< 25 Years Ago >
14-year-old Bruce Wayne leaves Gotham City to travel the world, training for his mission. 37-year-old Alfred Pennyworth maintains the illusion that he is away at a series of boarding schools. 12-year-old Julie Madison & 36-year-old Leslie Thompkins see him off.
18-year-old Barry Allen begins studying chemistry & forensic science.
17-year-old Oliver Queen has an affair with a local girl in Tibet while on vacation. She gives birth to Connor Hawke.
45-year-old Ted Knight's wife Adele Drew leaves him. 48-year-old Kyle Nimbus kills Doris Lee. He suffers a cancerous shut down of his organs, only being kept alive by his powers. Ted has a nervous breakdown. Richard Swift recognizes it and chooses to end their conflict, becoming a silent presence in the city.
28-year-old Steve Dayton befriends Niles Caulder, who begins to help him gain control of his powers.
10-year-old Tatsu Toro becomes a student at the Choju-Ryu Dojo.
Brainiac creates a clone of himself to escape the control of the Coluans. Vril Dox is placed in the Starlog, an intergalactic prison run by the Citadel. The 47-year-old Durlan stows away on his body to escape Colu, joining him in prison and beginning to educate him.
Glorious Godfrey learns of the existence of Beautiful Dreamer on New Genesis, whose powers seem to strip away the effects of Anti-Life. Believing this to be a tool he can exploit, he has her kidnapped and brought to Earth. She is followed by her friends the Forever People, defying the commands of Highfather, who free her from Godfrey and choose to stay on Earth to help free it's people.
29-year-old Adam Blake leaves earth & begins to travel the galaxy.
Team 7, a covert strike unit, is formed by Argus Members include 35-year-old Hank Heywood, 22-year-old Amanda Waller, 31-year-old Slade WIlson, 19-year-old Cole Cash, , 27-year-old King Faraday, 24-year-old David Cain, 22-year-old Christopher Chance
19-year-old Thomas Blake moves to Africa where he begins hunting & trading in endangered species.
30-year-old Langford Terrill's son Ray Terrill is born, having been genetically manipulated in utero to enhance his metapowers. S.H.A.D.E. places him in a foster home for observation. He grows up believing he is light-allergic.
34-year-old Kanjar Ro mutinies and takes his own ship, beginning a war among the pirate fleets.
19-year-old Cole Cash is secretly genetically manipulated by S.H.A.D.E. During his time with Team 7. Enhancing his natural psionics.
22-year-old Eric Needham is dishonorably discharged for his drug habit. He is poached by H.I.V.E. for its operative program, who use his drug addiction to build an augmented adrenal system. 4-year-old twins Baran & Selinda Flinders are subjected to experimental radiation by 26-year old Dr. Helga Jace.
39-year-old William Randolph Wintergreen is shot in the field. He retires from British Intelligence and begins a private security firm.
39-year-old Sir Ystin discovers that Blackbriar Thorn, the Druid of Cymru, has survived, and is awakening within a weirwood in Wales. Unable to stop him, Ystin hunts down the only other surviving Druid, Jason Blood, and brings him to Wales where he is able to seal Thorn back within the weirwood.
26-year-old John Dee earns a doctorate in Hermetic Philosophy.
32-year-old Perry White marries Alice Spencer.
24-year-old Lex Luthor has his third marriage. His wife mysteriously disappears.
24-year-old Sam Scudder steals a small antique mirror that becomes his lucky charm.
23-year-old Neil Emerson earns a masters degree in Quantim Mechanics.
22-year-old Victor Fries begins grad school.
22-year-old Edwin Alva sells several tech startup companies, centralizing his work in one parent company.
12-year-old Jervis Tetch's obsession with Lewis Caroll begins.
11-year-old Garfield Lynns first exhibits accute pyromania.
9-year-old Mercy Graves starts kickboxing to protect herself.
55-year-old Randu Singh first becomes a grandfather.
37-year-old Jim Harper's adopted daughter, 23-year-old Roberta, has her daughter Jaime.
38-year-old Bro'Dee becomes a father.
18-year-old Mariah Romanova attends Princeton, where she studies anthropology
17-year-old Arkkis Chummuck begins his warrior training, excelling beyond all others.
16-year-old Roland Desmond drops out of school.
Roy Harper is born, the son of a forest ranger & a native american tribal leader's daughter.
Kendra Saunders is born.
Yrra Cynril is born, the princess of the planet Xanshi.
Tara Markov is born the illegitimate daughter of the king of Markovia. half-sister to 7-year-old Brion Markov
Lilith Clay is left as a foundling on Earth by the midwife of Thia, the Titan of the Sun, in an effort to keep her from her mother. She is found in a burning house, and brought to an orphanage.
Dolphin is born.
Karen Beecher is born.
Cisco Ramon is born in Star City.
Pamela Sonjia is born in Puerto Rico
Astronaut Ikuko Shinzokesa finds a mysterious temple on the surface of the moon. Inside she meets Tsukuyomi, the Japanese Kami of the moon. After their encounter, she finds herself back on the moon's surface with no evidence that anything happened. Later she and her wife have their daughter Naoko Shinzokesa.