Georgia Sivana
18 years ago - Georgia Sivana & her brother Thaddeus Sivana Jr are both created, clones of Thaddeus Sivana.
4 years ago - 14-year-old Georgia tries to make Mary Bromfield miserable for helping Billy Batson defeat her father, Doctor Sivana. Mary manages to undermine her efforts without stooping to her level.
2 years ago - 16-year-old Georgia & Thaddeus Sivana Jr are empowered along with their older brother Magnificus Sivana by Thaddeus Sivana's artificial Rock of Eternity they fight Billy Batson, Freddie Freeman & Mary Bromfield until they are all tricked into saying Sivana and depowered.
Sivana Jr & Georgia Sivana are both obscure characters with very few appearances under their belts. It's really just their connection to Sivana, who was such a huge part of the mythology of Captain Marvel that he's practically a co-star, that gives them any lasting impression on comics at all. We're going to include them more because it gives us events to flesh out the stories of Mary & Freddy.
Georgia's Comic HistorySeveral years after the introduction of Captain Marvel and Doctor Sivana, when the themes and ideas of the series were already deeply entrenched, it was basically just coasting on the rampant popularity of the character, so they could feel free to introduce new ideas without a lot of friction. It was already established that Beautia, Sivana's daughter and Captain Marvel's adult sort-of girlfriend and her himbo brother Magnificus were both raised on Venus, so when the writers decided to essentially make spin off Sivana's to appear with Captain Marvel Jr. and Mary Marvel, it was a simple matter of just walking the new characters into frame.. Georgia Sivana appeared for the first time in 1945, in issue #1 of Mary Marvel Comics, capturing Mary and tying her to a tree so that she could explain that she was Sivana's daughter, was evil, and was now Mary's nemesis. You'd think there would at least be a resume involved.
When the Captain Marvel characters transitioned into the DC anthologies of the 70's Georgia appeared in a few issues, but after that she only ever cropped up in series that were deliberately referencing the past, like 52 and Multiversity. |
Our Georgia StoryWe could have left the Sivana children out of our timeline pretty easily, and in fact ARE leaving out Beautia, because she never really had an adversarial role against the Marvels and we really don't need an adult girlfriend for Billy Batson, thank you very much. We're really just grabbing Sivana Jr. and Georgia to provide one-time challenges for an unpowered Freddy Freeman & Mary Bloomfield. We've altered their backstories a little; These two characters differ from their older brother in that they're basically carbon copies of the elder Sivana, so we just made them clones.
Really, the main reason we want to have these three in the timeline was so that we could create something similar to the events of Grant Morrison's Multiversity: Thunderworld one-shot, where Sivana manages to build an artifical rock of eternity and empower his children. Magnificus becomes a sort of "Captain Sivana", and the Marvels have to trick them into saying their magic words to lose their powers. It's a really cool little story, and fits really well into our timeline. In particular, Georgia Sivana's transition in to a bombshell comic book superheroine who is obsessed with her looks only to be outsmarted by Freddy is just brilliant, and we absolutely want to include it. |