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14-year-old Horace Lafeaugh is subjected to an antique ‘Mutogen Ray', granting him the ability to grow massive tusks. He tries out for the Legion of Super-Heroes as ‘Tusk Boy’, but is rejected when 25-year-old Imra Ardeen discovers his penchant for violence.
19-year-old Jan Arrah, 22-year-old Querl Dox, 21-year-old Tasmia Mallor, 24-year-old Jo Nah, 25-year-old Irma Ardeen, 26-year-old Garth Ranzz & 16-year-old Reep Daggle are lost in a distant galaxy. Jan Arrah sacrifices himself to save the team and is slingshot out of time and forced to exist in deep space for a millennia, watching the creation of whole galaxies. He becomes the Progenitor, forging whole civilizations to work his god-like will. He is killed by Garth Ranzz, who sacrifices his life to stop him from following them back to their own galaxy.
25-year-old Imra Ardeen helps keep her teammates calm, forcing her to assume the burden of their strain. She is the only reason 24-year-old Jo Nah stays sane, her illusions causing confusion between them. Before 26-year old Garth Ranzz sacrifices himself to save his teammates and send them home, Irma finally tells him she loves him, and takes his name posthumously
23-year-old Drake Burroughs and expends almost all of himself battling the progenitor.
25-year-old Tinya Wazzo is heartbroken when 24-year-old Jo Nah is lost. She is comforted by 23-year-old Brin Londo, and becomes pregnant with his child. The stress of childbirth costs her her ability to phase.
Lord Mordru is finally defeated by the Legion of Superheroes in the Mage Wars.
15-year-old Xao Jin becomes a fugitive that hides his Homo Magi status after Chu Ha is killed in Lord Mordru's consolidation of Magic users.
22-year-old Lyle Norg dies in the Legion of Super-Heroes engages in the Mage Wars when Lord Mordru corrupts his flight ring in deep space.
23-year-old Salu Digby is corrupted by the Emrald Eye of Ekron, falling under the influence of Lord Mordru and used against her teammates in the Legion of Super-Heroes.
30-year-old Sarya recovers the Emerald Eye of Ekron when 23-year-old Salu Digby is corrupted by it and falls under the influence of Mordru. She escapes to distant space, carving her own empire.
26-year-old Rokk Krinn is depowered by Lord Mordru during the Magic Wars. the Legion of Super-Heroes is disbanded and he returns to Braal.
The Legion of Super-Heroes is disbanded after the Mage Wars. Surviving members all go their separate ways.
26-year-old Rokk Krinn returns to Braal when the Legion of Super-Heroes disbands.
22-year-old Querl Dox retreats to the old L.E.G.I.O.N. base after the Legion of Super-Heroes is disbanded and begins retrofitting it into Legion World.
24-year-old Luornu Durgo sends one of her bodies to take over Brande Industries from her father when the Legion of Super-Heroes disbands. The other goes with 22-year-old Querl Dox. He unlocks her ability to mass duplicate and she staffs Legion World.
26-year-old Ayla Ranzz returns to Winath after Garth Ranzz's death and the end of the Legion of Super Heroes.
26-year-old Chuck Foster returns to Earth when the Legion of Super-Heroes disbands.
16-year-old Reep Daggle becomes a public figure speaking for interplanetary relations after the Legion of Super-Heroes disbands. He gains many enemies and beings inflitrating the groups that oppose him.
25-year-old Imra Ardeen returns to the temples of Titan after the Legion of Super Heroes disbands to recover from her strain of her time in the lost galaxy
20-year-old Dirk Morgna becomes an agent of Earthgov after the Legion of Super Heroes disbands.
22-year-old Val Armorr goes on a pilgrimage to seek enlightenment after the Legion of Super Heroes disbands.
23-year-old Brin Londo & 24-year-old Jo Nah, after the Legion of Super Heroes is disbanded, choose to co-parent 25-year-old Tinya Wazzo's son, becoming cargo haulers and smugglers.
21-year-old Tasmia Mallor, having nearly died battling the progenitor's forces before the Mage War, returns to Taols VIII to heal from the strain of her time in the lost galaxy after the Legion of Super Heroes disbands.
23-year-old Salu Digby returns to Imsk to heal from having been corrupted by the Emrald Eye of Ekron during the Mage War after the Legion of Super Heroes disbands.
17-year-old Dawnstar is picked up by the science police after the Legion of Super Heroes disbands. She escapes & becomes a fugitive.
The Dominators successfully infiltrate the highest level of Earthgov. They begin their experiments on the metagene.
24-year-old Kirt Neidrigh escapes prison after the dissolution of the Legion of Super-Heroes. He returns to Earth, using the Dominator occupation to stir up anti-alien sentiment.