General Ph'yzzon
30 years ago - Ph'yzzon is born on Tamaran.
20 years ago - 10-year-old Ph'yzzon is sent to begin his warrior training with the warlords of Okaara.
15 years ago - 15-year-old Ph'yzzon is taken as a slave when the Gordanians invade Tamaran.
7 years ago - 23-year-old Ph'yzzon escapes Gordanian enslavement & forms a rebellion against them to free his people. He travels to Earth to recover Princess Koriand'r, along with Dick Grayson, bringing her back to Tamaran to overthrow the Gordanian rule of his planet. In order to be legitimized as the new ruler of his people, He marries Koriand'r.
5 years ago - 25-year-old Ph'yzzon remains on Tamaran as Koriand'r returns to Earth.
2 years ago - 28-year-old Ph'yzzon accepts Koriand'r when she returns to Tamaran, their relationship becoming more personal.
1 years ago - 29-year-old Ph'yzzon assists Koriand'r when she helps all the surviving Titans venture into space in order to save Donna Troy.
now - 30-year-old Ph'yzzon fortifies Tamaran against the forces of Lady Styx as Koriand'r joins Adam Strange's Omega Men.
General Ph'yzzon's StoryIn order to tell our version of Starfire, we needed a major defining moment to end her time on Earth and her engagement with Grayson. We had already intended to make the coup to free her people from slavery to be a major arc for her. It just makes sense that she would have to marry to protect the lineage of the royal family, and Ph'yzzon is clearly the best candidate for that role, both as the leader of the resistance and the person who actually wound up marrying Kori in comic continuity.
The Titans timeline in comics got a little wonky in this era as there didn't seem to be one truely solid series continuing their adventures and as a result a lot of the Perez/Wolfman Titans spend a few years adrift, so it's a little fuzzy just who this character is and how he affected Kori. We've chosen to essentially make him a new character entirely, a bold and dashing but also very duty-bound warrior who is truely the ideal choice to lead Tamaran. He embraces his role as the new King and supports Kori in everything she does, Even if that means going back to Earth. In fact, it's kind of important in resolving Kori and Dick's relationship that Ph'yzzon gives her that space. Their relationship needs to be more plationic so that she can return to Grayson, see that he really has moved on from her, and allow her to finally release the imprint that he has clearly always had on her since the day she kissed him to learn english. That story is easier to take when She has a partner that loves and respects her that she can build her new life with. |