All-Star Squadron
38 years ago - The All-Star Squadron is created by a coalition of heroes to stop Vandal Savage from taking over all the world's communications. Their facilities in the Perisphere from the 1939 world fair are built by 57-year-old Iron Munro, who declines to join the team. Membership: 25-year-old Laurel Drake, 24-year-old Dan Garrett, 32-year-old Ted Knight, 17-year-old Langford Terrill, 31-year-old Cliff Steele, 26-year-old Eel O'Brian, 32-year-old Danette Reilly, 25-year-old Libby Lawrence, 23-year-old Johnny Chambers
37 years ago - Justin is saved from his curse by the All-Star Squadron, and joins them, along with John Law. They are confronted by William Asmodeus Zard accusing them of secretly being criminal themselves. Membership: 26-year-old Laurel Drake, 25-year-old Dan Garrett, 33-year-old Ted Knight, 18-year-old Langford Terrill, 32-year-old Cliff Steele, 27-year-old Eel O'Brian, 33-year-old Danette Reilly, 26-year-old Libby Lawrence, 24-year-old Johnny Chambers, 27-year-old Justin, 28-year-old John Law
36 years ago - 27-year-old Laurel Drake takes a leave of absence from the All-Star Squadron to give birth to Dinah Lance. Membership: 26-year-old Dan Garrett, 34-year-old Ted Knight, 19-year-old Langford Terrill, 33-year-old Cliff Steele, 28-year-old Eel O'Brian, 34-year-old Danette Reilly, 27-year-old Libby Lawrence, 25-year-old Johnny Chambers, 28-year-old Justin, 29-year-old John Law
34 years ago - Hank Heywood joins the All-Star Squadron. They battle Terry Rothstein as he works for Vandal Savage as Cyclotron, hiding his identity from Dannette Reily Membership: 28-year-old Dan Garrett, 36-year-old Ted Knight, 21-year-old Langford Terrill, 35-year-old Cliff Steele, 30-year-old Eel O'Brian, 36-year-old Danette Reilly, 29-year-old Libby Lawrence, 27-year-old Johnny Chambers, 30-year-old Justin, 31-year-old John Law, 26-year-old Hank Heywood
33 years ago - Sylvester Pemberton & Pat Dugan help the All-Star Squadron fight the Vandal Savage's Injustice Society, and become their newest members. The Squadron battles Morgaine Le Fay Membership: 29-year-old Dan Garrett, 37-year-old Ted Knight, 22-year-old Langford Terrill, 36-year-old Cliff Steele, 31-year-old Eel O'Brian, 37-year-old Danette Reilly, 30-year-old Libby Lawrence, 28-year-old Johnny Chambers, 31-year-old Justin, 33-year-old John Law, 27-year-old Hank Heywood, 14-year-old Sylvester Pemberton, 22-year-old Pat Dugan
32 years ago - 38-year-old Danette Reilly's powers fade. She retires. The Squadon battle the Socialist Red Guardsman. Membership: 31-year-old Laurel Drake, 30-year-old Dan Garrett, 38-year-old Ted Knight, 23-year-old Langford Terrill, 37-year-old Cliff Steele, 32-year-old Eel O'Brian, 31-year-old Libby Lawrence, 29-year-old Johnny Chambers, 32-year-old Justin, 33-year-old John Law, 28-year-old Hank Heywood, 15-year-old Sylvester Pemberton, 23-year-old Pat Dugan
30 years ago - 32-year-old Dan Garrett completes his master's degree & semi-retires to focus on his doctoral studies. 34-year-old Eel O'Brian semi-retires. 25-year-old Langford Terrill begins working for S.H.A.D.E. Membership: 33-year-old Laurel Drake, 40-year-old Ted Knight, 39-year-old Cliff Steele, 33-year-old Libby Lawrence, 31-year-old Johnny Chambers, 34-year-old Justin, 35-year-old John Law, 30-year-old Hank Heywood, 17-year-old Sylvester Pemberton, 25-year-old Pat Dugan
29 years ago - 31-year-old Crusher Crock is sent to prison by the All-Star Squadron.when Paula Brooks rolls over on him. Membership: 34-year-old Laurel Drake, 41-year-old Ted Knight, 40-year-old Cliff Steele, 34-year-old Libby Lawrence, 32-year-old Johnny Chambers, 35-year-old Justin, 36-year-old John Law, 31-year-old Hank Heywood, 18-year-old Sylvester Pemberton, 26-year-old Pat Dugan
28 years ago - 19-year-old Sylvester Pemberton leaves the Squadron to work alone. When he dies stopping Brainwave, 27-year-old Pat Dugan also quits. 35-year-old Laurel Drake is injured while fighting William Asmodeus Zard and Larry Lance is promoted to Lieutenant, so they decide for her to retire from the All-Star Squadron. Membership: 42-year-old Ted Knight, 41-year-old Cliff Steele, 35-year-old Libby Lawrence, 33-year-old Johnny Chambers, 36-year-old Justin, 37-year-old John Law, 32-year-old Hank Heywood
27 years ago - 33-year-old Hank Heywood leaves the Army & the All-Star Squadron. He becomes an Argus operative. Membership: 41-year-old Ted Knight, 42-year-old Cliff Steele, 36-year-old Libby Lawrence, 34-year-old Johnny Chambers, 37-year-old Justin, 38-year-old John Law
25 years ago - 45-year-old Ted Knight suffers a nervous breakdown. Membership: 44-year-old Cliff Steele, 38-year-old Libby Lawrence, 36-year-old Johnny Chambers, 39-year-old Justin, 40-year-old John Law
24 years ago - 37-year-old Johnny Chambers & 39-year-old Libby Lawrence have their daughter Jesse Chambers, and both retire. 45-year-old Cliff Steele is recruited into the Doom Patrol. The remaining members of the Squadron choose to close the team.