< 32 Years Ago >
26-year-old Nathan Adam is bombarded with experimental radiation, causing his body to dramatically alter. He appears to atomize, but is instead lost in the timestream.
30-year-old Rose Canton goes after Victor Swann, the last of the original 100. He fakes his death, and Rose flees to South America, Her Thorn personality going dormant.
When Hippolyta beseeches the goddesses for a daughter, they instruct her to form a daughter from the clay, and they grant her life and power, giving her the lost soul of Hippolyta's unborn child. She names her Diana.
13-year-old Nubia first meets Hippolyta's newly formed daughter, Diana. As the only Amazon to actually grow up on Themyscira they have a special bond.
The 40-year-old Durlan is the first of his kind to leave his planet. He is captured by the computer tyrants of Colu. Brainiac takes ownership of him, and begins experimenting on him.
Vril Dox breaks from the Computer Tyrants of Colu. He begins using extra-spatial tesseract technology to steal entire populations of underdeveloped planets to use in his experiments, storing them in a hyper-spatial nexus called Kandor.
40-year-old Gu Lao battles the All-Star Squadron.
35-year-old Brain has 17-year-old Mallah stage an toxic waste accident, mutating and twisting the mind of 22-year-old Laura De Mille, who returns to her school as headmistress, marries a rich british aristocrat, and opens the school’s catacombs as their new labs.
39-year-old Thaddeus Sivana remarries, rebuilding his life.
38-year-old Danette Reilly's powers fade. She retires and returns to her research.
37-year-old Avery Sunderland becomes the new CEO of Sunderland Munitions, restructuring into the Sunderland Corporation.
31-year-old Bro'Dee becomes a priest on his home planet.
29-year-old Leslie Thompkins finishes her residency. She receives funding for her clinic from a trust set up by 35-year-old Thomas Wayne & 31-year-old Martha Wayne.
26-year-old Harvey Bullock, disolutioned by the corruption of the GCPD, gives up and starts accepting bribes. He is soon promoted to Sergant.
22-year-old Terry Thirteen gets his bachelors in psychology.
22-year-old Anthony Ivo goes to grad school.
25-year-old Regina Kane begins her doctoral work.
24-year-old Susan Linden-Thorne discovers that her husband is a drug and weapon trafficer. He hurts her when she tries to confront him.
21-year-old Jason Woodrue has 27-year-old Phillip Sylvian as a professor, learning from his work on Adaptive Plant Morpology.
21-year-old Joe Carny is invited into the Royal Flush Gang. He becomes the Jack faster than anyone in the Gang's history, and first meets 17-year-old Mona Wayland, the 10 of Spades.
20-year-old Crispus Allen is married.
18-year-old Arnold Wesker attends college to study acounting.
17-year-old David Cain joins the marines
17-year-old Meihui Lan leaves her village and her magical studies to attend university.
17-year-old William Tockman goes to college to study accounting.
17-year-old Mike Miller adapts the car used by local mobsters in a series of heists and gets a small cut of their take.
15-year-old Eric Needham accidentally kills a man during a robbery, and is tried as a jeuvenille.
15-year-old Edwin Alva attends MIT.
12-year-old Tara, renown as a prodigy, has the best battle teachers in Skartaris vie for the right to teach her.
10-year-old David Hyde is dumped back on land, 36-year-old Thorne's only surviving subject. Percieved as crazy, he is placed in a home for troubled children where he comes to hate people.
4-year-old Sapphire Stagg's mother dies on an undiagnosed blood disorder.
Citrina delivers the Princess Amethyst of House Amethyst of Gemworld. When 31-year-old Dark Opal stages a coup against House Amethyst she bring the princess to Earth and places her with adoptive patents, who name her Amy Winston. 43-year-old Lord Garnet's forces are defeated, forcing him to retreat to the Stormy Garnet Peaks. Opal's forces raze House Amethyst, but cannot find the infant Princess. Several other houses ally with him after the coup, including House Topaz, Emerald, & Turquoise. 15-year-old Prince Sardonyx kills his own father in exchange for becoming Opal's main lieutenant. 16-year-old Granch, seeing the aftermath of the war, abandons his role in the army and is imprisoned. Prince Topaz is born to House Topaz.
Serifan chooses to undergo a dangerous ritual to relinquish his godhead and receive it anew, so his physical form aligns with who he is. Vykin the Brave, Beautiful Dreamer, Big Bear & Mark Moonrider all undergo the ritual with him, bonding them together as the Forever People.
June Moone is born, unaware of her homo magi ancestry.
Karen Starr is born in a suburb of Metropolis.
Harleen Quinzell is born in Bensonhurst, New York..
Antonio Diego is born on the island nation of Santa Prisca, forced to serve his father's life sentence in Pena Dura.
Brion Markov is born the prince of Markovia, a small European country.
Etta Candy is born on her parent's ranch in Texas.
Silver St. Cloud is born.
Rac Shade is born on Meta, an extra-dimensional planet.
Drury Walker is born.
Emil La Salle is born.
Shilandra Thane is born in a far distant sector of space.
Derek Reston is born.