< 26 Years Ago >
34-year-old Crusher Crock escapes prison and kidnaps his daughter 5-year-old Artemis Crock, taking her on jobs while on the run, relentlessly hunted by 29-year-old Paula Brooks.
36-year-old Dan Garrett works with Anansi the Spider in Algeria to stop a smuggling cartel. When he earns tenure, and starts to focus more on teaching, only occasionally becoming Blue Beetle.
23-year-old Mark Bloodwynd, having mastered his study of necromancy, inherits the Blood Gem when his father dies & becomes the keeper of it's power.
15-year-old Arthur Curry gets his father 42-year-old Tom Curry's blessing to venture out into the open ocean, beginning to have adventures.
18-year-old Pieter Cross goes to college in America where he studies Pre-Med.
36-year-old Rose Canton has an affair with 54-year-old Alan Scott, and does not reveal to him that she is pregnant. She gives birth to twin children, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden & Todd James Rice, but the trauma of childbirth triggers her alternate identity & she doesn't survive. Her children are adopted by different families after their mother's death, who know the identity of the mother, but not their father. Jennifer's green skin soon develops.
38-year-old Garrett Sanford's technology, built from within the Dreaming, includes the Dream Chute, which he can use to project himself onto the waking world briefly. This makes him a target for stray nightmares, who begin to regularly assault his Dream Dome.
The Fisherman claims a new host with much stronger will, former black market smuggler Cameron Telford. The parasite's influence is diminished, and he becomes one of the best thieves and smugglers in the world.
Yang Kei-Ying is found by the Chinese government. The are unable to imprison him, and instead use him as an operative.
37-year-old Graf Toren is selected as the new Green Lantern for his sector, openly battling the Spider Guild.
36-year-old Martha Kent's parents die peacefully within several months of each other.
33-year-old Lucius Fox leaves Wayne Enterprises for Atwater Air, a near-bankrupt aviation tech company, turning it around within eight months. He develops a reputation as a restorer of failing companies, working regularly in Europe while living in Gotham.
32-year-old Harvey Bullock is promoted to Lieutenant in the GCPD by Commissioner Loeb, who starts to blackmail him and using him as an enforcer.
28-year-old Percival Sheldrake's wife dies. He retires as Squire to raise his son 5-year-old Cyril Sheldrake.
28-year-old Gorilla Grodd develops rare psychic powers, begins his long-term plotting for the overthrow of Solovar.
25-year-old Alec Holland & 26-year-old Linda Olsen Ridge begin their doctoral work in Adaptive Plant Morphology.
26-year-old Theo Adam begins robbing tombs.
26-year-old Tobias Whale officially takes control of all drug distribution in Metropolis.
26-year-old Roscoe Dillon's higher brain fuctions are clearly being affected by his hyper-spatial movement as he becomes several orders of magnitude smarter but also deeply psychotic.
26-year-old Crispus Allen's son is born.
25-year-old Machiste fights the slavers of Thera, recovering the lost treasure of the Kiro throne.
22-year-old Hugo Strange begins medical school.
20-year-old Lisa Snart starts hanging around Central Cities' super-criminals.
20-year-old Bito Wladon earns his Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering
20-year-old Matthew Cable is attached as a support unit to special forces working with S.H.A.D.E. agents.
16-year-old Boston Brand begins to train as an acrobat under the flying Graysons.
Hippolyta grants 6-year-old Diana an enchanted mirror that gives her a playmate named Donna, not knowing that the girl in the mirror would be granted the soul of her unknown second daughter.
18-year-old Sarah Essen begins college, studying criminal justice.
18-year-old Valentina Vostok becomes a combat pilot.
18-year-old Dmitri Pushkin joins the Russian Army.
18-year-old Albert Desmond begins studying chemistry.
18-year-old Henry Hewitt goes to college.
17-year-old Will Magnus attends college.
17-year-old Mariah Romanova wins Olympic Silver in women's sabre.
43-year-old Damien Darhk creates the global think-tank H.I.V.E. bringing together like-minded scientists to work without moral restrictions, selling many of their creations as weapons.
45-year-old Thaddeus Sivana becomes part of the backbone of the earliest incarnation of H.I.V.E.
31-year-old Regina Kane merges her labs with H.I.V.E., bringing several of her assistants and followers with her.
28-year-old Anthony Ivo becomes a founding member of H.I.V.E.
27-year-old Jason Woodrue is a founding member of H.I.V.E.
25-year-old Helga Jace is one of the founders of the global think-tank H.I.V.E.
43-year-old Niles Caulder is a founding member of the the global think-tank H.I.V.E. but his association with the group quickly wains.
25-year-old Thomas Oscar Morrow earns his Doctorate, and becomes one of the earliest members of H.I.V.E.
43-year-old Avery Sunderland is one of the earliest investors in H.I.V.E., making a fortune.
26-year-old Jarvis Kord becomes a founding member of H.I.V.E.
29-year-old Slam Bradley is promoted to sergeant in the Chicago PD but is forced to leave the city when a hit is put on him. He transfers to the GCPD
23-year-old Mike Miller gets married. He struggles with feelings of inadequacy.
19-year-old Jefferson Pierce first meets 18-year-old Lynn Stewart.
18-year-old Iris West attends Columbia.
16-year-old David Hyde is recruited by HIVE who wipe out his previous identity so that he can become one of their weapon designers. he takes the name Black Manta.
15-year-old Hal Jordan returns to Ferris Air for his flight training where he meets 13-year-old Carol Ferris again.
Abin Sur's wife Munni Jah is possessed by the Star Saphire. She dies rather than succumb, and Abin secures it in his vessel. 10-year-old Amon Sur blames his father's career as a Green Lantern for the death of his mother.
54-year-old Randu Singh's oldest daughter is married.
18-year-old Kimiyo Hoshi attends the University of Tokyo.
18-year-old Helena Sandsmark studies anthropology at Gateway University.
15-year-old Bonnie King gets a bronze in the Olympics, disappointing her mother.
13-year-old Stanley Kitch's father is killed in the line of duty.
12-year-old Floyd Lawton mother Genevive reveals to her sons that her father abuses her, asking them to kill him. He refuses, but his older brother Eddie locks him in a boathouse to keep him from interfering with the murder. He escapes and tries to stop it, but his rifle misfires and he accidentally kills his brother while his father is paralysed.
12-year-old Curt Calhoun escapes his foster home, and collects several staches of money hidden by his parents. He travels to Malaysia, where he studies Silat.
11-year-old Daniel Cassidy first starts making special effects for his own home movies.
10-year-old Maseo Yamashiro & 11-year-old Takeo Yamashiro are taken in by the Choju-Ryu Dojo
10-year-old Zazzala's phermone abilities manifest. She can't control her adopted mother, so she kills her.
8-year-old Princess Emerald father is killed for defying the will of 37-year-old Dark Opal.
9-year-old Selina Kyle catches the director of Seagate embezzling city funds. She’s tied and thrown into the ocean to drown, but manages to escape and steal evidence of the crime, blackmailing the director into wiping her identity from Gotham records. She returns to the city, surviving as a thief in the East End.
7-year-old David Zavimbe & Isaac Zavimbe's orphanage is raided by the Warlord General Ayo Keita of the Army of the Dawn, a domestic terror organization. They are taken as child soldiers.
5-year-old Elaine Marsh-Morton begins her training with her father.
4-year-old Lorraine Reilly's father is elected to the US Senate.
2-year-old Ryan Choi start studying gymnastics with his mother Ta-You Choi
Dick Grayson is born a sixth generation acrobat in Haley's Circus
Wally West is born.
Linda Park is born.
Mal Duncan is born.
Grace Choi is born & becomes a ward of the state.
Arisia Rrab is born, the daughter of the Green Lantern of Sector 2815.
Felicity Smoak is born in Las Vegas.
Frances Kane is born.
Hartley Rathaway is born deaf, the son of publishing magnate Osgood Rathaway.
Melanie Wayland is born, the daughter of 27-year-old Joe Carny & 23-year-old Mona Wayland, the King & Queen of the Royal Flush Gang.