< 21 Years Ago >
42-year-old Johhny Chambers is confronted by 55-year-old Edward Clariss after his escape from the Speed Force. To contain him he taps the Speed Force vortex, freeing 41-year-old Jay Garrick, whose connection to the Speed Force finally exhausted. Jay returns to academia where he meets his fellow teacher, 38-year-old Joan Williams, who helps him acclimatize to the modern world.
25-year-old John Constantine is placed in the Ravenscar Mental Institution after the Newcastle Incident.
19-year-old Bones is used as a weapon by Doctor Love.
22-year-old Richard Dragon & 26-year-old Ben Turner are recruited by 31-year-old King Faraday & become covert assets for the DEO.
28-year-old Meihui Lan, a full-blooded Homo Magi from Tibet, meets 33-year-old Terry Thirteen as he travels the earth researching the existence of magic. He begins pursuing magic worldwide to document and research it, & she joins him in a whirlwind of romance and adventure.
Kobra begins creating a worldwide network of operatives, including The Fisherman & 24-year-old Wade LeFarge. They attempt to replicate the designs of the Pax Institute, inciting 20-year-old Christopher Smith to use the Institute's weapons against them, first donning the helmet and weapons as Peacemaker.
33-year-old Dru-Zod's control of the Daxamite colony in the Phantom Zone, refusing them the right to govern themselves, leads to them beginning to organize a resistance.
32-year-old Winslow Schott begins being seen with his "wife', actually a robot of his own design.
31-year-old Theo Adam is almost caught grave robbing. He goes legitimate & becomes a guide.
28-year-old Lex Luthor grants control over the Metropolis drug trade to 31-year-old Tobias Whale, forcing a truce with 22-year-old Bruno Mannheim that limits Intergang to weapon smuggling.
28-year-old Mike Miller is caught and sent to prison. His wife divorces him while he is inside.
28-year-old Speed Saunders earns his masters degree. He begins developing his theories of the connections between Prince Khufu Kan-Tarr and the WWII hero Hawkman.
27-year-old Despero discovers the Flames of Py’tar deep in Kalanor's nuclear desert, awakening the mind-control powers of his 3rd eye. He begins experimenting on his people, building his science cult as he reaches out to other planets, searching for genetic anomalies.
34-year-old Travis Morgan survives a missile attack while flying a reconnaissance mission with a specially outfitted SR-71 Blackbird. He bails over the north pole as his plane crashes, finding one of the rare openings into the trans-dimensional Hollow Earth, Skartaris. He encounters 23-year-old Tara, saving her from a Terrorsaur. He gives her his wristwatch, which she takes as a talisman. They are captured by the Theran forces of 36-year-old Deimos. He is sold into slavery, and meets 30-year-old Machiste as galley slaves. Tara is taken to Thera as a hostage.
26-year-old Victor Fries earns his doctorate in Cryogenic Biology. He begins running the cryogenics lab for Goth-Corp.
23-year-old Sarah Essen is promoted to detective in the GCPD.
23-year-old Medphyll is captured by Citadel Police and placed in the Starlog.
20-year-old Rick Flag begins working in combat zones worldwide.
22-year-old Barry Allen graduates and begins his postgrad work while apprenticing in the Central City police department.
22-year-old Mariah Romanova earns a bachelors degree in anthropology from Princeton, and begins her postgrad work in Archeology.
21-year-old Aram al Ashir's older brother dies in a hunting accident, making him the new crown prince. He flees Kaambuku to become a minstrel & rogue.
21-year-old Lobo is responsible for the destruction of his home planet & the genocide of his species. The effects on him are uncertain.
21-year-old Black Manta kills his H.I.V.E. handlers & steals his ship, the Devil Ray. He becomes a pirate, raiding the seas to expand his technology to challenge Atlantis.
21-year-old Arkkis Chummuck chooses to become an archivist and non-combatant, viewing his people’s warlike ways with sadness.
19-year-old Edward Nygma, bored with stumping people with his puzzles begins to engage in a variety of thefts, leaving small riddles that confound any attempt to find the purpetrator.
18-year-old Bruce Wayne trains briefly under an assumed name with 28-year-old David Cain, who begins developing his theories about replacing language with movement. David is recruited into the League of Assassins.
18-year-old Daniel Cassidy chooses film school over his football scholarship. He moves to LA, where he meets Marla Bloomberg & Norm Paxton.
18-year-old Stanley Kitch goes to college to study pre-law.
18-year-old Carol Ferris goes to college.
18-year-old Ray Palmer is accepted into the prestigious Ivy University in Ivy Town, Connecticut.
18-year-old Guy Gardner goes to college on a football scholarship.
18-year-old Kirk Langstrom goes to college.
18-year-old Hank Henshaw starts college.
18-year-old Richard Rigel goes to college to study chemistry. He makes money on the side by making designer drugs.
17-year-old Floyd Lawton joins the army to escape his father, and becomes a sniper.
18-year-old Adam Strange goes to college to study Archaeology.
14-year-old Tatsu Toro becomes a star pupil of Master Tadashi. She meets 15-year-old Maseo Yamashiro & 16-year-old Takeo Yamashiro. They both fall in love with her.
13-year-old Renee Montoya begins studying kickboxing, where she meets 13-year-old Kate Kane.
13-year-old Mercy Graves becomes a member of a Metropolis Street Gang
12-year-old Princess Turquoise parents are killed by 42-year-old Dark Opal's forces. She becomes the new Lady Turquoise, and begins secretly preparing her house for rebellion against Dark Opal.
8-year-old Dee Tyler's father becomes the US attorney general.
7-year-old Sadie Nash first meets her father 52-year-old Kyle Nimbus, and begins trying to earn his approval.
7-year-old Jennifer Morgan is told that her father Travis Morgan has been shot down on a secret reconnaissance mission. She has an unexplained belief that there is more to his disappearance than she is being told.
5-year-old Arisia Rrab's father dies on duty, and her uncle becomes the new Green Lantern.
5-year-old Hartley Rathaway is given experimental audio implants which allow him to hear, beginning a lifelong obsession with sound and technology.
3-year-old Eve Eden's mother Queen Maureen flees the creature Incubus, bringing her children to earth.
Toni Monetti is born the daughter of a former US Senator (although truely the result of an alien breeding program).
Grant Emerson is born when S.H.A.D.E. scientists are able to grow the single remaining embryo from the Ultra-Humanite's experiements.
Beryl Hutchinson is born to a working class single mother.
Dawn Granger is born.
The Daxamites, not permitted to govern themselves as Dru-Zod maintains control of their colony, begin organizing a resistance.
Alysia Yeoh is born in Gotham City to Singaporean parents.