< 1923 >
Vandal Savage meets Adolf Hitler in prison after his failed coup. He joins the nazi party, refocusing on his vocation of world domination for the first time since Mongolia.
Nyssa Al Ghul's youngest daughter is born in Paris. Ra's Al Ghul finds her and attempts to take her children. She refuses.
24-year-old Alan Scott begins his own radio network.
24-year-old Edward Clariss earns his bachelor's degree in chemistry, begins his graduate work while attempting to make his own secret formula to enhance the human body.
20-year-old Olaf Bjornson joins the Swedish army.
15-year-old Steve Trevor learnes to fly his father's Curtiss JN Kenny biplane, introducing cropdusting to the family farm.
6-year-old Zinda Blake starts helping her dad in his hanger.