< 19 Years Ago >
22-year-old Arthur Curry first reveals himself to the surface world, who dub him Aquaman. The Fisherman attempts to capture him.
22-year-old Hal Jordan leaves the Air Force to become a test pilot at Ferris Air, and 20-year-old Carol Ferris begins working at Ferris Air, building her own branch dedicated to advanced aeronautics systems testing. She attempts to remain professional but they soon find themselves in a doomed on-again-off-again relationship.
16-year-old Clark Kent's powers begin to manifest. He wins a football game practically single-handedly. 16-year-old Pete Ross helps him explain that he's quitting the team, even though he doesn't fully understand why. He flies for the first time to save 17-year-old Lana Lang when she is trapped outside her family's farm during a tornado. She kisses him, and his heatvision is nearly triggered. 44-year-old Jonathan Kent shows him the space pod that brought him to Earth. The ship's core recognizes his DNA and syncs with him to teach him his Kryptonian heritage. 43-year-old Martha Kent helps him come to understand his place in the world. He & Lana work together to understand his powers, growing closer. He is attacked by a temporally displaced Brainiac 6.0 but saves 18-year-old Rokk Krinn, 17-year-old Imra Ardeen & 18-year-old Garth Ranzz of The Legion of Super-Heroes, who use their temporal tech to finally destroy Brainiac, & blank Clark's memory of the event before returning to their own time.
The Eradicator is reactivated when 16-years-ago Clark Kent reactivates Jor-el's datacore.
6-year-old Vril Dox receives a message from his own clone in the future, Brainiac 5. He surgically reactivates 30-year-old Ti'julk Mr'asz' powers, who takes the name Gates. They escape the Starlog with several other prisoners including the 53-year-old Durlan, 41-year-old Ferrin Colos, & 25-year-old Medphyll, and form the Omega Men.
53-year-old Gu Lao's radiation is no longer managable. He is forced to move to a fascility in the Gobi Desert
25-year-old Medphyll escapes the Starlog with Vril Dox, leaving behind a plant carcass so he would be assumed dead.
21-year-old Bones turns on Doctor Love & his experiments and hands himself over to the DEO where he soon becomes an asset.
34-year-old James Gordon & 33-year-old Crispus Allen have a heated argument about the right way to fight a corrupt system. They are not friends but understand each other.
Grr first goes to mainland Japan and starts helping protect its people from monster attacks using the name Cosmo Racer. Dr. Osamu Kitamuta’s robot designs based on the technology of Grr are stolen by his former colleague, Dr. Ushitaro.
33-year-old King Faraday is the first human to deduce J'onn J'onzz's identity. He agrees to help him.
50-year-old Niles Caulder first reveals his identity to the Doom Patrol.
28-year-old Amanda Waller has her third child.
18-year-old Ralph Dibny begins studying Criminology.
26-year-old Martin Stein begins his doctoral studies.
25-year-old Pieter Cross begins his medical residency.
18-year-old Lois Lane studies journalism at Metropolis University.
18-year-old Kitty Faulkner attends Metropolis University, studying biochemistry.
26-year-old Inza Cramer begins her doctorate work studying the lords of order & chaos.
24-year-old Will Magnus earns his doctorate in mechanical engineering.
18-year-old Buddy Baker marries Ellen, his high school sweetheart, and begins a career as a stuntman.
35-year-old Percival Sheldrake becomes the Knight, inspired by his son, 12-year-old Cyril Sheldrake.
50-year-old Niles Caulder first reveals his identity to the Doom Patrol.
32-year-old John Dee manages to unlock the remains of Garrett Sanford's Dream Dome via his experiments with his mother's ruby. With the technology there, he is able to manipulate the ruby, changing it's resonance and forcing flaws into it, using it to power his dream manipulation technology.
36-year-old Travis Morgan & 32-year-old Machiste lead a rebellion against their slavers, building a Gladiator army. Morgan makes 12-year-old Aton, a pageboy, his herald, riding the land to share their dream of freedom for all. They take the city of Thera, freeing 25-year-old Tara and the other slaves. 38-year-old Deimos is cut down and killed by Morgan in their final battle, but his body is secretly taken by Ashiya. Machiste returns to Kiro.
30-year-old Lex Luthor receives Metropolis's key to the city.
30-year-old Sam Scudder watches as a person escapes from his mirror, dying & crumbling to dust instantly, revealing it to be a portal to a magical mirror universe which Sam begins exploring.
Kobra begins investing in widespread tech innovation, aggressively taking development sciences from all over the world through kidnapping, extortion, and corporate manipulation. They become a key target of Checkmate.
28-year-old Eric Needham, released from the abandoned H.I.V.E. operative program, begins working as an enforcer for the mob of Star City.
28-year-old Edwin Alva pays off Denise Young when she reveals that she is pregnant with his child Ed Young.
25-year-old Kimiyo Hoshi begins her doctoral work.
25-year-old Dmitri Pushkin's son is born.
25-year-old Helena Sandsmark earns her masters in anthropology. She begins working towards her doctorate, focusing on the history of the Amazons. She is published for the first time
24-year-old Mariah Romanova focuses her research on the possible history of Atlantis when Arthur Curry first reveals himself to the surface world.
23-year-old Fang Zhifu is selected to lead China's elite Xeno-team response unit.
22-year-old Harvey Dent marries Gilda Dent.
22-year-old Mick Rory is caught while on a hiest. He blames 24-year-old Leonard Snart, but keeps his mouth shut.
22-year-old Carl Sands kills another student, and is cast from his adoptive clan. He becomes a thief.
22-year-old Paul Booker is arrested for assault. He becomes a mob enforcer to pay his gambling debts.
22-year-old Thomas Tresser graduates from MIT and begins working for a tech firm, but when he discovers that his brother Craig has left the military to work for the secret extra governmental organization S.H.A.D.E., he returns to school to study criminology, intent on following in his brother's footsteps.
22-year-old Maggie Sawyer graduates. She enters the police academy and joins the Star City PD, quickly promoted to sergeant.
20-year-old Carol Ferris begins working at Ferris Air, building her own branch dedicated to advanced aeronautics systems testing.
20-year-old Lester Buchinski builds his electro-shock gloves as an intimidation tactic.
19-year-old Wu Mei-Xing attends University.
18-year-old Mark Desmond goes to college.
18-year-old Ira Billings attends Gateway University studying Psychology while maintaining his interest in virtual reality.
18-year-old Noah Kuttler attends college, using their host servers as a data broker.
18-year-old Bruce Gordon goes to college to study archeology.
18-year-old Julie Madison begins college.
18-year-old Dai Yokohama finishes high school and begins university, studying chemistry & physics.
17-year-old Amon Sur is caught working as a smuggler by his father Abin Sur, who refuses to help his son and insists that he pay for his crimes, sending him to Citadel prison.
17-year-old Robert DuBois fights back against his father, beating him to death. He enlists in the army using his brothers name.
15-year-old Sandra Wu-san & 45-year-old Scandal Savage are kidnapped by the Monkey Cult, brought to their island to complete in a tournament to the death. They escape together and fight their way to freedom. Shiva kills the Paper Monkey, the only outsider to ever do so in the history of the cult.
13-year-old Harleen Quinzell's mother marries her gymnastics coach, who begins sexually abusing her.
11-year-old Hugh Dawkins manifests his metahuman were-devil ability.
8-year-old Heino Okata creates his encrypted payment algorithm, OkaneKoin, becoming one of the most prolific online payment systems in the world.
6-year-old Pamela Sonjia begins to study dance.
6-year-old Lilith Clay is adopted.
5-year-old Gar Logan's parents die in a tragic accident. He is taken in by Galtry, his scheming foster father who hopes to embezzle his inheritance. He breaks into the Doom Patrol's mansion, wanting to find friends more like himself.
23-year-old Black Manta has an affair with Sha'lain'a, an Atlantean woman from the villiage of Shayeris, in an effort to steal a map to a lost Atlantean treasure. He almost kills her when she discovers his plan, unaware that she is carrying his son, Kaldur'ahm. He is born with hybrid Atlantean biology, effected both by his half-Atlantean blood and by the experiments done on his father.
4-year-old Stel is reprogrammed by the Korugar resistance.
Tim Drake is born in Gotham City, the son of Jack and Janet Drake
Stephanie Brown is born, the daughter of 22-year-old Arthur Brown.
Virgil Ovid Hawkins is born.
Natasha Irons is born in Metropolis.
Jason Rusch is born.
Richie Foley is born.
Frieda Goren is born.
Lonnie Machin is born.
Axel Walker is born.
Taffy is born. She is adopted as a pet for 13-year-old Amy Winston.