< 53 Years Ago >
24-year-old Non-Ek brings 18-year-old Jor-El's theories about the inevitable destruction of the planet to the leader of the Warrior Caste, 26-year-old Dru-Zod.
27-year-old Randu Singh regularly travels as part of his work, and studies other mentalism practices from around the world, developing a familiarity with spellcraft.
22-year-old Prince Garnet is married. He becomes the new Lord Garnet.
19-year-old Zatara begins his stage show.
17-year-old Danette Reilly begins studying vulcanology.
17-year-old Pat Gugan submits pictures of his rocket car project to hot rod magazine. He's first contacted by 9-year-old Sylvester Pemberton, who offers to give him the funds to build a real rocket car.
16-year-old Niles Caulder begins college.
15-year-old Lara Lor-Van joins the Lawgiver Caste as a Cadet.
9-year-old Rose Forrest's second personality Thorn manifests to protect her from her abusers.
James Gordon is born in Gotham City.
Steve Dayton is born, the only heir to the Daystrom fortune.
Jason Woodrue is born.
Winslow Schott is born in England, the son of Archemedes Schott and heir to the Schott Toy Company.
Joe Carny is born.