< 28 Years Ago >
24 year old Orm Marius reopens Idylis, Atlantis's ancient prison colony within the Bermuda triangle opening into Xebel. He begins exiling all undesirables & enemies of the church, against the arguments of 38-year-old Nuidis Vulko.
41-year-old Damien Darhk pubishes his book on the inherent moral righteousness of science, creating a small revolution in the scientific community, and then dissapears from the public eye.
27-year-old Langford Terill retires from superheroics when he is offered a permanent position with S.H.A.D.E., not realizing that it has gone rogue.
19-year-old Sylvester Pemberton, angered by 27-year-old Pat Dugan's efforts to keep him safe, fires Pat as his valet and sidekicky, leaving the All-Star Squadron to start working alone. He stops Brainwave from triggering several psychic bombs in major cities worldwide, but has destroy his satellite to do so, sacrificing himself. Blaming himself for not being there, Pat also quits the All-Star Squadron and becomes a robotic engineer.
39-year-old William Asmodeus Zard builds a criminal extortion racked driven by projections of himself while he remains in hiding. He is tracked down by 35-year-old Laurel Drake and again imprisoned, although she is inured. With 39-year-old Larry Lance promoted to Lieutenant, they decide for her to retire and open a flower shop so she can focus on being a mom. together they start teaching 8-year-old Dinah Lance martial arts.
36-year-old Scandal Savage is subjected again to further experiments by Vandal Savage. She finally refuses, and fights him to a standstill. She leaves his service, working as a freelance information broker and operative.
33-year-old Clifford Devoe is diagnosed with a degenerative disorder, becomes obsessed with expanding his own mental ability.
28-year-old Susan Linden-Thorne is shot by her husband Carl Thorne. 31-year-old Phillip Sylvian finds her and is unable to save her. He merges her biology and memories with his plant hybrids, allowing him to grow a new body for her. She uses her new abilites to get Thorne arrested, and becomes Black Orchid.
26-year-old Anthony Ivo earns his doctorate. He is more and more obsessed with his work, thinking he has unlocked the key to immortality.
25-year old Joe Carny marries 21-year old Mona Wayland after the death of her father. They become the new King & Queen of the Royal Flush Gang.
25-year-old Winslow Schott takes over the Schott Toy Company after the death of his father. He is known as a genius recluse.
25-year-old Jason Woodrue earns his doctorate.
24-year-old King Faraday becomes an Argus tactical operative.
24-year-old Crispus Allen's daughter is born.
24-year-old Jarvis Kord gets his masters in cybertechnology.
21-year-old Lex Luthor has his second marriage and second divorce.
21-year-old William Tockman graduates & fufills his licencing requirements to become a CPA.
21-year-old David Cain becomes a black ops assassin.
21-year-old William Glenmorgan travels to Sub-Saharan Africa to study under anthropologists in Uganda.
21-year-old Penn Maricc becomes a citadel soldier.
20-year-old Jeffrey Franklin Burr earns his bachelor’s degree and returns to take his place in the Kobra Cult.
19-year-old Amanda Waller graduates early from the Université Notre Dame Des Ombres to have her first child & becomes an Argus operative.
19-year-old Christopher Chance is caught running a con on the federal department, and is recruited by Argus.
18-year-old Jonathan Crane goes to Gotham University to study psychology.
18-year-old Galius Zed becomes a soldier on his homeworld, serving with distinction.
18-year-old Matthew Cable enlists in the army.
17-year-old Jefferson Pierce wins gold in the olympics before going to college on a full athletic scholarship, studying education.
16-year-old Tara defeats all of her teachers at once, and is named the greatest warrior in all Skartaris. She begins to set out on adventures to test her mettle, often having to sneak away.
14-year-old David Hyde's weapons designs, based on his time in Atlantis, begin to attract buyers on the black market.
14-year-old Fang Zhifu attends Party School.
12-year-old Mark Mardon's older brother Clyde leaves home to persue an education.
10-year-old Giovanni Giuseppe, exhibiting an genius level intellect but without any outlet, begins focusing his attention on building elaborate pranks.
9-year-old Ira Billings is sent into full time psychiatric care. He begins learning how to manipulate his doctors.
7-year-old Selina Kyle's father succumbs to alcoholism. She leaves home before any authorities can find her, releasing all of her mother's cats. She is caught a few weeks later stealing from a street vendor, arrested, and sent to the Seagate Reform School for Girls. The director singles her out for punishment, but she continually finds ways to escape and explore the rooftops.
6-year-old Liam Hawkleigh begins learning to shoot for distance.
5-year-old Hiro Kunikawa's mother is killed in a mugging.
4-year-old Zatanna finally meets her father 44-year-old Zatara when he breaches the spell keeping them apart. She begins studying his magical technique.
Victor Stone is born.
Barbara Gordon is born in New York, the daughter of 25-year-old James Gordon & Eileen Kean.
Ryan Choi is born in Kowloon, Hong Kong, the son of Olympic gold medalist Ta-You Choi & history professor Ah-Lien Choi.
Alex DeWitt is born in New York.
Sadie Nash is born, the daughter of 45-year-old Kyle Nimbus. . He does not know about her.
Siobhan McDougal is born the eldest of her family and therefore heir to the families bond with an ancient malevolent celtic spirit kept in check by the families blood.
Dorah Leigh is born a wealthy British socialite.
Deborah Camille Darnell is born, the daughter of a fameous art forger.
Tony Woodward is born.
Jennifer Morgan is born, the daughter of Air Force Special Reconnaissance Airman, 27-year-old Travis Morgan. He marries her mother, but is almost never home with them.
Niharika Dyal is born in India.
Haruto Satou is born homeless in Japan.
Soranik Natu is born on Korugar amidst the Sinestro Regime.
Xu Tao is born in Tai'an, at the foot of Mount Tai.