< 38 Years Ago >
23-year-old Johnny Chambers begins using his speed powers as Johnny Quick.
Vandal Savage's organization attempts to launch a network of satellites to take over the world's communications, but are stopped by the All-Star Squadron.
25-year-old Laurel Drake, 24-year-old Dan Garrett, 32-year-old Ted Knight, 17-year-old Lanford Terill, 31-year-old Cliff Steele, 26-year-old Eel O'Brian, 32-year-old Danette Reilly, 25-year-old Libby Lawrence & 23-year-old Johnny Chambers form the All-Star Squadron. Their facilities in the Perisphere from the 1939 world fair are built by 57-year-old Iron Munro, who declines to join the team.
Atrocitus is given a Red Lantern battery by the Controllers, an experiment in manipulating Anti-Oan energy. His followers vie for his favor to become his Red Lanterns, rage-fueled warriors whose power consumes them. The Red Lanterns begin to unify Sector 666 under him and his regime.
The Controllers experiment with Anti-Oan energies. Despite finding them unstable, they secretly craft a Red Lantern Battery for Atrocitus as an experiment. His followers vie for his favor to become his Red Lanterns, rage-fueled warriors whose power consumes them. 25-year-old Bro'Dee witnesses as the Red Lanterns begin to unify Sector 666 under Atrocitus's regime.
29-year-old William Asmodeus Zard returns to America, presenting himself as mentalist and stage magician the Wizard. He starts building his own secret criminal empire.
29-year-old Thomas Wayne completes his residency & begins his surgical fellowship.
25-year-old Jonathan Kent's father passes away, leaving him the farm. He & 24-year-old Martha Clark reconnect over their mutual loss.
33-year-old Thaddeus Sivana's theorums are completely rejected. He is written off as a madman and slips into despair.
24-year-old Jim Harper becomes the adult golden gloves champion.
17-year-old Pat Dugan submits pictures of his rocket car project to hot rod magazine. He's first contacted by 9-year-old Sylvester Pemberton, who offers to give him the funds to build a real rocket car.
17-year-old Paula Brooks moves to America after her father's death and becomes a professional thief.
17-year-old Slam Bradley enlists in the army to avoid becoming a mob hitter.
14-year-old Tobias Whale starts dealing drugs.
13-year-old John Dee steals his mother's pendant for the first time, his obsession deepening.
12-year-old Prince Garnet saves the Lady Emerald from a magical whirlwind, casting himself into the Paths Beyond. He is found by the Lords of Order & Chaos, taken in as their agent, agreeing to pay his debt to them by traveling the Paths and observing the many worlds there, taking the name Rhodo.
Highfather hides a next generation mother box from the grounds of the Academy of Higher Consciousness. When Vykin the Brave discovers that Doctor Bedlam is hiding on New Genesis to steal it, Serifan & Beautiful Dreamer help him find the mother box, with secret assistance from the groundskeeper Big Bear. Mark Moonrider tries to stop them and find it for himself, but ultimately they all work together, and Vykin is able to bond with the mother box, Maya, and stop Doctor Bedlam.
11-year-old Lex Luthor stages his father's death when he realizes the insurance payout is all he will ever get from his father.
9-year-old Christopher Chance becomes a ward of the state after he watches as his father is killed by a loan shark's assassin.
7-year-old Angela Roth is abandoned by her mother, and is taken in by the first in a series of abusive foster homes.
7-year-old Jefferson Pierce's father Alvin begins researching real estate developer Victor Swann and his plan of building an arena in Southside Metropolis. 24-year-old Rose Canton's father is killed by Victor Swann and the 100 as they take over Metropolis's underworld. She is placed in a sanitarium.
5-year-old Richard Drakunovski escapes from his captors & begins living as a street thief.
Floyd Lawton is born the son of industrialist, weapons contractor & champion hunter George Lawton.
Pamela Isley is born.
Curt Calhoun is born on a commune to social malcontent parents.
Simon Jones is born.
Edgar Cizko is born.
Giovanni Giuseppe is born to a family of circus acrobats.
Wu Mei-Xing is born to a wealthy Shanghai family.