Amon Sur
36 years ago - Amon Sur is born the son of Abin Sur, the Green Lantern.
26 years ago - 10-year-old Amon Sur's mother Munni Joh is possessed by the Star Saphire & killed. He blames his father Abin Sur's career as a Green Lantern for the death of his mother.
19 years ago - 17-year-old Amon Sur is caught working as a smuggler by his father Abin Sur, who refuses to help and and insists that he pay for his crimes, sending him to Citadel prison.
18 years ago - 18-year-old Amon Sur's father dies. He escapes prison and returns to his life as a smuggler.
13 years ago - 23-year-old Amon Sur becomes a captain of his own ship in the Black Sun Mercenaries, raiding Citadel Space.
10 years ago - 26-year-old Amon Sur captures Hal Jordan and attempts to steal his father's ring. He is defeated but manages to escape justice.
7 years ago - 29-year-old Amon Sur is finally captured by Hal Jordan and imprisoned on Oa.
5 years ago - 31-year-old Amon Sur escapes from his imprisonment by the Green Lantern Corp while he is being moved off-planet to Citadel prison in anticipation of Hal Jordan's attack. He is able to save Thaal Sinestro & escape with him to Qwardian Space, breeching the prison of the Weaponers of Qward.
3 years ago - 33-year-old Amon Sur frees Arkillo & Karu-Sil from Citadel prison, becoming Thaal Sinestro's chief lieutenant, armed with a simplified version of Sinestro's yellow ring. They mobilize the Weaponers of Qward, building up their war efforts to take surrounding sectors.
1 year ago - 35-year-old Amon Sur & Thaal Sinestro's forces battle the reunited Green Lantern Corp. He is killed in the battle.
Amon Sur was an innovative addition to Green Lantern's rogue gallery, but unfortunately before he was given an opportunity to really take hold and establish himself as something unique, the Green Lantern comics began to shift themselves away from stories about individual characters and into tales of large groups of similar-looking alien armies. We really do think Amon had a chance to be something fun, and we'd like to find a way to make that happen.
Amon Sur's Comic HistoryAmon appeared for the first time in 2003, created by Judd Winick. It's a pretty straight-forward character concept that does a really good job of taking advantage of what looks, in hindsight, to be some pretty low-hanging narrative fruit; that Hal Jordan's predecessor's son would resent him for devoting himself to the Corp and would want to take his revenge on the current Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner. As obvious as the concept might be now, it was a completely new innovation that worked well.
His later appearances all took place after Hal Jordan returned as the Green Lantern of Earth, and this made Amon's hatred feel more personal, as Hal had been the man to actually take over after his father. The Green Lantern comics soon were tied up in the development of first the Sinestro Corp and then the broader multi-collored Latern Corp, and Amon was an obvious candidate for those groups from the very beginning, often serving as the entry character for readers to follow as these newly established groups were being created. |
Our Amon Sur StoryWhile we're not using the Sinestro Corp, the original innovation of Amon Sur is actually a really good one and we have every intention of using him as much as we can as a really well-designed enemy for Hal during his time as a Green Lantern. Rather than put him in a Lantern costume, we think he works better simply as a smuggler, pirate, and all-around intergalactic criminal who continually buts heads with his own father's legacy. The story feels more lived in and compelling that way.
He also works very well as an eventual Lieutenant for Sinestro's expanded forces, but we still maintain that Sinestro wouldnt ever give people his own power. While Amon and the other Lieutenants will have basic rings that will allow flight, He should be using all sorts of sci-fi weapons and technology to fight the corp. This character has a lot of potential as a Green Lantern villain if he's allowed to stand on his own. |