Cosmic Boy
19 years ago - 18-year-old Rokk Krinn appears in Smallville along with Imra Ardeen & Garth Ranzz to save Clark Kent from a time-displaced Brainiac 6.0.
2974 - Rokk Krinn is born on Braal
2984 - 10-year-old Rokk begins playing competitive Magnaball, quickly becoming a star player.
2988 - 14-year-old Rokk becomes a planetary magnaball sensation.
2990 - 16-year-old Rokk is in a devastating accident. the magnetic manipulation tech is written into his biology. He, Irma Ardeen & Garth Ranzz save RJ Brande from an assassination attempt, and decide to form the Legion of Super-Heroes. He becomes their leader Cosmic Boy.
2992 - 18-year-old Rokk participates in Querl Dox's temporal experiment, going back in time to stop Brainiac 6 from killing Clark Kent.
2995 - 21-year-old Rokk & the Legion attempt to stop a rogue Sun-Eater. When Tharok presents a plan to do so with no loss of life, Rokk agrees to release him and allow him to create a team of other Legion enemies. They stop the Sun-eater, but are able to escape, becoming the Fatal Five. Rokk steps down as active leader of the Legion, even though subsequent leaders continue to defer to him.
2997 - 23-year-old Rokk is one of the only people that know that Jo Nah is infiltrating a notorious criminal organization.
3000 - 26-year-old Rokk is depowered by Lord Mordru during the Magic Wars. The Legion of Super-Heroes is disbanded and he returns to Braal.
3002 - 28-year-old Rokk fights in the war between Braal & Imsk, saved in assault by enemy combatant Salu Digby.
3004 - 30-year-old Rokk marries his war-mate, Lydda Jath. They have their son Pol, named for Rokk's brother who died in the war.
3005 - 31-year-old Rokk answers the call to reunite the Legion of Super-Heroes & stop the Dominators control of Earth. He is repowered by Querl Dox, & reconciles with Salu Digby
Cosmic Boy has been present through every iteration of the Legion. In fact, he's the only member of the team to ever star in his own series. Rokk was the consumate leader, fitting into the same niche as characters like Cyclops, Nightwing... and perhaps even Captain America. He was steadfast in that role, but just what sort of personality he had shifted quite a bit over the years. Still, the fact that (even when other characters were the team's official leader) he was their FIRST leader always gave him a very particular relationship with the rest of the team.
So what do we use in our interpretation of the character? One of the biggest changes we HAVE to make is the same change we're trying to make for ALL the members of the Legion. It just doesn't work for any superhero to have their powers simply be part of their people's biology; particularly if there are tons of other members of their people running around the galaxy. A superhero's powers need to be unique to them. That's been a tennant we've followed across our project, and it's just as important here. It's understood that Rokk was a star Magnaball player when he was younger, so we simply used that as the source of his powers. People that control magnetism tend to be very powerful characters. While obviously he can't be operating at Magneto power levels, it actually totally works for Cosmic Boy to be especially powerful.. We've done quite a bit of work to pull major story elements from all across the Legion's vast history and assemble a timeline for them that feels cohesive and complete, and Rokk is heavily featured in it as one of the founders and main characters on the team. While we generally haven't gone out of our way to select a single look and characterizaton from the wide variety of versions of the character we have at our disposal so that we are more free to use a cross section of all of them, we still feel like we've done an effective job of making this a definitive take on the character. |