Four Eyes
1914 - Shane Hawkins is born in Kentucky.
1927 - 13-year-old Shane is taught to shoot by his grandfather.
1932 - 18-year-old Shane takes over his families general store. He sets up his first amateur "ham" radio.
1941 - 27-year-old Hawkins goes to fight in WWII after Pearl Harbor, becoming the radio operator for Easy Company. They ship out to England to prepare to fight.
1942 - 28-year-old Hawkins & Easy Company are sent into the fight.
1945 - 31-year-old Hawkins & the rest of Easy Company are killed to the man in the last battle of WWII.
The Sergeant Rock comics were action-packed adventures, and while they definitely had a group of named characters that made up Rock's Easy Company, they for the most part didn't drive the story so much as populate it. We did learn more about them over time, just because they appeared so often, but it was pretty peripheral to the actual excitement du jour.
So we are going to do something fun. We have a specific archetype in mind; one taken from a specific story that we believe was itself taking cues from Sergeant Rock and Easy Company, and use that as our template for these characters.
So we are going to do something fun. We have a specific archetype in mind; one taken from a specific story that we believe was itself taking cues from Sergeant Rock and Easy Company, and use that as our template for these characters.
Four Eyes' StoryThis one is actually a little awkward. I know that Four Eyes debuted in 80-Page Giant # 7 from 1965, because the internet told me so. I know his first appearance in Our Army at War is in issue # 178 in 1967... again, because the internet told me so. I've read these comics, and tried to comb through as much of the classic Our Army at War and Sgt. Rock issues in which he is supposed to appear that I can.... and I just can't honestly say I've found him. I know a lot of appearances of characters from Easy Company amount to just being a face in the background, and I have seen a face with glasses pop in the background here and there... so we know he's THERE, but I just haven't seen a story actually featuring this character. If you can direct me to one, please do!
We know, from character descriptions, that Four Eyes is actually the best shot in Easy Company, but his main defining characteristic is the fact that he wears glasses. He doesn't even have a real name. Fantastically, our character template ALSO features a character whose main characteristic is his glasses. We stole his name from the movie (and from the actor playing him), and decided that he's also Easy Company's radio operator (like my grandfather in World War 2!) The fact that we have a parallel even for THIS is just proof of how fantastic this template for Easy Company is! |