< 35 Years Ago >
33-year-old Lara-El gives birth to 36-year-old Jor-El's son, Kal-EL. Jor-El, perceiving the imminent destruction of Krypton, chooses Earth as a suitable destination in a last-ditch effort to save his family. His hyperspatial test rocket, a direct violation of Kryptonian Council law, is discovered. He is brought before the Council & sentenced to imprisonment in the Phantom Zone when the destruction of his plant begins. He escapes and is able to send his newborn son Kal-El in the experimental craft, launching it toward Earth moments before the destruction of Krypton. He and Lara-El die in each other's arms.
Kal-el's rocket lands in a cornfield in Kansas. 28-year-old Jonathan Kent & 27-year-old Martha Kent, after years without success having kids of their own, find Kal-el's crashed ship in the North 40 during a blizzard. Thinking that he is a human victim of a cruel experiment, they pass off the boy as their own, naming him Clark after Martha's maiden name and hiding the craft under their barn.
Krypton's destruction throws Argo from its orbit, dooming its inhabitants. 15-year-old Kara Zor-El's parents Zor-El and Alura, believing Zor-El's brother's predictions of the imminent destruction of Krypton, place the family in suspended animation in hopes that they can be saved.
The Eradicator uploads itself into Jor-el's hyperspace pod to escape the destruction of Krypton, but is locked out of the pod's higher functions by Jor-el's datacore.
21-year-old Tomar-Re is unable to stop the failure cascade of Krypton, suffering his greatest failure.
Morgaine Le Fay attempts to free Mordred from the Paths Beyond, but is stopped by Jason Blood & 37-year-old Zatara.
39-year-old Damien Darhk finds the hidden alien ship of 1-year-old Zazzala's drone retainers. He murders them, and steals the ship & technology, unknowingly leaving Zazzala stranded and alone.
28-year-old Martha Wayne's mother dies of cardiac failure. She uses their family fortune to create the Kane Grant for Medical Research & Development.
28-year-old Graf Toren achieves his rank as a Monk.
26-year-old Leslie Thompkins finishes med school & begins her residency at Gotham Central Hospital, where she befriends 32-year-old Thomas Wayne as he completes his surgical fellowship.
22-year-old Regina Kane begins her graduate work.
20-year-old Travis Morgan is imbedded with troops in active war zones as an Air Force Special Reconnaissance Airman.
48-year-old Sandra Knight retires as a government operative & becomes the headmistress of the Universite Nortre Dame Des Ombres.
19-year-old Laura De Mille becomes a stage actress.
18-year-old James Gordon attends the Police Academy.
18-year-old Jason Woodrue goes to college to study botany.
16-year-old Machiste becomes a sailor in a mercenary fleet.
14-year-old Lex Luthor uses his inheritance to pay for his early admission to MIT.
14-year-old Digger Harkness finds work as a ranch hand, and first discovers his affinity for boomerangs.
14-year-old William Tockman begins designing heists & selling them on the criminal market.
14-year-old Mike Miller starts working on cars in the local auto shop.
12-year-old Ben Turner's mother is shot by a local drug dealer, He steals their money and moves to Japan, where he finds his way to the dojo of O-Sensai.
12-year-old Sylvester Pemberton spends millions to aquire the research into the original Starman's technology, and begins developing his cosmic converter belt.
12-year-old Christopher Chance learns the art of disguise from one of his foster mothers.
12-year-old Eric Needham starts using drugs.
7-year-old Vic Sage runs away from his foster home & lives on the streets of Hub City.
26-year-old Carmine Falcone has an affair with a woman from the Gotham Slums, but abandons her when she becomes pregnant.
3-year-old Pamela Isley is diagnosed with a skin condition that requires regular sunlight. She spends most of her time in her rooftop garden.
Selina Kyle is born in Gotham City’s East End, the daughter of dock worker Brian Kyle & Marie Kyle, a waitress and girlfriend of 26-year-old Carmine Falcone.
Talia Al Ghul is born, the daighter of Ra's Al Ghul and Melisandre, a Shamantistic Seer of the Desert Mothers.
Pete Ross is born in Smallville, the son of the local grocer.
Alanna is born on Rann, the daughter of Sardath, the greatest inventor on the planet.
Selma Tolon is born in Turkey.
Tatsu Toro is born in Japan.
Sue Dearbon is born.
Rot Lop Fan is born in the Obsidian Deeps
Arkillo is born on an unnamed planet with stone-age technology.