< 4 Years Ago >
28-year-old Bane escapes Pena Dura and makes his way to Gotham. He frees the prisoners of Arkham to torture 35-year-old Bruce Wayne, then confronts him and breaks his back. He rules Gotham's underground until 20-year-old Jean-Paul Valley, having taken over as Batman while Bruce Wayne recovers, Defeats him and brings him in. He slowly rebuilds Batman into a reflection of Azrael, and after he kills 54-year-old Rupert Thorne, Bruce has to battle him to retake the Batman mantle. Bruce retrains his body under the guidance of 30-year-old Lady Shiva.
30-year-old Waylon Jones battles 28-year-old Bane as he attempts to take over the Gotham underground. He is eventually found and captured by 22-year old Dick Grayson.
32-year-old Garfield Lynns is among the inmates of Arkham released by 28-year-old Bane. He returns to his hidden lab and uses a new prototype costume to attack the police before he is stopped by 35-year-old Bruce Wayne.
39-year-old Oswald Cobblepot breaks up his organixation under a variety of underbosses after 20-year-old Jean Paul Valley kills 54-year-old Rupert Thorne, now the sole head of organized crime in Gotham. 46-year-old Arnold Wesker takes over a portion ofThorne's territory after his death, paying up to Cobblepot becoming a rival & underling.
42-year-old Jonathan Crane is freed from Arkham by 28-year-old Bane. He attempts to attack Batman but is unprepaired for 20-year-old Jean Paul Valley's hightened level of violence.
The Joker is among the Arkham inmates freed by Bane. He enacts an elaborate plan that nearly floods the entire city, only to be recaptured to avoid Bane's rule of the underground.
26-year-old Victor Zsasz is freed from Arkham by Bane, he takes over a catholic school and stages a hostage situation.
31-year-old Selina Kyle knows immediately that Jean Paul Valley isn't Batman, collecting information about him with the help of 51-year-old Slam Bradley. 35-year-old Bruce Wayne reveals his identity to her, and she helps him recover his batsuit and reclaim his mantle. Their relationship moves forward.
13-year-old Courtney Whitmore finds 51-year-old Pat Dugan's workshop & steals the starbelt, becoming the new Star-Spangled Kid. Pat allows her to adventure but only with him accompanying her as S.T.R.I.P.E. They are asked by Power Girl to join the Justice Society. Pat accepts to give Courtney the opportunity.
15-year-old Tim Drake is locked out of the batcave by Jean-Paul Valley.
58-year-old Alfred Pennyworth travels to Europe with Bruce Wayne as he seeks out treatments for his broken back. Unable to watch him torture himself, Alfred tenders his resignation.
15-year-old Tim Drake works with the Huntress, discovering that she is actually his teacher, 26-year-old Helena Bertinelli. His approval of her helps her standing with 35-year-old Bruce Wayne, who beings including her as an operative.
49-year-old James Gordon is cut out of Batman's mission by 20-year-old Jean-Paul Valley. 22-year old Dick Grayson fills in for Batman while he recovers from his broken back. He resolves the relationship with Gordon.
45-year-old Lex Luthor's clone rapidly ages. He stages his own return, claiming Cadmus was holding him. he brings 30-year-old Mercy Graves out of her coma and gives her a weaponized cybornetic arm. He rebuilds Metropolis after the attack by Doomsday, using this as the platform for his presidential campaign. He wins the election and is elected president.
41-year-old Jefferson Pierce accepts a posting by President Luthor as secretary of education.
18-year-old Anissa Pierce starts studying pre-med at Tulane University. upon graduating high school and starting college, She starts using her powers as Thunder. Her father, 41-year-old Jefferson Pierce, tries to discourage her, but she loves it.
4 years ago - 23-year-old Jimmy Olsen track's Intergang's weapon supplier with 56-year-old Dan Turpin, and disappears through a boom tube back to Apokolips, surviving there for several days. He sends messages back to Turpin, and Himon helps him escape to New Genesis, where he tells Highfather of the coming Parademon wave invasion.
31-year-old Clark Kent, Scott Free & Big Barda join the Justice League in fighting the Parademon wave invasion, with the people of Metropolis rallying behind 56-year-old Dan Turpin as he commandeers an Apokoliptan Tank and inflicts heavy casualties before he is killed by Darkseid.
Highfather asks The Forever People to return to New Genesis to help navigate the Boom Tube inversion field around the planet, and is able to bring the warriors of New Genesis to Earth to fight the Parademon wave. He names Earth a protectorate of New Genesis, making the invasion a violation of the non-aggression pact by Apokolips. A new non-aggression pact is made, with the stipulation that Scott Free & Big Barda can return to Apokolips to earn their freedom.
Big Barda & Scott Free are given an opportunity, thanks to Highfather's new non-aggression pact, to return to Apokalips and win their freedom in combat. Darkseid gives them an impossible opponent, Brimstone. Scott uses a series of lasers to disrupt Brimstone's magnetic field so Barda can destroy the techno seed within.
Doctor Bedlam is taken back to Apokolips after the Parademon wave invasion to suffer Darkseid's wrath.
37-year-old Maggie Sawyer defends the population of Metropolis during the invasion by Apokolips. She mourns the death of 56-year-old Dan Turpin with his daughter, Maisie Turpin. She becomes the new captain of the Metropolis PD
39-year-old Bruno Mannheim escapes from Apokalips control after they attack Earth, stealing to create a Earth-based boomtube network, his body mutating to grow in size, held in check by regular doses of boomtube energy.
25-year-pld Leslie Willis stages a concert to disrupt the cleanup of Metropolis after the Parademon attack. She is struck by an energy discharge from a dying Mother Box. She becomes Livewire, and begins to attack 31-year-old Clark Kent until he's able to capture her.
17-year-old Kara Zor-El stops 32-year-old Robert DuBois from fufilling a contract on 31-year-old Clark Kent in the aftermath of the Parademon attack on Metropolis, but is severely hurt in their fight and realizes she needs to be considerably more prepared. She later captures 26-year-old Joseph Martin.
28-year-old Emil La Salle, while working with Intergang, is struck by the energy feedback of stored Boom Tube energy. He is unable to stop teleporting, losing his matter cohesion until he is trapped in an experimental teleport device inside 63-year-old Brain's secret lab. The Brain stablizes him & he contacts 45-year-old Monsieur Mallah, letting him know that the Brain is alive. He escapes prison with 37-year-old Christopher Smith, & they travel to hidden lab and work together to gain access, only for Chris to discover that Mallah's old partner, and the ultimare expression of his father's beliefs, is the Brain, before Mallah kills him. Reunited, Mallah & the Brain begin to rebuild the Brotherhood of Evil. The Brain drugs 50-year-old Madame Rouge & 25-year-old Angela Haswkins to control their reunion.
21-year-old Kendra Saunders steals a Thanagarian harness & sets out to bring her parent's killers to justice, taking the name Hawkgirl.
37-year-old Hal Jordan begins building a Planetary Quantum Tesseract around the dead planet that was shattered by Krona, trying to reproduce his time travel experiments. Rip Hunter brings 23-year-old Kyle Rayner to stop him, assembling a small group of heroes including 38-year-old Oliver Queen, 22-year-old Arisia Rrab, 30-year-old Tigorr, 45-year-old Mark Bloodwynd, & 17-year-old Grant Emerson. Oliver tries to talk Hal down, but when Grant is able to absorb all the ambient energy from the Planetary Quantum Tesseract and destroy it, Hal kills him, convincing Oliver that he can't be saved, forcing him to kill his friend.
21-year-old Connor Hawke takes over the role of Green Arrow when 38-year-old Oliver Queen retires after he is forced to kill 37-year-old Hal Jordan. He approaches 22-year-old Felicity Smoak to help set up his new operations. She creates a whole network system for him with multiple headquarters, quickly proving indispensable. She reached out online to 24-year-old Barbara Gordon for help with some of the system infrastructure. 45-year-old William Tockman's businesses are slowly dismantled by the new Green Arrow. He retaliates by having 32-year-old Dinah Lance's flower shop destroyed.
Koriand'r stays sometimes with 33-year-old Buddy Baker, and sometimes with 22-year-old Dick Grayson, although their relationship is complicated.
24-year-old Barbara Gordon sees that 21-year-old Koriand'r is staying with 22-year-old Dick Grayson. After helping 22-year-old Felicity Smoak with some of the system infrastructure for the network systems she's building for 21-year-old Connor Hawke, She starts building her plans to run her own field agent. She recruits 32-year-old Dinah Lance, using a system hotkey designated Birds of Prey.
The original Titans, including 22-year old Dick Grayson, 22-year-old Wally West, 21-year-old Roy Harper, 24-year-old Garth & 24-year-old Donna Troy reform. They invite 20-year-old Jesse Chambers, 24-year-old Vic Stone, 23-year-old Koriand'r & 17-year-old Toni Monetti to join them.
1-year-old Lian Harper lives full-time in TItans Tower with her nanny, Chanda Madam.
H.I.V.E. battle the Titans. 43-year-old Mikron O'Jeneus is again imprisoned, & 22(65)-year-old Damien Darhk's clone body is destroyed. 67-year-old Thaddeus Sivana acquires their island property.
23-year-old Jade Nguyen manipulates her DEO imprisonment to take over the facility and kill her biological father. She is stopped by the Titans.
17-year-old Toni Monetti discovers that her father has been laundering money for organized crime, and helps the Titans stop him.
33-year-old Ira Billings uses his completely rebuilt technology to trap 24-year-old Donna Troy in a even more complex illusion in which she is trapped in an endless cycle of torment, wanting to see if he can break her. Donna is able to overcome the illusion with the help of 23-year-old Kyle Rayner and 21-year-old Roy Harper, and together they are able to capture him.
Vandal Savage begins his plans for Tartarus.
28-year-old Karen Starr becomes the new chairperson of the Justice Society. She deliberately begins aggressively recruiting young heroes to mentor.
40-year-old Helena Sandsmark is granted permission to visit Themyscira while working on her book.
28-year-old Diana Prince is poisoned by 30-year-old Barbara Ann Minerva in an attept to complete her control over her own curse slowly reverting her to clay, slowed only by her magic lasso. They battle within the depths of Barbara's god's domain, until Diana strips her of her curse and leaves her powerless in the jungle.
30-year-old Kate Kane discovers the League of Assassins, and their involvement in her father's assassination. She resigns her Interpol commission and becomes in independent operative. working to dismantle their organization.
14-year-old Cassie Sandsmark travels with her mother Dr Helen Sandsmark to Themyscera while she works on her book, and steals several Amazonian artifacts to become Wonder Girl. When she returns them, she manages to gain an audience with Zeus & impresses him, gaining her powers. Diana Prince, Artemis & Nubia agree to help train her on Themyscira. She soon joins Young Justice.
20-year-old Sebastian Blood uses the power upset in hell to move against his predecessor, usurping the role of Brother Blood.
23-year-old Ivan Evans is paroled and starts taking over gang territory across Dakota City, leading to a street war. 15-year-old Virgil Hawkins follows 16-year-old Francis Stone after he harrasses 15-year-old Frieda Goren with an ill-conceived plan to teach him a lesson, finding himself at the Big Bang street brawl with 15-year-old Richie Foley, which is targeted for a secret experiment by 43-year-old Edwin Alva, detonating Alva Technologies Gene-Bomb & exposing everyone present to their experimental mutagenic compound. including 15-year-old Virgil Hawkins. This results in the creation of several augmented humans locally called 'bang babies'. Virgil gains his electrical powers & becomes the new hero Static to stop Francis from attacking his neighborhood, using equipment built by Richie, who believes himself to be unaffected by the gene-bomb. Virgil briefly takes refuge during the fight in Frieda's room as she learns his secret, becoming his confidant despite not returning his affections. 20-year-old Adam Evans is rejected from his record company due to his mutation, and attacks their studios, only to be stopped by Static. His sister 19-year-old Sharon Hawkins discovers his secret and helps him understand the biology of his powers. Ivan gains his shadow powers, takes the name Ebon, and starts gathering the most deformed bang babies into his own street gang, the Meta-Breed. Alva technologies begins secretly detaining & experimenting on bang babies. Frieda starts working for the school paper, while also running her own news blog.
43-year-old Eric Needham dies while attempting to kill the other members of the Suicide Squad.
15-year-old Tim Drake, 13-year-old Bart Allen & Superboy discover the abandoned Mount Justice, and form Young Justice. Red Tornado creates a new body for himself to serve as Mount Justices caretaker. They are soon joined by 14-year-old Cassie Sandsmark, 14-year-old Cissie King-Jones & 15-year-old Virgil Hawkins, although Cissie retires after she nearly kills someone.
37-year-old Bonnie King loses custody of 14-year-old Cissie King-Jones after she becomes Arrowette. 40-year-old Helena Sandsmark accompanies and supports Cissie during the process.
15-year-old Stephanie Brown discovers that her father 37-year-old Arthur Arthur Brown is the Cluemaster. She becomes Spoiler, perpetually hounding her father while he attempts to restart his criminal career until she gets him re-arrested and out of her life. She meets 15-year-old Tim Drake, and begins assisting him.
15-year-old Lonnie Machin first begins campaigning as Anarky, bringing him into conflict with 15-year-old Tim Drake.
47-year-old Thomas Oscar Morrow and 39-year-old Will Magnus have a falling out when Will refuses to allow his research to be sold on the open market. Morrow loses ownership of Oolong Island to Magnus.
47-year-old Thomas Oscar Morrow joins 50-year-old Anthony Ivo' full time. Together they complete the Tomorrow Woman android.
38-year-old Vic Sage leaves Hub City.
33-year-old Kitty Faulkner's bio-energy catalyser is brought online for the first time. The test is sabotaged, leading to a catastrophic build up of energy. Kitty is caught in the explosion as she works to make sure that her staff can escape. Her body is altered to absorb and metabolize energy, causing her to grow and effecting her ability to think rationally. In her confusion she lashes out, and 31-year-old Clark Kent worries that a rampaging Kitty is actually 33-year-old Lois Lane. Kitty is only able to stop her body from metabolizing ambient energy by being kept in stasis in Star Labs.
31-year-old Clark Kent and 33-year-old Lois Lane are married. 53-year-old Perry White, 23-year-old Jimmy Olsen, 32-year-old Lana Lang, 31-year-old Pete Ross & 30-year-old Cat Grant attend. Mr. Mxyzptlk appears a week before the wedding wedding to torment them, but ultimately he wishes them well.
32-year-old Manchester Black discovers a renegade living inter-dimensional ship. He uses his powers to cut all ties with his handlers and begins assembling the Elite. When Superman temporarily deactivates his powers, he is imprisoned. His sister 26-year-old Vera Black speaks to him in prison, and gets him to reveal how to access his ship.
21-year-old Pamela Sonjia is freed from the Daemonites by Manchester Black and joins the Elite. She helps fight Superman who defeats her by chemically rendering her Symbeasts inert.
31-year-old Clark Kent comes into conflict with the Elite, and has to fight them alone as a matter of principal to defend his entire life mission. He defeats them humanly.
22-year-old Wally West & 22-year-old Linda Park are married. 22-year-old Dick Grayson is his best man & 22-year-old Hartley Rathaway is a groomsman. Linda begins her career as a reporter in Keystone city
22-year old Dick Grayson is drawn back to Bludhaven when 27-year-old Lady Elaine Marsh-Morton murders 61-year-old John Law.
24-year-old Tony Woodward incites a riot. He falls into a vat of molten steel from a starr labs facility. He gains is synthetic metal body and goes on a rampage, eventually stopped by 22-year-old Wally West.
40-year-old Albert Desmond is released from prison. He volunteers to help 22-year-old Wally West, becoming one of his closest allies.
53-year-old General Wade Eiling engineers 26-year-old Scott Sawyer replacing 29-year-old Celia Forrestal on the Global Guardians, He loses his comission when Sawyer goes crazy.
26-year-old Scott Sawyer takes over America's seat in the Global Guardians as Warmaker-One from 29-year-old Celia Forrestal who temporarily retires. When the strain of suporting the Warmaker weapons prove too much, he kills 24-year-old Dorah Leigh for rejecting him. He fights 40-year-old Dmitri Pushkin, destroying his suit, before he is killed by Celia. 38-year-old Fang Zhifu is pulled back to China, & 26-year-old Hugh Dawkins leaves the team after their death.
23-year-old Leonid Kovar joins the Global Guardians after Warmaker One goes rogue in order to diminish America's influence on the team. 27-year-old Cyril Sheldrake joins as the new representative from England.
Eclipso possesses a Columbian farmer that discovers the Heart of Darkness in his field, and is passed from host to host until he is able to possess a local cartel leader, consolidating power and beginning to corrupt the drugs shipped from his village to exert his influence on the world. He is tracked down and stopped by the Global Guardians. They take possession of the Heart of Darkness, which is sent to a stateside Star Labs fascility run by 35-year-old Ray Palmer.
47-year-old Machiste & 39-year-old Mariah Romanova reconnect when she comes to Kiro.
Superboy begins to develop a relationship with Clark Kent.
The Rotal Flush Gang battle the Justice League. They escape by abandoning 28-year-old Derek Reston, severely undermining 49-year-old Joe Carny's authority & costing him any respect from 45-year-old Mona Wayland.
49-year-old Jason Woodrue attempts to unify the plant population of the planet and eradicate all non-plant life. He is stopped by the Justice League & Swamp Thing
44-year-old Neil Emerson's asteroid base is discovered by the Justice League. They work with 23-year-old Kyle Rayner to defeat him, returning him to prison on Earth. Kyle becomes a League reservist.
38-year-old Arthur Light attempts to stealing technology from the labs of 40-year-old Kimiyo Hoshi. He destroys an experimental photon accelerator to escape. Kimiyo body begins generating dangerous amounts of energy. She contains it using Doctor Light's equipment, staying with the Justice League until she's able to undo the effects.
23-year-old Kyle Rayner meets 24-year-old Deborah Camille Darnell, who has an apartment in his building. They are casual aquantences and flirt occasionally. 22-year-old Jennifer-Lynn Hayden moves to New York and becomes his roommate.
21-year-old Yrra Cynril finds her way into occupied Qwardian space and steals her own anti-oan power ring from the Weaponers of Qward. She returns to earth to attack 36-year-old John Stewart, but he finally is able to convince her of his innocence. Her ring finds it's way to 25-year-old Alexander Nero, an ideal weilder. he attacks 23-year-old Kyle Rayner eventually having his ring removed when he is defeated and returned to the asylum.
23-year-old Kyle Rayner is confronted by Mongul in deep space and manages to defeat him on his own, handing him over to an interstellar prison.
63-year-old Carter Hall & 57-year-old Shiera Hall discover that 37-year-old Carl Sands is the reincarnation of Hath-Set when he steals the soul-knife, regaining full access to his shadow self. He almost kills Shiera, and she & Carter retire to their Egyptian villa.
33-year-old Waylon Jones is treated by 60-year-old Leslie Thompkins and given space to stay. he starts protecting her clinic.
28-year-old Rac Shade recovers his powers, and finds Kathy George, who is now in a relationship. He comes to reside in the Hotel Shade, a crux of Madness energy.
36-year-old Mark Mardon manges to retake remote control of his nano-satellites from prison and escapes. he rejoins the Rogues.
48-year-old King Faraday temporarily serves in Luthor's cabinet but quickly steps down.
Zauriel, a guardian angel of the Eagle Host in love with his human charge and trying to earn his mortality, learns the secret of Asmodel's plan to overthrow the Throne of Heaven by allying with Hell. He falls to Earth to escape Asmodel, falling in with his charge, and ultimately stopping Asmodel's assault on Heaven by the Bull Host with the help of J'onn J'onzz. Asmodel is sent to Hell. Zauriel is granted mortality, but his charge rejects him. He becomes the protector of Los Angeles.
23-year-old Mikaal Thomas is sent to Earth to begin scouting for the coming invasion. He becomes a musician in Los Angeles.
40-year-old Pieter Cross's definitive metahuman medical guide is published. He begins communicating with 16-year-old Nia Nal, discussing the specific complications of her gender reassignment surgery.
16-year-old Raquel Eruin has her baby, and takes a leave of absence from superheroics. Augustus Freeman IV operates alone for the time, but is far less effective without her.
58-year-old Jim Harper's 21-year-old granddaughter Jaime becomes a cop in Gotham.
48-year-old Tobias Whale is released from prison, and begins focusing his attention on building up his remaining legitimate shipping companies.
35-year-old Carol Ferris begins work on the new facilites for Ferris Air. She hires 36-year-old John Stewart to head up the design team, who proves a loyal friend while she undergoes her long healing process.
36-year-old Mark Mardon manges to retake remote control of his nano-satellites from prison and escapes. he rejoins the Rogues.
45-year-old Mike Miller purchases his own auto shop.
26-year-old Jack Knight and 24-year-old Sadie Nash's flirtation becomes an affair. When she discovers that she is pregant, she chooses to reject her father 69-year-old Kyle Nimbus's vendetta to be with Jack.
20-year-old Violet begins to learn more about Gabrielle Daou, exploring her Muslim faith.
29-year-old Inza Cramer is overwhelmed by her amulet. The Justice League find Kent Nelson in Fate's Tower. He battles Inza, saving her from T'Giian. They are married by Nabu, & return to the tower.
29-year-old Hiro Kunikawa is struck by the feedback wave of a discharging quantum device as he is saving rockstar Egao Yamamoto, who develops a version of his powers and becomes Bishonen.
14-year-old Georgia Sivana & Thaddeus Sivana Jr try to make 14-year-old Mary Bromfield & 13-year-old Freddie Freeman's lives miserable, ruining their lives for helping 13-year-old Billy Batson defeat her father, 67-year-old Doctor Sivana. They manage to outthink them without stooping to their level.
61-year-old Uncle Dudley learns that 13-year-old Billy Batson is Captain Marvel, becoming an even more important mentor and role model.
23-year-old Heino Okata is the only person able to observe the actions of the Helix corporation, as they take over public perception and turn them against Big Science Action. He helps expose them as an alien psychic virus, and becomes BSA’s newest member.
32-year-old Sapphire Stagg marries her college boyfriend, Albert Song.
39-year-old Werner Vertiz's sister dies, leaving his young niece as the new Queen of Vlatava.
41-year-old David Connor contracts a degenerative neurological disease.
26-year-old Lorraine Reilly's father retires from the US Senate. She begins taking over his staff.
9-year-old Luke McDunnagh's powers manifest. He has to start practicing with his dad, 60-year-old Eel O'Brian.
35-year-old Adam Strange's Zeta Beam effect is stabilized by Sardath, letting him choose one planet as his permanent home. He and 31-year-old Alanna are married, and soon their daughter Aleea Strange is born.
Mareena is born, the daughter of 24-year-old Garth and 21-year-old Dolphin, delivered by 62-year-old Nuidis Vulko. She first meets 3-year-old Arthur Curry Jr.