14 years ago - The Brute Robot is built by H.I.V.E. scientists.
10 years ago - The Brute Robot is stolen from H.I.V.E. by Derek Reston. He kills the former Ace, and takes his place in the Royal Flush Gang.
7 years ago - Ace & the Royal Flush Gang go up against Green Arrow.
4 years ago - Ace & the Royal Flush Gang fight the Justice League.
Making Ace a superstrong android might have been a smart move because it elevated the Gang to a more obvious threat to the Justice League, but it also helped narratively. When Ace was the leader, it disrupted the dynamic of the royalty-named characters. Once Ace becomes the Gang's big gun, it frees up the role of leader for the King, since it doesn't really make sense to have a King and have him NOT be the leader.
Our Ace StoryThe role of Ace in the Royal Flush Gang has actually changed around quite a bit over time; back in the original 1966 version of the Gang, Ace was actually Amos Fortune himself, the founder and leader of the Gang.
In 1982, when a new version of the Gang was assembled, this time with actual names and personalities, it was Ace that did the assembling, at first appearing to be an older black man, but later revealed to actually be an android that was reporting to the man assembling this new team, Green Lantern villain Hector Hammond. This idea of Ace being a superstrong android has persisted through most of the Gang's appearances, culminating in Batman Beyond version of the Gang where he no longer spoke, and instead was the Gang's enforcer. In our timeline, we imagine that the Gang has always maintained their Ace as a huge bruiser, but it's only when Derek Reston arrives to become the new Jack that he brings his stolen H.I.V.E. robot to claim this role and become his own personal enforcer. This is our own invention, as is the name "The Brute Robot". I really like how this little twist makes the idea of an android powerhouse a little more complex. |