< 2 Years Ago >
25-year-old Mari McCabe's uncle Aku Kwesi rebuilds the alien animus, attempting to absorb all of the Red. She, 22-year-old Gar Logan & 35-year-old Buddy Baker fight to stop him while 47-year-old Manitou Raven & 31-year-old Dawn cast the spells to hold it together. To prevent the spells from collapsing Raven unlocks Dawn's mind, giving up his life to empower her to become the new Manitou Shaman.
22-year-old Gar Logan brings the Teen Titans to help the Doom Patrol recover 46-year-old Rita Farr, racing Vandal Savage & the Brotherhood.
The 37-year-old Key overcomes his fractal maze prison, capturing Rebis & using them as a fuel source to break through Danny the Street into the Paths Beyond. 67-year-old Niles Caulder sacrifices himself to try to save them. 22-year-old Gar Logan & 20-year-old Raven pursue him into the Paths Beyond with the remaining Doom Patrol & the help of 41-year-old Will Magnus. Rebis ultimately defeats him by transcending to a higher plane of existence, diffusing the Key across the surface of reality. Gar & Raven choose to leave the Titans to rebuild the Doom Patrol, moving the team to Magnus's Oolong Island where Magnus & 23-year-old Karen Beecher invite 35-year Kitty Faulkner & 53-year-old Pat Dugan to join the staff.
Connected again to the Paths Beyond, Danny the Street is able to again expand to Danny the World. 27-years-ago Jane Morris is brought by 67-year-old Cliff Steele to Danny the World before the path to return is closed, finding a kindred spirit where she can be free to allow all her alters to coexit in harmony.
25-year-old Mikaal Tomas helps the Doom Patrol fight against his people's invasion, choosing to stay on earth and join the team.
67-year-old Cliff Steele & 46-year-old Rita Farr are recruited by the Justice League after the death of 67-year-old Niles Caulder & 50-year-old Larry Trainer
64-year-old Solovar attempts to end Gorilla City's policy of isolation and enter the world stage, but 52-year-old Gorilla Grodd engineers his assassination, facilitating his own escape. 27-year-old Nnamdi becomes the new king
33-year-old Dru-Zod finds a fluctuation in the fabric of the phantom zone, and escapes into distant space with 26-year-old Faora-Ul. Knowing that approaching Earth's sun would bring Kal-El and send the back into the phantom zone, he begins assembling his space fleet, planning an assault of the Sol system.
The Daxamites are left in a state of civil unrest when 33-year-old Dru-Zod & 26-year-old Faora-Ul again escape the Phantom Zone. Their loyalists begin looking for ways to synthesize Kryptonian powers from within the Phantom Zone.
25-year-old Uno ends his association with the Q society when he discovers that 46-year-old Lex Luthor is one of it's benefactors.
33-year-old Clark Kent becomes a fugitive when 46-year-old President Lex Luthor accuses him of attacking Earth with a meteor strike. He and 37-year-old Bruce Wayne clear his name with the help of the global-monitoring of 25-year-old Heino Okata. They are attacked by Luthor in his battle suit, costing him the presidency. When he is exonerated, 61-year-old Jonathan Kent & 60-year-old Martha Kent visit him as they help 19-year-old Kara Zor-El move to Metropolis to attend Metropolis University. She redesigns her Supergirl costume & befriends 34-year-old Lana Lang when she and her husband move to Metropolis.
18-year-old Nia Nal undergoes gender reassignment surgery, performed by 43-year-old Pieter Anton Cross. She attends Metropolis University, and meets her roommate, 19-year-old Kara Zor-El. They eventually discover their shared status as aliens on Earth.
The Female Furies kidnap 19-year-old Kara Zor-El to Apokolips for Granny Goodness. Desaad attempts to brainwash her and she is tested to become a Fury. She overcomes them and returns to Earth.
34-year-old Lana Lang becomes the new anchor of Metropolis News 8. She and Doug Parker move to Metropolis where he begins his own small firm.
32-year-old Mercy Graves is forced to turn on 46-year-old Lex Luthor when he falls from office in order to secure Lexcorp.
39-year-old Arthur Brown stages a massive ploy to take his revenge on Gotham and on 37-year-old Bruce Wayne that almost suceeds before 17-year-old Stephanie Brown stops him, revealing her identity as Spoiler to him, and swearing to never stop her life as a hero.
50-year-old Tobias Whale allies himself with 48-year-old Arnold Wesker, and violently assuming control of Bludhaven, attempts to take control of territory in Gotham, clashing with 41-year-old Oswald Cobblepot who plans to use an Zeplin loaded with Joker Venom as a weapon, but the command codes are stolen by 17-year-old Stephanie Brown.
17-year-old Tim Drake quits as Robin when his father discovers his secret. 17-year-old Stephanie Brown volunteers to become the new Robin. When open warfare breaks out in the streets of Gotham between the 41-year-old Oswald Cobblepot & 50-year-old Tobias Whale she ignores 37-year-old Bruce Wayne's orders to stay safe and steals the command code for the Penguin's weapons, leading to her being chased by a city full of criminals. She eventually sacrifices herself to fight 37-year-old Lester Buchinski to save 59-year-old Leslie Thompkins and is nearly beaten to death before she is saved by Bruce. She spends four months recovering before she returns to her role as Spoiler.
17-year-old Tim Drake's father is killed by Captain Boomerang. He returns to the role of Robin with a vengeance, redesigning the costume, ruthlessly hunting 37-year-old Lester Buchinski for nearly killing 17-year-old Stephanie Brown, leaving him hospitalized and imprisoned. .
17-year-old Lonnie Machin works alongside 17-year-old Tim Drake for the first time, despite being ideologically opposed.
35-year-old Jervis Tetch attempts to turn 17-year-old Tim Drake's high school into a twisted version of Wonderland.
Johnny Sorrow allies himself with 46-year-old Despero from within the subtle realm. They attack the Rock of Eternity and free the original sins, placing Despero's consciousness within the body of 46-year-old Lex Luthor. They are only defeated by the combined Justice Society, Watchtower, & Justice League. Sorrow is finally destroyed when he is forced to see his own reflection.
Starro returns, it's body now slightly smaller than the moon, overwhelming everyone in North America. The Watchtower is only able to battle it from within the Dream Realm
47-year-old David Cain is hired by 46-year-old President Lex Luthor to frame 37-year-old Bruce Wayne for murder. He turns himself in after he is defeated by 16-year-old Cassandra Cain. The League sends assassins to kill him, but he defeats them all and goes undercover.
32-year-old Danton Black is freed from prison by 46-year-old President Lex Luthor to attempt to capture Superman while he is a fugitive. He manages to escape by posing a duplicate as his prime body.
33-year-old Clark Kent is framed by 46-year-old President Lex Luthor for attacking the Earth with a meteor strike. He and Bruce Wayne prove his innocent and uncover Luthor's conspiracy. Luthor attacks them with his power armor, losing the presidency.
39-year-old Harvey Dent, struggling with his fractured identities, kidnaps both his ex-wife Gilda and his father, forcing 32-year-old Renee Montoya to choose who dies. Renee appeals to Dent, and Harvey jumps off the roof to stop Two-Face. 37-year-old Bruce Wayne saves him, but more importantly he now acknowledges his fractured psyche and wants to heal.
Mr. Mxyzptlk appears on the Watchtower, tormenting all of them.
32-year-old Mercy Graves is forced to turn on 46-year-old Lex Luthor when he falls from office in order to secure Lexcorp.
25-year-old Koriand'r tries to follow 24-year-old Dick Grayson to the new Outsiders, but realizes that he has moved on, and departs back to Tamaran. 28-year-old Ph'yzzon accepts her, and their relationship becoming more personal.
39-year-old Roland Desmond implants a gorilla heart taken by 29-year-old Lady Elaine Marsh-Morton in an effort to extend his life, but when he finally battles 24-year-old Dick Grayson one-on-one, it explodes in his chest, killing him. Looking to clean up the Bludhaven PD, He attends the police academy, and leaves the Outsiders to join the Bludhaven Police.
15-year-old Mia Dearden joins the Teen Titans.
Ma'alefa'ak returns to earth, making it appear that J'onn J'onzz has become a murderer. M'gann M'orzz reveals herself to the Watchtower to protect him. Malefic is imprisoned in the Martian Worldforge.
16-year-old Cassandra Cain is first confronted by 32-year-old Lady Shiva. She is told that they will battle to the death. When they meet again Cassandra defeats and spares her.
43-year-old Jefferson Pierce assists in defeating Lex Luthor's presidency. He meets 17-year-old Virgil Hawkins & 17-year-old Richie Foley, who are able to help update his costume's technology.
Alva Technologies unveils 17-year-old Ed Alva Jr as Omnifarious, their new branded superhero, but he soon loses control and goes on a rampage across Dakota City before he is stopped by 17-year-old Virgil Hawkins. Alva Technologies secret detainment facilities are exposed by Frieda Goren's blog, and Edwin Alva flees the country to his chemical refining plants in Algeria, where Anansi the Spider helps Virgil stop Alva from releasing his new gene bombs. Alva is extradited and imprisoned awaiting trial, & Virgil gets to meet the members of the Kingdom.
18-year-old Francis Stone is released from prison, and attacks a pride parade in Dakota City demanding for 17-year-old Virgil Hawkins to come fight him. 17-year-old Richie Foley shuts him down.
17-year-old Frieda Goren starts getting treatment for an eating disorder. Her friend Daisy breaks up with 17-year-old Virgil Hawkins, jealous of the time he spends with her.
17-year-old Richie Foley begins Hormone Replacement Therapy.
24-year-old Felicity Smoak recognizes her virus as the core programming of the Brother Eye AI taking over systems in Star City. She tracks down its creator, discovering that her college boyfriend Myron Forest had faked his death so he could develop Brother Eye in secret. While 23-year-old Connor Hawke & 15-year-old Mia Dearden handle Brother Eye's OMAC equipped soldiers, She is able to hack the AI before it launches itself into a satellite, saving the city.
28-year-old Shado escapes the attempts by 45-year-old Jeffrey Franklin Burr to find and kill her by triggering open conflict between Kobra & the Monkey Fist cult. 23-year-old Connor Hawke attempts to save her and in the process triggers new trials for everyone ever to survive their challenge.
45-year-old Jeffrey Franklin Burr kills 32-year-old Ted Kord when he is discovered tracking Kobra.
32-year-old Ted Kord is killed. Using his Hall of Justice, 32-year-old Michael Jon Carter & 34-year-old Dinah Lance help build an entirely new Justice League, including 23-year-old Connor Hawke, 30-year-old Zatanna, 43-year-old Jefferson Pierce, 25-year-old Mari McCabe, 67-year-old Cliff Steele, 46-year-old Rita Farr, 47-year-old William Glenmore
27-year-old Alexander Nero reclaims his Anti-Oan powers without his ring. He escapes the asylum, far more powerful, and battles the entire Justice League before he departs for deeps space.
25-year-old Mari McCabe is asked to help the Birds of Prey.
40-year-old Oliver Queen begins his campaign for mayor of Star City. 43-year-old Malcolm Merlyn attempts to assassinate him, but is stopped by 23-year-old Connor Hawke, who refuses to engage in an archery battle with Merlyn, instead beating him into submission.
40-year-old John Henry Irons joins the Watchtower to retrofit it's technology.
Asmodel attempts to usurp control of the Spectre to escape hell and regain his seat in Heaven, which would disprove the infallibility of the voice and unmake reality. The Watchtower & Shadowpact reach out to Zauriel for assistance in going into the afterlife to find Jim Corrigan so that he can reclaim the Spectre, He disincorporates Asmodel as punishment. Zauriel joins the Watchtower.
23-year-old Roy Harper becomes the sole leader of the Outsiders when 24-year-old Dick Grayson leaves the team to join the Bludhaven Police.
21-year-old Adrianna Tomaz is given as a gift to 50-year-old Black Adam, who kills her captors and takes her into his palace. She impresses him with her fearlessness & inspires him to focus on the well-being of his people, sharing his power with her so she becomes Isis. They are soon married.
45-year-old Christopher Chance finds his lover's killer.
17-year-old Natasha Irons hacks her way onto the Watchtower.
21-year-old Timothy Karnes performs a murderous blood ritual, summoning hugely enhanced powers. He battles the entire Justice Society and is left comatose. 15-year-old Billy Batson is invited to join.
47-year-old Mark Bloodwynd begins working with the Shadowpact.
35-year-old Ralph Dibny & 33-year-old Sue Dibny are attacked by an unknown arsonist. They come out of retirement to track her down, deducing that it was by 38-year-old Jean Loring.
40-year-old Arthur Light is the prime suspect when 33-year-old Sue Dibny is attacked. When the members of the original Justice League confront him his mind wipe is broken, allowing him to reconstitute his original body.
Eclipso's influence on 38-year-old Jean Loring leads her to attempt to murder 33-year-old Sue Dibny before she becomes the his new host. Eclipso attempts to flee to space, but is confronted by the Justice League and the Shadowpact, who seperate her from the Heart of Darkness and cast it into the Paths Beyond. Jean submits herself for full-time care.
37-year-old Ray Palmer reads 26-year-old Ryan Choi's research paper, Energy Harmonics in White Dwarf Star Matter Radiation, and invites him to Ivy University. They test his White Dwarf Star Matter theories and prove that it does function on energy harmonics. Ray helps adapt the matter to Ryan’s energy signature so he can begin using all his theories as the new Atom. He accepts a professorship at Ivy University in Dr. Palmer’s department.
52-year-old Terry Thirteen discovers that 15-year-old Traci Thirteen disobeyed him. They have a falling out, and Traci leaves home, staying with 35-year-old Ralph Dibny & 33-year-old Sue Dibney for a while before getting her own place in Metropolis, developing her "urban magic".
49-year-old Thomas Oscar Morrow informs the Justice League about the nature of Professor Ivo's latest Amazo android.
52-year-old Anthony Ivo watches from prison as his most advanced Amazo's adaptive matrix finishes compiling and attacks the Justice League.
13-year-old Amazo's new programming matrix is complete. It attacks the Justice League, and is able to defeat their entire lineup, along with all back-up members of the league who come to assist, before it is defeated when the League is disbanded.
37-year-old Nathan Prince fights Firestorm and manages to land a killing blow with his Nth metal claws. 43-year-old Martin Stein recognizes the coming blow and takes complete control of the Matrix, sacrificing himself to save 27-year-old Ronnie Raymond who falls into a coma, releasing the Matrix. This disruption awakens 42-year-old Henry Hewitt from his coma. Nathan is arrested but escapes prosecution, infuriating 29-year-old prosecutor Kate Spencer who takes matters into her own hands and becomes the vigilante Manhunter, blackmailing Dylan Battles into maintaining her weapons & gadgets, and killing Copperhead. Kate is targeted by 27-year-old Angela Hawkins for assassination, but manages to defend herself.
17-year-old Jason Rusch becomes the new host of the Firestorm Matrix, which unstably latches onto an 2nd person. 28-year-old Lorraine Reilly returns to Austin and meets Jason, helping him learn to control the Firestorm Matrix, although her psychological block prevents her from bonding with him. He battles 42-year-old Henry Hewitt, but his greater degree of control allows him to defeat Hewitt and send him to prison. He soon joins the Outsiders.
30-year-old Bane, 24-year-old Frankie Kane, & 28-years-ago Joseph Martin are recruited into the new Suicide Squad, but when Atomic Skull goes berserk & kills Frankie, Bane kills him and assumes defacto leadership. 45-year-old Ben Turner retires after the incident, and 45-year-old Amanda Waller recruits 39-year-old Thomas Tresser as the new field leader of the Suicide Squad, using his past crimes as leverage against him.
15-year-old Courtney Whitmore is given 28-year-old Jack Knight's cosmic rod, supplementing her cosmic powers. Courtney changes her name to Stargirl to honor both her legacies.53-year-old Pat Dugan Pat steps down from the Justice Society to show Courtney Whitmore that she has earned his trust, and accepts a request to join the new staff at Oolong Island, working with the Doom Patrol.
54-year-old Slade Wilson is hired by 35-year-old Noah Kuttler to attack the Justice League to rebuild his database. He almost takes them all out.
37-year-old Adam Strange is sent back to Earth when Sardath activates his Zeta Defense system to protect Rann from the Starbreaker. He finds his way back to Rann with the help of 24-year-old Arisia Raab & 32-year-old Tigorr, finding the planet phased out of sync with normal space. He is able to unmake the Starbreaker, letting Rann return to normal space.
Highfather is warned of the coming of Mageddon by Metron. He asks Orion and Big Barda to assist the heroes of earth on the Watchtower to help them prepare.
The Female Furies kidnap 19-year-old Kara Zor-El to Apokolips for Granny Goodness. Desaad attempts to brainwash her, and she is put through a training gauntlet against the other Furies. She defeats them all, as well as Granny Goodness, destroys Desaad's labs, and and returns to Earth.
Lady Styx's Terror Fleet returns to the galaxy, taking territory in the outer spiral. 57-year-old Kanjar Ro becomes an agent of her faith. Her followers attack several former members of the Omega Men, killk The 70-year-old Durlan & 58-year-old Ferrin Colos, and assimilating the Darkstar tech. 52-year-old Adam Blake is tortured and jettisons his consciousness, letting Styx forces capture his brain. 47-year-old Ti'julk Mr'asz is able to escape, and helps recover Adam's newly spawned body.
60-year-old Jim Harper is nearly killed in the line of duty. he is saved by 23-year-old Jaime Harper, and reborn in a new cloned body.
29-year-old Kate Spencer, furious when Copperhead escapes prosecution, takes matters into her own hands and becomes the vigilante Manhunter, blackmailing Dylan Battles into maintaining her weapons & gadgets.
Morgaine Le Fay steals an artifact from Themyscera to force the doorways to the Paths Beyond open and frees Mordred. He begins forming his armies to take over the world, and they are stopped only by the Justice League, with their magic stripped from them.
30-year-old June Moone loses control of herself to the Enchantress again, fighting the Shadowpact. She is finally able to gain control with the help of 47-year-old Mark Bloodwynd, who begins working with the them.
The Eradicator grows a new body to help defeat the Doomsday clones launched at earth by Darkseid. Dying, it bonds with 43-year-old David, interlacing it's encoding into his DNA. David commits to star labs.
21-year-old Owen Mercer discovers his latent speedburst powers. 47-year-old Digger Harkness takes a job intended to be his last, but is killed by Jack Drake. Owen takes up his father's role as Captain Boomerang & joins the Rogues.
Nyssa Al Ghul's faction of the League of Assassins kidnaps the son of 37-year-old Kirk Langstrom, forcing him to hand over all his research and formulas.
30-year-old Derek Reston escapes prison, and stages a coup within the Rotal Flush Gang, killing 51-year-old Joe Carny and becoming the new King. He is rejected by 24-year-old Melanie Wayland, but the Queen 47-year-old Mona Wayland takes him as a lover. They are betrayed by Mel, and taken down by 23-year-old Connor Hawke. She takes a job at Queen Enterprises, sometimes working as Wildcard.
69-year-old Thaddeus Sivana perfects his artificial Rock of Eternity. He tricks his son, 21-year-old Magnificus Sivana, into saying his name, triggering the rock and becoming Captain Sivana, along with 16-year-old Thaddeus Sivana Jr & Georgia Sivana. they fight 15-year-old Billy Batson, 15-year-old Freddie Freeman & 16-year-old Mary Bromfield until they are all tricked into saying Sivana and depowered. 63-year-old CC Dudley has a chance to share a fraction of Billy's power, but he declines.
15-year-old Jamie Reyes finds the Blue Beetle scarab, which bonds with his spine. He becomes the new Blue Beetle and works with his family and friends 15-year-old Brenda Del Vechio & 15-year-old Paco Testas to protect El Paso.
33-year-old Tatsu Yamashiro journeys into the Soultaker with the help of Jason Blood and is able to free the souls of Maseo Yamashiro & her children. She retires, leaving the Soultaker & her role in the Global Guardians to 22-year-old Violet.
22-year-old Violet officially identifies as non-binary. They meet 15-year-old Jamie Reyes, his scarab reacting to the Auraklean energy of their aura.
Nubia and Ahura Mazda, the Zorastrian God of Light, become lovers.
39-year-old Maggie Sawyer accepts the proposal of Maisie Turpin.
34-year-old Sapphire Stagg gives birth to their twins, Joey & Emily.
25-year-old Clara Kendall gets her own show in a much larger city.
46-year-old Hugo Strange appears in Bludhaven crafting designer drugs for Tobias Whale.
42-year-old Dmitri Pushkin becomes a tactical director of the Rocket Red Brigade.
30-year-old Nathan Adam re-appears from the timestream, resuming his roles with the Justice League & the air force. He reconnects with 29-year-old Bette Sans Sovei.
26-year-old Soranik Natu is recognized as one of the best surgeons on the her planet.
24-year-old Todd James Rice comes out of his coma. His powers are still inactive.
24-year-old Linda Park first novel is published, a sci-fi romance novel called "Best-Laid Plans",
34-year-old Doris Zeul earns her doctorate.
22-year-old Suzy Black graduates with her bachelors in business administration, returning to Weems Industries while continuing with Grad School.
19-year-old Alysia Yeoh's mother passes away, leaving her their large apartment in Burside. Alysia creates her art studio and begins working with the Transhuman Collective in Neo-Gotham, enhancing her own body with surgical upgrades.
11-year-old Lorena Marquez is one of the first subjects of 66-year-old Thorne's experiments as he begins releasing his mutogenic catalyst into San Diego's ecosystem, secretly mutating the population.
8-year-old MIkron O'Jeneus Jr builds his first weapon.