< 9 Years Ago >
Despero's forces fight the Green Lantern Corp, leading to a schism in the Guardians of Oa, when a group of Rogue Guardians, lead by the Guardian Scar, splinter away and create their own group of Rogue Lanterns, including 30-year-old Guy Gardner, 25-year-old Boodikka, 40-year-old Penn Maricc & 20-year-old Adara.
the Joker kidnaps 19-year-old Barbara Gordon, 44-year-old James Gordon, & a pregnant 35-year-old Sarah Essen. Barbara is injured freeing herself. The Joker attempts to shoot and kill Sarah to push the commissioner to madness, but Barbara takes the bullet instead, leaving her paraplegic. Gordon refuses to let 30-year-old Bruce Wayne kill the Joker, proving him wrong. The Joker escapes custody and flees the country.
32-year-old Harvey Dent kills one of his henchmen; 14-year-old Jason Todd's father. He traps 30-year-old Bruce Wayne, who orders 17-year-old Dick Grayson not to try to save him. Still angry after 19-year-old Barbara Gordon was shot by the Joker, and growing disilutioned with Bruce Wayne's intractibility, Dick tries to save Bruce anyway and fails, beaten mercilessly by Two-Face. Bruce fires Dick as Robin. When he finds Jason stealing components off the Batmobile he takes him hin and begins training him as the new Robin.
25-year-old Renee Montoya is promoted to detective, and is singled out by 43-year-old Crispus Allen as his new partner in the Major Crimes Unit. She helps catch 32-year-old Harvey Dent who becomes obessed with her. He has a private investigator out her as gay, and frames her for his death before kidnapping her. She manages to appeal to his original Harvey Dent identity, using it to escape and arrest him. She comes out to her family, who disown her.
15-year-old Betty Kane meets 17-year-old Dick Grayson after he's left behind his Robin identity. She helps him remember why he does what he does, and they work together for a time, taking on the names from a Kryptonian Folk legend, Nightwing & Flamebird. He returns to the TItans, and she accepts some designs from him to start building her own equipment, and begins building the resources to make her own spin-off Teen Titans West team.
30-year-old Kirk Langstrom fears he is regressing when the Man-Bat begins to appear again in Gotham. Eventually he and 30-year-old Bruce Wayne discover that Kirk's wife Francine has been accidentally dosed, and are able to cure her.
23-year-old Silver St. Cloud meets 30-year-old Bruce Wayne, and begins their romance.
27-year-old Roman Sionis invites 26-year-old Selina Kyle to work for him. When she refuses, he has her tailed and photographed. A mysterious photo leak exposes her past, and she loses her position in Gotham society. Returning to the East End, 47-year-old Slam Bradley convinces her that she could make a difference for the people here.
29-year-old Simon Jones frees 38-year-old Mikron O'Jeneus & 20-year-old twins Baran & Selinda Flinders from prison to reform the Fearsome Five. They release 19-year-old Niharika Dyal from Star Labs as their newest member. They battle Superman & the Teen Titans.
18-year-old Jimmy Olsen is finally hired full time by the Daily Planet rather than just being a content creator, given creative control over their Social Media devision.
27-year-old Robert DuBois builds a small, under-powered tessaract of his own to create a portable armory, and uses it to escape Kandor. He tracks 26-year-old Clark Kent to Metropolis, fighting him to a standstill and using kryptonite amunition to put him the hospital. He is stopped by 18-year-old Jimmy Olsen, who reveals that his brother is still alive. DuBois surrenders.
15-year-old Gar Logan & the Teen Titans confront 45-year-old Madame Rouge's secret assassin academy. She is imprisoned and the school is closed, her students taken in by 74-year-old Sandra Knight at the Universite Nortre Dame Des Ombres. 20 -year-old Angela Hawkins fights the Teen Titans when they confront her school, but abandons the fight when she learns that the headmistress is her mother Madame Rouge in disguise.
Chemo is built by Professor Ramsey Norton, a purely plastic containment android meant to resolve chemical catastrophies. When esposed to an unknown combination of toxic chemicals it's programming is scrambled, causing it to go haywire and rampage through Midway City before it is stopped by 33-year-old Will Magnus's Metal Men.
32-year-old Hal Jordan & 30-year-old Carol Ferris finally end their relationship. The Star Sapphire crystal breaks free from Oa and forcefully bonds with her, overwhelming her so severely that when the connection is severed, the neurological damage leaves her in a wheelchair.
32-year-old Arthur Curry, feeling he can trust his half-brother, permits 43-year-old Orm Marius to leave his prison and join the Atlantean Court to attend his wedding to 25-year-old Mera, despite 57-year-old Nuidis Vulko's protests. 59-year-old Tom Curry overcomes his fear of the depths of the ocean to attend the wedding. 24-year-old Nanaue begins attacking the outskirts of Atlantean territory, until Arthur stops him.
34-year-old Barry Allen is expelled from the Justice League when 37-year-old Eobard Thawne attempts to draw him into the Speed Force by trying to Murder 35-year-old Iris Allen, who is pregnant with twins. When he tries again they are both drawn inside. Barry outruns him, cast back along Thawne's broken timeline, arriving in the future year 2969, managing to save Iris by depositing her in the 30th century. Barry is absorbed into the Speed Force, while Eobard is killed.
34-year-old Leonard Snart, 32-year-old Mick Rory & 17-year-old Hartley Rathaway attend the funeral of 34-year-old Barry Allen. Hartley comforts 17-year-old Wally West & decides to quit the Rogues, instead going to school to become a social worker.
17-year-old Wally West is passed the mantle of the Flash when 34-year-old Barry Allen dies saving 35-year-old Iris Allen's life. He settles in Keystone City to begin college, where he dates 17-year-old Frances Kane, nicknaming her Frankie.
33-year-old Arthur Light hacks the Justice League satellite transporters. He tries to attack 26-year-old Sue Dibny who fends him off until the League arrives. They vote to have 23-year-old Zatanna wipe his mind; with 28-year-old Ralph Dibny, 52-year-old Shiera Hall, 58-year-old Carter Hall, 30-year-old Ray Palmer & 20-year-old Ronnie Raymond voting yes, and 33-year-old Oliver Queen, 27-year-old Dinah Lance, 32-year-old Hal Jordan & 36-year-old Martin Stein voting no (26-year-old Clark Kent, 30-year-old Bruce Wayne, 23-year-old Diana Prince, 32-year-old Arthur Curry, J'onn J'onzz & Red Tornado are not present.) Light is left in a coma. Zatanna quits the League out of guilt, while Ralph & Sue quitto become full-time detectives
39-year-old Despero attacks & destroys the Justice League Satellite. Red Tornado sacrifices himself to save them, his consciousness uploading itself into the League Database. Despero engages in an extended battle of wills with J'onn J'onzz with the lives of the Justice League hanging in the balance. 31-year-old John Stewart undertakes a mission to Despero's home planet of Kalador to extinguish the nuclear Fires of Py'tor, saving their lives of the Justice League but leaving him temporarily wheelchair bound. The Justice League collapses.
31-year-old John Stewart, temporarily wheelchair bound after his mission to Kalador, chooses to complete his bachelors degree in architecture, leaving 32-year-old Hal Jordan the sole Green Lantern of sector 2814 again.
16-year-old Roy Harper creates his own street-level team in Star City, the Outlaws, including 17-year-old Grace Choi, 16-year-old Cisco Ramon, 15-year-old Cindy Reynolds & 22-year-old Artemis Crock. In an attempt to stop the growing drug trade in the city in 33-year-old Oliver Queen's absense they attempt to stop 40-year-old William Tockman, but are systematically picked apart. Cisco & Cindy are killed, and in the aftermath Artemis & Grace are both disillusioned with heroics. Roy's self loathing worsens, and his drug habbit becomes more severe.
38-year-old Ben Turner acts as the League of Assassins agent in Star City, testing 33-year-old Oliver Queen. He finds that the true threat to the League is 27-year-old Dinah Lance, but recognizes her as his former student, overcoming his brainwashing to misdirect the League away from her.
42-year-old John Dee finds that he is able to draw on the power of his ruby and escapes Arkham, taking it from it's secure storage in Mayhew, New York, finding it far more powerful than ever before. He uses the ruby to torture several bystanders, bringing their darkest nightmares to the surface before he is stopped by the newly-freed Morpheus of the Endless. His ruby is destroyed, he is returned to Arkham.
28-year-old Daniel Cassidy meets Jason Blood, who agrees to help hunt for a pair of tablets Wayne Tarrant discovered that could hold the secret to undoing Dan’s transmutation. They find them in the Dibang Valley in Arunachal Pradesh, revealed to be a trap laid by the demon Nebiros, allowing him to escape imprisonment. Blood ensures that he is unable to leave hell or enter the mundane world.
24-year-old David Zavimbe first meets 40-year-old William Glenmorgan, working with him to thwart one of the largest ivory smuggling operations on the continent.
28-year-old Noah Kuttler's network is tracked down by 33-year-old Oliver Queen & 32-year-old Hal Jordan. He is shut down and imprisoned.
22-year-old Artemis Crock breaks into the Justice Society Brownstone to steal her father Crusher Crock's equipment.
31-year-old Edward Nygma begins working as an information broker & freelance problem solver. He continues to stage his heists but they are designed to draw less attention.
25-year-old Danton Black recovers in the hospital, discovering his ability to split himself into duplicates. He becomes the criminal and mercenary Multiplex, battling 36-year-old Martin Stein & 20-year-old Ronnie Raymond's Firestorm.
22-year-old Bette Sans Souci attempts to stage her terrorist bombing but is defeated by 20-year-old Ronnie Raymond & 36-year-old Martin Stein as Firestorm when they removes her explosive tech, rendering her harmless.
27-year-old Caitlyn Snow conducts her Biocryonic experiement using data from the Nuclear Matrix. She is mutated into a heat vampire, and becomes Killer Frost. She attacks 20-year-old Ronnie Raymond & 36-year-old Martin Stein as Firestorm who have to find a way to adapt to her powers.
21-year-old Lorraine Reilly discovers Ronnie Raymond & Martin Stein’s secret identity as Firestorm. She begins to help them.
23-year-old Diana establishes her own Amazonian embassy after the collapse of the Justice League with assistance from 23-year-old Etta Candy & 35-year-old Helena Sandsmark. Kobra attempts to infiltrate the embassy, but are routed by Diana.
The Ultra-Humanite, aware of the downfall of the Justice league, begins a secret campaign of extortion across the planet, using the funds to build a network of mind control nodes.27-year-old Michael Holt discovers his actions, and conceives of the new Justice Society, first uses his longtime nickname as a superhero identity, becoming Mister Terrific. 35-year-old Pieter Cross, 23-year-old Karen Starr, 58-year-old Carter Hall, 18-year-old Albert Julian Rothstein, 17-year-old Todd James Rice & 17-year-old Jennifer-Lynn Hayden join him.
52-year-old Shiera Hall semi-retires to curate the Hall Museum, although she still regularly goes on adventures with 58-year-old Carter Hall.
33-year-old John Henry Irons realizes that Cyber-Tech are selling his weapons to Intergang. He loses everything when he tries to fight them, and realizes that 34-year-old Bruno Mannheim has put a price on his head. He returns home to protect his family, where he meets his niece 10-year-old Natasha Irons, and finds work in his families high steel business.
36-year-old Malcolm Merlyn kills 53-year-old Jacob Kane, an interpol investigator investigating weapon trafficking by the League of Assassins, to earn favor after his recent failures. 25-year-old Kate Kane leaves the CID and becomes an Interpol investigator in order to take over his investigation, following his trail around the world.
35-year-old Cole Cash saves an enclave of Kherubim, refugees of one of the Daemonite plunder worlds. They begin operating as his support staff, maintaining his equipment and providing tactical support.
50-year-old Kanjar Ro attempts to raid Rann. He is stopped by 28-year-old Adam Strange and 26-year-old Alanna.
40-year-old Mark Bloodwynd first begins to use his magic to protect people, preserving magical balance.
16-year-old Connor Hawke is confronted by the monkey cult, and earns a place among the world's martial arts elite.
61-year-old Ted Knight is diagnosed with cancer. the discovery leads to a break thru in 25-year-old David Knight's research. Bathed in quantum energy, David converts his biomass to living cosmic energy, becoming the new Starman. 28-year-old Kitty Faulkner breaks up with him, refusing to accept that his misuse of his own research was for the greater good.
15-year-old Betty Kane goes to the olympics, but suffers a career ending injury.
40-year-old Mike Miller is parolled. With help from J'onn J'onzz, he's able to get work as an auto mechanic, and begin rebuilding his relationship with his daughter.
35-year-old Valentina Vostok, clearly suffering as the host of The Negative Soul-Self has it extracted from her by 60-year-old Niles Caulder, ending her time as Negative Woman.
26-year-old Selma Tolon finishes med school & joins the Red Crescent, a disaster relief group.
17-year-old Mal Duncan wins a mysterious horn that manipulates magic and opens dimensional portals. He is pursued by the extra-dimensional beings that forged it, and is helped by the Teen Titans.
30-year-old Ray Palmer takes on a brilliant teenage lab assistant, 16-year-old Karen Beecher.
30-year-old Lester Buchinski Returns to Star City and becomes 40-year-old William Tockman's chief enforcer.
19-year-old Jennifer Morgan & 34-year-old Mariah Romanova set sail for the North Pole and find an entrance into Skartaris. They are attacked and captured by Theran slavers. Mariah is able to escape, and finds her way to Shamballah, and tells 46-year-old Travis Morgan that his daughter is lost in Skartaris. Morgan, Mariah, 42-year-old Machiste & 18-year-old Shakira ride off to find and save her. Jennifer is found by Faaldren and brought to Castle Deimos so her blood can sustain the rejuvenating Deimos., allowing him to regrow his body. Ashiya sense Jennifer's magical sensitivity and begins to train her to become an apprentice, intent on using her against Morgan, unaware that Jennifer is secretly beginning to master her own sorcery.
30-year-old Hank Henshaw's hyperspace experiment goes awry killing or mutating the entire crew. Hank gains the ability to alter his body but is unable to return to his proper form, and saves his own life by uploading his consciousness into a computer. He gains the ability to alter his mechanical form, and threatens to take over all of Metropolis. 26-year-old Clark Kent stops him by uploading his consciousness into a far more complex Kryptonian datanode from his Birthing Matrix, setting it adrift in space.
27-year-old Lana Lang accepts Doug Parker's proposal. They travel to Metropolis to introduce him to 26-year-old Clark Kent. Lana meets 28-year-old Lois Lane for the first time. She tells Clark that Lois is bringing out an openness and willingness to connect to the world in him that he has always needed.
24-year-old Celia Forrestal completes flight school & becomes an air force pilot.
21-year-old Victor Zsasz loses everything in a poker game with 34-year-old Oswald Cobblepot. He kills for the first time, making the first cut on his body.
24-year-old Jack Ryder & Vera Sweet stake out a drug deal for his show, and witness 34-year-old Oswald Cobblepot's men selling smuggled joker venom to 40-year-old Felix Faust. When the are caught she is killed, and Faust magically fuses him with the Venom before he is tossed into Gotham Harbor, where he manifests a unique magical identity, the Creeper, who torments his attackers to near-insanity. Ryder dedicates himself to getting rid of his alter ego.
40-year-old Felix Faust, in his hunt for the Spear of Destiny, frees Blackbriar Thorn to learn secrets of the Druids of Cymru. they are stopped by Justice Society.
33-year-old Vic Sage is beaten near to death. He learns from 34-year-old Richard Dragon & 25-year-old Lady Shiva, his nature at war with itself.
32-year-old Roland Desmond moves into Bludhaven & begins building cosolidating his new empire.
30-year-old Stanley Kitch learns that his ex-fiancé Vera Sweet's body was found in an abandoned building in Gotham Harbor. He recognizes the building as one previously owned by one of 34-year-old Oswald Cobblepot's shell companies, but cannot prove it. He quits the FBI, enrolls in the police academy and joins the GCPD as a rookie.
Boston Brand finds his own killer & brings him to justice, but still isn't permitted to move on.
29-year-old Wu Mei-Xing is momentarily exposed to a theoretical god particle during the activation of her accelerator. Her husband leaves her when it appears that she is infertile. She focused on her research.
29-years-ago Curt Calhoun kills a prominent federal prosecutor, and is caught by the Freedom Fighters. He becomes a subject of the First Strike Program's phasic experiments for the Warmaker Project, where he discovers what he calls the "ghost zone". He uses it to escape, and begins to explore the world looking for his own access.
22-year-old Cyril Sheldrake's father 45-year-old Percival Sheldrake is killed by Spring-heeled Jack., and he begins to lose himself to gambling & drink.
26-year-old Ted Kord becomes the new CEO of Kord Omiversal, consolidating control and rebuilding the company as Kord Industries.
25-year-old Tigorr leaves his homeworld after a Citadel attack kills much of his tribe including his wife. He goes to Hardcore Station and enlists for service with the Galactic Fleet
25-year-old Liam Hawkleigh is selected to test the Gunbunny, an augmented reality AI sniper spotter. Seeing the potential, he fakes his death and steals the prototype, becoming an elite assassin.
25-year-old Cat Grant's ex-husband Joe Morgan sues her for child endangerment, citing the attack on Metropolis by General Zod, seeking full custody of Adam.
23-year-old June Moone loses control of herself to the extradimensional entity buried in her subconscious, which calls itself the Enchantress. She takes control of Midway City, and is only stopped by the Justice Society.
23-year-old Rac Shade battles the Daemonites when they invade his planet. They fail, and his is imprisoned in an extra-dimensional torture chamber, the "Area of Madness"
21-year-old Carla Moretti is caught in a pyroplastic accident. She is hospitalized and summarily discharged from the army, but discovers that her latent firestarter abilities have been unlocked, and begins training to use them in secret.
Granny Goodness discovers Auralie's love of dancing. She fits her with High Voltage Shock Boots created by Desaad and makes her dance in them before the Female Furies until she immolates herself. Heartbroken, Big Barda finds Himon, who gives her a motherbox. She tells Scott Free of Auralie's death and helps him escape the X-pit, not yet ready to free herself. Himon opens a boom tube for him to escape to Earth, but he is bombarded by Mass-Gravity, the weight of Apokolips itself bearing on him. Darkseid is certain he cannot muster the will to survive as he and Metron watch, but Scott makes it to the boom tube, upending Darkseid's plans for the non-aggression pact. with no capacity to accept that Scott has, in fact, escaped his domain. He tasks Doctor Bedlam with tracking and capturing him.
Scott Free arrives on Earth and is taken in by Thaddeus Brown, a circus escape artist. When Brown is murdered, Scott takes on his stage name, Mister Miracle, to solve the crime.
Grr saves Dr. Osamu Kitamura from Dr Ushitaro’s orbital station when he is kidnapped by his robot creations.
18-year-old Mari Jiwe McCabe begins to access her shamanic powers to summon animal totems, and starts using them to help people all over Detroit as VIxen.
22-year-old Kate Spencer goes to law school.
19-year-old Deborah Camille Darnell begins working as an art forger.
18-year-old Harleen Quinzell goes to college on an academic scholarship to study psychology, escaping her mother and stepfather.
18-year-old Luke Fox attends MIT, and begins secretly competing in amateur MMA.
18-year-old Ivan Evans is released from juvie, and begins dealing. He's again arrested, this time tried as an adult.
18-year-old Clara Kendall goes to college to study journalism.
17-year-old Felicity Smoak attends MIT to study software & network engineering
15-year-old LeToya Charles loses her right arm from abusing the drug Tar. She enters into a Wayne Foundation rehab program.
15-year-old Karon comes out as gay, and her mother throws her out of their home. In a homeless shelter, she meets 14-year-old Holly Robinson and nurses her through a drug overdose. Karon goes on to help Holly fight her addiction.
11-year-old Nia Nal begins taking hormone blockers.
16-year-old Don Hall & Hank Hall's father, a federal judge, is kidnapped. Desperate to help him but with diametrically opposed opinions on the right way to do so, the brothers attract the attention of T'Charr & Terataya, lower lords of chaos & order that had secretly fallen in love. They are empowered to summon magical powers as Hawk & Dove, saving their father.
9-year-old Joshua is chosen by thieves guild from the war orphan refugees in Shamballah for his speed and cleverness, becoming a pickpocket and sneakthief.
8-year-old Freddy Freeman's mother abandons him. He's placed into foster care, moving between different households.
8-year-old Brenda Del Vechio's mom dies after a long illness, leaving her in the care of her father.
4-year-old Phoss starts raising her riding catepillar Stan from a grub.