old Arisia Rrab, 23-year-old Shilandra Thane, 28-year-old Katma Tui, 30-year-old John Stewart & 19-year-old Laira
9 years ago - Despero's forces fight the Green Lantern Corp, leading to a schism in the Guardians of Oa, when a group of Rogue Guardians, lead by the Guardian Scar, splinter away and create their own group of Rogue Lanterns, including Guy Gardner, Boodikka, Penn Maricc & Adara.
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 64-year-old K'ryssma, 57-year-old Salaak, 50-year-old Kilowog, 54-year-old Graf Toren, 37-year-old Galius Zed, 32-year-old Hal Jordan, 13-year-old Ch'p, 35-year-old Medphyll, 33-year-old Arkkis Chummuck, 17-year-old Arisia Rrab, 24-year-old Shilandra Thane, 29-year-old Katma Tui, 31-year-old John Stewart & 20-year-old Laira
Membership: Mogo, Apros, Hannu, Saarek, 64-year-old K'ryssma, 57-year-old Salaak, 50-year-old Kilowog, 54-year-old Graf Toren, 37-year-old Galius Zed, 32-year-old Hal Jordan, 13-year-old Ch'p, 35-year-old Medphyll, 33-year-old Arkkis Chummuck, 17-year-old Arisia Rrab, 24-year-old Shilandra Thane, 29-year-old Katma Tui, 31-year-old John Stewart & 20-year-old Laira
Rogue Lanterns: 30-year-old Guy Gardner, 25-year-old Boodikka, 40-year-old Penn Maricc & 20-year-old Adara.
8 years ago - Rogue Lantern Guy Gardner & Lantern Trainee 14-year-old G'nort are trapped on Qward. They discover Thaal Sinestro and the Weaponers of Qward's planned coordinated assault on Oa, exploiting the devide between the Guardians of Oa and the Rogue Guardians with the help of Rogue Lantern Boodikka, who dies during the assault.. Apros & 65-year-old K'ryssma are killed. They are ultimately stopped by 33-year-old Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corp.The Rogue Lanterns rings are depowered, but Penn Maricc & Adara join the fight regardless, and earn their roles in the true Corps. 36-year-old Medphyll is severely injured & returns to J586 to heal. Hannu & Shilandra Thane are selected to join the Green Lantern Honor Guard upon the deaths of Apros & K'ryssma. Rot Lop Fan is found in the Obsidian Deeps by 30-year-old Katma Tui, who helps him conceive of the F-Sharp Bell, allowing him to join the Green Lantern Corps. 27-year-old Arkillo is imprisoned on Oa for his war atrocities.
Membership: Mogo, Hannu, Saarek, 58-year-old Salaak, 51-year-old Kilowog, 55-year-old Graf Toren, 38-year-old Galius Zed, 33-year-old Hal Jordan, 14-year-old Ch'p, 36-year-old Medphyll, 34-year-old Arkkis Chummuck, 18-year-old Arisia Rrab, 25-year-old Shilandra Thane, 30-year-old Katma Tui, 32-year-old John Stewart, 21-year-old Laira, 41-year-old Penn Maricc, 21-year-old Adara & 27-year-old Rot Lop Fan
Membership: Mogo, Hannu, Saarek, 58-year-old Salaak, 51-year-old Kilowog, 55-year-old Graf Toren, 38-year-old Galius Zed, 33-year-old Hal Jordan, 14-year-old Ch'p, 36-year-old Medphyll, 34-year-old Arkkis Chummuck, 18-year-old Arisia Rrab, 25-year-old Shilandra Thane, 30-year-old Katma Tui, 32-year-old John Stewart, 21-year-old Laira, 41-year-old Penn Maricc, 21-year-old Adara & 27-year-old Rot Lop Fan
7 years ago - 18-year-old Yrra Cynril begins murdering Green Lanterns, avoiding detection from the Green Lantern Corps. Membership: Mogo, Hannu, Saarek, 59-year-old Salaak, 52-year-old Kilowog, 56-year-old Graf Toren, 39-year-old Galius Zed, 34-year-old Hal Jordan, 15-year-old Ch'p, 37-year-old Medphyll, 35-year-old Arkkis Chummuck, 19-year-old Arisia Rrab, 26-year-old Shilandra Thane, 31-year-old Katma Tui, 33-year-old John Stewart, 22-year-old Laira, 42-year-old Penn Maricc, 22-year-old Adara & 28-year-old Rot Lop Fan
6 years ago - 16-year-old Karu-Sil is found and rescued by the Green Lantern Corp. When she murders her caretakers, she is locked on Oa while they attempt to find a way to seperate her from her ghost-pack.
Membership: Mogo, Hannu, Saarek, 60-year-old Salaak, 53-year-old Kilowog, 57-year-old Graf Toren, 40-year-old Galius Zed, 35-year-old Hal Jordan, 16-year-old Ch'p, 38-year-old Medphyll, 36-year-old Arkkis Chummuck, 20-year-old Arisia Rrab, 27-year-old Shilandra Thane, 32-year-old Katma Tui, 34-year-old John Stewart, 23-year-old Laira, 43-year-old Penn Maricc, 23-year-old Adara & 29-year-old Rot Lop Fan
Membership: Mogo, Hannu, Saarek, 60-year-old Salaak, 53-year-old Kilowog, 57-year-old Graf Toren, 40-year-old Galius Zed, 35-year-old Hal Jordan, 16-year-old Ch'p, 38-year-old Medphyll, 36-year-old Arkkis Chummuck, 20-year-old Arisia Rrab, 27-year-old Shilandra Thane, 32-year-old Katma Tui, 34-year-old John Stewart, 23-year-old Laira, 43-year-old Penn Maricc, 23-year-old Adara & 29-year-old Rot Lop Fan
5 years ago - Coast City on Earth is destroyed by Mongul. the Guardians of Oa forbid Hal Jordan from rewriting time to save it, and in his grief and madness he attacks Oa with the intention of absorbing the power battery. Thaal Sinestro is released from the Power Battery by the Green Lantern Corp in a last-ditch effort to stop him. Their battle destroys much of Oa. Hal absorbs the Power Battery & becomes Parallax. Green Lantern rings across the galaxy are depowered, leading to the deaths of many Lanterns, including 33-year-old Katma Tui, Hannu, 30-year-old Rot Lop Fan, 37-year-old Arkkis Chummuck & 58-year-old Graf Toren. 17-year-old Ch’p saves thousands of civilians from the destruction of Oa. 61-year-old Salaak saves the Book of Oa, hiding it on a remote planet. 54-year-old Kilowog uses the ancient Lantern weapon the Starheart to save the Guardians by bringing them to Mogo, and folding the entire planet into the Paths Beyond. Only Ganthet remains behind. He forges a final ring and brings it to Earth, giving it to Kyle Rayner.
Sole Green Lantern: 22-year-old Kyle Rayner
Sole Green Lantern: 22-year-old Kyle Rayner
Surviving: Mogo, Saarek, 61-year-old Salaak, 54-year-old Kilowog, 41-year-old Galius Zed, 36-year-old Hal Jordan, 17-year-old Ch'p, 39-year-old Medphyll, 21-year-old Arisia Rrab, 28-year-old Shilandra Thane, 35-year-old John Stewart, 24-year-old Laira, 44-year-old Penn Maricc, & 24-year-old Adara
1 year ago - Kyle Rayner, while in space with the surviving Titans to save 27-year-old Donna Troy, discovers Thaal Sinestro amassing army in Qwardian Space. He races across the galaxy to collect a group of surviving Green Lanterns including Arisia Rrab, Salaak, Penn Maricc, Ch’p, Saarek, & G’nort to restart the Oan Power Battery and reignite the Green Lantern Corps. He's betrayed by Medphyll, whose treachery leads to his own demise. Kilowog returns Mogo from the Paths Beyond with the Guardians of Oa. 45-year-old Galius Zed uses a Zeta Beam to gather remaining Lanterns from across the galaxy to join the fight. In the ensuing battle Sinestro is again captured and imprisoned on Oa. John Stewart takes Kyle's place in the Watchtower while he works to rebuild the Corps, & Guy is chosen as the first member of the new Corp's Tactical Guard, serving as a fixer across every sector. A new generation of recruits are selected, including Soranik Natu, G’nort, & Princess Iolande.. Salaak passes on returning to the Green Lantern Honor Guard to focus on his role as the Keeper of the Book of Oa. Saarek, 32-year-old Shilandra Thane, & 21-year-old Ch'p form the new Green Lantern Honor Guard.
Restarting the Battery: 26-year-old Kyle Rayner, Saarek, 65-year-old Salaak, 58-year-old Kilowog,
Restarting the Battery: 26-year-old Kyle Rayner, Saarek, 65-year-old Salaak, 58-year-old Kilowog,
Membership: Mogo, Saarek, 65-year-old Salaak, 58-year-old Kilowog, 44-year-old Galius Zed, 21-year-old Ch'p, 25-year-old Arisia Rrab, 32-year-old Shilandra Thane, 39-year-old John Stewart, 28-year-old Laira, 48-year-old Penn Maricc, 26-year-old Kyle Rayner, 38-year-old Guy Gardner, 21-year-old G’nort, 27-year-old Soranik Natu, & 22-year-old Princess Iolande
now - 40-year-old John Stewart, after a mission into space with the Watchtower to save Superman from Warworld, trades positions with 27-year-old Kyle Rayner, taking over the posting on Oa. Hank Henshaw is imprisoned by the Corp, but is secretly stolen by the Manhunters.
Membership: Mogo, Saarek, 66-year-old Salaak, 59-year-old Kilowog, 45-year-old Galius Zed, 22-year-old Ch'p, 26-year-old Arisia Rrab, 33-year-old Shilandra Thane, 40-year-old John Stewart, 29-year-old Laira, 49-year-old Penn Maricc, 27-year-old Kyle Rayner, 39-year-old Guy Gardner, 22-year-old G’nort, 28-year-old Soranik Natu, & 23-year-old Princess Iolande.
Membership: Mogo, Saarek, 66-year-old Salaak, 59-year-old Kilowog, 45-year-old Galius Zed, 22-year-old Ch'p, 26-year-old Arisia Rrab, 33-year-old Shilandra Thane, 40-year-old John Stewart, 29-year-old Laira, 49-year-old Penn Maricc, 27-year-old Kyle Rayner, 39-year-old Guy Gardner, 22-year-old G’nort, 28-year-old Soranik Natu, & 23-year-old Princess Iolande.
3005 - the new Green Lantern Corp helps the reformed Legion of Super-Heroes retake Earth from The Dominators.
Noteworthy Members
Human Green Lanterns
Major Green Lanterns
Other Members
The whole innovation of the Silver Age reinvention of the Green Lantern was to model it after the E.E. Smith novel series "Lensman", about interstellar heroes who are granted a device by a group of benevolent aliens to police the galaxy. In the very early days of the Green Lantern comics, Hal actually never spoke in person with the Guardians. They would bring a projection of his unconscious mind before them, but he wouldn't actually remember the meeting, just their instructions. So it wasn't until Tomar Re, an alien lantern from a neighboring Sector, showed up that Hal started to get a concrete sense of the organization he was working for... and a few issues later, Hal started to meet the weird alien lanterns from all corners of the galaxy, and the Green Lantern Corps as we know them had arrived.
The Green Lantern Corps Comic History
For a long time the Green Lantern Corps would appear in the pages of the Green Lantern Comic, often as an authority for Hal Jordan to defy, although the members of the Corps all seemed to be roundly in support of him. In the broader sense, The Corps was just the framing device for the hero's origin, like Krypton exploding, in practice it actually proved to be fertile ground for new stories in it's own right. We would meet new Lanterns during the course of Hal's story, but just as often characters would be introduced in their own standalone short stories, showing just how prolific the concept of these space police was. The anthology books telling short stories about the Lanterns are some of my favorites.
It's noteworthy that while Green Lantern was a huge part of starting the Silver Age of comics, it's popularity wasn't always consistent through the years. Often the book would read as if it's trying to revitalize itself. Through it all, while the individual narratives at play were a bit hot or miss, the framing device of the Corps itself remained consistent. The 80's began with a massive crossover book, Tales of the Green Lantern Corps. it effectively upped the ante in the story of the Lanterns, bringing thousands of characters together at once, introducing new ones. The Corps fought in huge crossover battles during the Crisis of Infinite Earths, but afterward, the organization was broken up. The individual Lanterns were free to choose where they made their home, and in a move that I never personally thought was adequately explained, a bunch of them chose to come and live on Earth. |
It was pretty clearly a move to attempt to make the Green Lantern Corp more like the bestselling X-Men, but the characters were a little too same-y and the writing just not good enough to carry the book. This is an odd period for the Green Lantern Corps; unique in that it might be the only time when it's not meant to describe a galaxy-spanning police force with thousands of members, but rather a group of a half-dozen or so individuals all living under one roof and arguing over who needs to take out the trash. The book was cancelled in 1988.
In 1990, a new Green Lantern series began with Hal Jordan starting to recruit a new Corps, grabbing veterans from the original series and introducing new ones. This is the series that included the destruction of Coast City and Hal's insane attack on Oa and the destruction of the Corps... but it's noteworthy that the Corps he was destroying wasn't in fact the one that had been around for 30 years of comics, but one that had been rebuilt in the last three. After a decade of Kyle Rayner being the sole Lantern in the Galaxy, Geoff Johns came onboard and restarted the Green Lantern Corps proper, making it even bigger as each sector now had TWO Lanterns (clearly to accommodate the fact that Earth has so many). Johns wrote a massive amount of content stretching over multiple series... It's a good read, but of course this is basically where we stop following along with the continuity of the comics because his ideas broke away from existing canon so severely. |
Our Green Lantern Corp StoryTo begin with, some of the best Green Lantern stories are the individual one-off short tales that have happened over the years, so a lot of our story is going to be built from all those little tales coming together. The overall timeline of the Corps is built from the major battles it's dealt with, which include the attack on Oa by Legion during Hal's first year as a Lantern, the various attacks by Sinestro, or the Manhunters, and most importantly, the fall of Oa and the Corps at the hands of Hal Jordan..
Kyle is going to serve for several years as the lone surviving Green Lantern, but we're manufacturing a story where he discovers that Sinestro is amassing forces, and travels across space finding certain former Lanterns, each with pieces of what he needs to relight the Oan Battery. In the end he's able to re-assemble the Corps as surviving lanterns from all across the Galaxy have their rings re-powered, and they are able to come to help him defeat Sinestro's forces, and begin the Corps again. In our timeline, the distinction between the Corps before Hal's attack and after is more pronounced. In the comic, Geoff Johns brough almost everyone back from the dead, even ones Hal hadn't personally killed. In our timeline, the loss of life from each of the battles the Corps fights is tragic, and those Lanterns who fall... fall. Which means that we're constantly seeing the induction of new Green Lanterns. This isn't just one of a half dozen Lantern Corps scattered across a galaxy that doles out power rings like candy... this is a singular group of unique heroes serving as a beacon of righteousness for the whole Galaxy. |