< 15 Years Ago >
24-year-old Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham City. He attends the college graduation of his childhood friend 22-year-old Julie Madison, & they begin dating. He begins regularly visiting the clinic of 46-year-old Leslie Thompkins. He retakes controlling interest in Wayne Enterprises, bringing in 44-year-old Lucius Fox as the CEO of the newly-formed Waynetech and the head of the Wayne Enterprises board of directors. He attempts to fight crime on the streets but fails, leaving him nearly dead. After an epiphany in his study, he crafts his identity as Batman with the help of 47-year-old Alfred Pennyworth. He crashes 46-year-old Carmine Falcone's dinner party, announcing his presence as he begins disassembling his organization.
47-year-old Tony Zucco starts building his own aggressive extortion racket outside of the control of the Falcone or Maroni families as they are disrupted by Batman. People start calling him "Boss" Zucco.
33-year-old Hugo Strange is fascinated by the newly appeared Batman.
27-year-old Boston Brand is killed. The goddess Rama-Karushna keeps him on earth as a ghost as he tries to solve his own murder.
19-year-old Lady Shiva acts as the League of Assassins agent in Gotham, testing 24-year-old Batman. She is attacked and tested by the monkey cult, which causes her to question the supremacy of the training of the League. After she fights 28-year-old Richard Dragon & 32-year-old Ben Turner, she concludes that she will learn more with them, and joins them.
The Joker first appears in Gotham City, poisoning several prominent citizens before threatening to poison the water supply directly, confronting 24-year-old Batman for the first time.
18-year-old Hiro Kunikawa's motorcycle gang is taken by a covert research project as test subjects, exposed to the energy of an artificial portal into the monster dimension. When the reactor collapses it threatens to destroy Tokyo, but Hiro is able to ride his motorcycle up the vortex to collapse it. Both his body and his motorcycle become alien energy reactors.
22-year-old Dai Yokohama tries to assist in fighting the rising surge of Monster attacks after the destruction of the Monster energy reactor in Tokyo, still unable to fully unlock the Ultraspark. He earns his bachelors degree in physics & begins his graduate studies in biophysics.
16-year-old Mai Kusanagi's mech Hammersuit Zero-X is the only surviving mech in the onslaught of new monsters attacking Tokyo as the Monster Wars begin.
30-year-old Jefferson Pierce is given a grant by the Thomas Wayne Foundation to return to Southside Metropolis as the principal of Garfield High. When a student, Earl Clifford, is killed by the 100 for helping him, he begins using his powers at night to work against them, eventually using a costume made by his old friend 52-year-old Peter Gambi as Black Lightning, but confronts him when he discovers his role in his father's death. When Jefferson is told about the origin of the 100 and of Victor Swann by 20-year-old Talia Al Ghul he manages to defeat him, forgiving Gambi when he gives his life to protect his family. Jefferson begins his crusade against 32-year-old Tobias Whale, attacking his drug distribution network. 29-year-old Lynn Stewart moves back to Cleveland with their daughters, 7-year-old Anissa Pierce & newborn Jennifer Pierce.
26-year-old Hal Jordan is attacked by Star Sapphire, an alternate identity of 24-year-old Carol Ferris created by a crystalline alien symbiote trying to feed on his Oan energy by exploiting emotions that overpower willpower like his feelings for Carol. He manages to seperate it from her, returning her to normal and removing her memories, and takes the symbiote to Oa.
19-year-old Ted Kord helps develop the security systems for the Justice League teleporters, and in the process sees superheroes for the first time. He does not build a backdoor into the system as his uncle 37-year-old Jarvis Kord requested.
34-year-old Felix Faust attempts to summon three demons to amass power in hell. He is stopped by the Justice League.
39-year-old Anthony Ivo activates Amazo, using his power siphons to attack the Justice League, and copy their powers. He is able to distill their abilites to make his immortality serem before he is defeated by 20-year-old Dinah Lance.
36-year-old John Dee uses his invention, the Materioptikon, to convert dreams to matter. He confronts the Justice League, twisting them against their own identities, but 26-year-old Arthur Curry defeats him by not having an alter ego.
34-year-old Mike Miller, frustrated with his lot in life, builds a low-tech armor suit with several homemade weapons and takes it on a destruction spree in his hometown. His flame projectors slow J'onn J'onzz, allowing him to escape, making him fameous for having effective defeated the Martian Manhunter. When he is later caught after joining the Injustice Gang, J'onn visits him in prison to try to help him.
45-year-old William Asmodeus Zard finds the Sorcerer's Treasure, accessing vast new magical power. He builds a new team, the Injustice Gang, to go after the Justice League., including 34-year-old Sam Scudder, 26-year-old Paul Booker, 24-year-old Lester Buchinski, The Fisherman & 34-year-old Mike Miller. They frame the League for their own crimes before their plans are exposed. Defeated, Zard is unable to control his own power and is imolated.
The Fisherman is badly injured as part of the Injustice Gang and falls into the ocean, where Cameron Telford's host body dies and the parasite is forced to hibernate to heal.
38-year-old James Gordon is the only man on the police force in the GCPD that 24-year-old Bruce Wayne trusts when he first surfaces. Gordon mistrusts him at first, but soon they are working together.
26-year-old Harvey Dent becomes and assistant DA, and begins working alongside 38-year-old Commissioner Gordon & 24-year-old Batman.
43-year-old Harvey Bullock belives that the newly-arrived-in Gotham 24-year-old Batman is a dangerous vigilante who needs to be stopped. When he discovers that his partner 38-year-old James Gordon has been working with Batman secretly, his trust is violated. Ultimately, while he does not trust Batman, he does trust Gordon, and begins to begrudgingly work with Batman despite constantly threatening to bring him in.
39-year-old Adam Blake arrests the Omega Men, but 10-year-old Vril Dox convinces him not only to let him go, but to become a freelance member.
The Brotherhood of Evil attack the Doom Patrol's Doom Manor. 54-year-old Niles Caulder is able to track them back to Paris, where they corner the Brotherhood in the Parisian catacombs. 52-year-old Brain fakes his own death, his escape module sends his brain bottle to his secret lab at the bed of the Mediteranian Sea. 34-year-old Mallah is captured and put in prison, thinking the Brain is dead. 39-year-old Madame Rouge fakes her death, and takes over her old school with a new identity, arranging the death of her husband and bringing her daughter 14-year-old Angela Hawkins into the school as she turns it into a secret assassin guild.
20-year-old Clark Kent, while traveling the world and helping people, begins submitting stories to the international press corp.
29-year-old Pieter Cross's mother is killed by a mugger. He steps down from his residency and uses his inheritance to build his own clinic, focusing on social justice and actively tracking threats to his patients, building networks of informants and street-level assistants
22-year-old Lois Lane graduates and is hired to work at the Daily Planet by Editor-In-Chief 42-year-old Perry White, , quickly establishing herself as formidable reporter. She goes out with Metropolis man-of-the-year, 34-year-old Lex Luthor.
38-year-old Winslow Schott has a public breakdown when Lexcorp acquires Schott Toys to utilize its robotics patents, blaming 34-year-old Lex Luthor for the death of his "wife".
20-year-old Dinah Lance stops 24-year-old Nathan Prince from assassinating a state senator.
18-year-old Rory Regan inherits the Ragsuit from his father, becoming the new Ragman.
28-year-old Barry Allen is first confronted by 31-year-old Eobard Thawne, a refugee from a lost future timeline and expert at speed force manipulation who is obsessed with using Barry to return home. Thawne depletes his speed reserve and has to construct a new force reactor to recharge his powers. 28-year-old Leonard Snart learns Barry's secret identity and strikes a deal with him to allow for leiniency as long as he keeps his crimes non-violent. He first forms the Rogues. 37-year-old Roscoe Dillon vies for control, but Leonard shuts him down.
28-year-old Leonard Snart creates a fire harness device for 26-year-old Mick Rory to become Heat Wave. He joins the Rogues.
34-year-old Digger Harkness, seeing the upsurge in costumed crime, begins wielding his signature boomerangs as Captain Boomerang, going up against the Flash. He becomes a founding member of the Rogues.
31-year-old Lisa Snart joins the Rogues.
34-year-old Sam Scudder joins the Rogues.
25-year-old Mark Mardon joins the Rogues.
29-year-old Albert Desmond joins the Rogues.
An apocalypse cult attempts to reopen the Nazi Hellfonts closed during the Third Shadowpact. They kidnap 14-year-old Kay Challis as their sacrifice. The Forth Shadowpact occurs with 37-year-old Jim Rook, 31-year-old John Constantine, 34-year-old Meihui Lan, 17-year-old Zatanna & 57-year-old Zatara. In the seance to stop them, Meihui sacrifices her life and is immolated. Zatanna nearly follows her but her father Zatara intervenes and gives himself in her place. Kay's already fractured identity is further shattered as her body becomes a nexus of chaos energy, giving each seperate alter it's own powers. She is placed in a psychiatric hospital where her alter Jane Morris becomes her dominant identity.
39-year-old Terry Thirteen loses his wife 34-year-old Meihui Lan when she participates in the 4th Shadowpact and is immolated. Terry closes his investigative practice, focusing on his research.
25-year-old Edward Nygma first learns about the newly active Batman. Offended at the implications of the idea of him being the "world's greatest detective", he feels compelled to challenge him, and begins planning his criminal career.
30-year-old Flora Black uses her pheromone powers to control the will of Elliot Weems & marry him, always trying to protect 9-year-old Suzy Black.
17-year-old Drury Walker becomes an errand-boy for the Falcones. He starts building equipment to fight Batman in his spare time
55-year-old Ted Knight retires from adventuring when he grows too weak.
47-year-old Jim Harper is killed in the line of duty. his memories are transplanted into a new, younger clone body.
31-year-old Jonathan Crane becomes the new head of psychiatry at Arkham when the previous head dies mysteriously.
26-year-old Roland Desmond is released from prison. His brother 22-year-old Mark Desmond graduates, beginning his masters program, focusing on the development of an experimental steroid that could save his brother.
65-year-old Randu Singh retires as India's United Nations delagate and returns to India to teach at the University of Punjab.
27-year-old Arthur Light and 29-year-old Kimiyo Hoshi earn their doctorate degrees, and both join Jacob Finley's research project.
18-year-old Celia Forrestal goes to the air force academy.
37-year-old King Faraday's daughter Emma is born.
10-year-old Yrra Cynril goes to study under the warlords of Okaara, where she meets the princesses of Tamaran, Komand'r & 10-year-old Koriand'r.
11-year-old Grace Choi runs away from her latest abusive foster home. She is abducted & used in a child sex trade.
36-year-old Dr Helga Jace fully maps 10-year-old Tara Markov's metegene and sends her away to America to live with her mother. She feels abandoned. Jace begins secretly developing methods to hypnotically control 17-year-old Prince Brion Markov through his artifically enhanced Metagene. He's told that Tara ran away.
21-year-old Michael Holt marries Paula.
30-year-old Martin Stein is awarded the Nobel Prize for physics.
26-year-old Carl Sands steals the soul-knife from a museum, unlocking the memories of Hath-Set, and allowing him to manifest his shadow-self. He becomes Shadow Thief.
26-year-old Maggie Sawyer comes out as gay. Her husband demands a divorce and is granted full custody of their daughter. She transfers to the Metropolis PD, becoming their new Inspector.
24-year-old Richard Rigel invents a rudimentary version of his psycho-chemicals. He begins working for Intergang, stealing from them to fund his own secret research.
23-year-old Edgar Cizko is rejected by Marva Jane Gray. He uses his mental powers to manipulate her to becoming his fiance.
23-year-old Wu Mei-Xing goes to grad school.
22-year-old Buddy Baker becomes vegetarian & animal rights activist.
21-year-old Robert DuBois learns that his brother died of an oxycontin overdose. He goes awol, becoming a mercenary with a knack for using strange weaponry.
19-year-old Liam Hawkleigh goes to scout sniper school.
29-year-old Jefferson Pierce's second daughter Jennifer is born, and his wife Lynn Stewart moves out of Metropolis to keep the kids safe.
12-year-old Koriand'r's home planet of Tamaran is invaded by the Gordanians. Her father is killed, but her sister 15-year-old Komand'r negotiates a truce that required both Kori & her mother to be taken as prisoners, while taking the throne herself as regent for the Gordanians. She and her mother are loaned as slaves, but she volunteers for all of it to protect her mother.
50-year-old CC Dudley has to stop teaching for medical reasons. He goes to live with his nephew.
40-year-old Travis Morgan travels into the magical tombs of the ancient Atlanteans. He finds the Hellfire Blade.
29-year-old Helena Sandsmark earns her doctorate in Amazonian History.
22-year-old Kitty Faulkner begins grad school. She starts developing her designs for her bio-energy catalyser, which uses synthetic bioorganisms that metabolize an energy source to generate surpluss energy while they replicate, creating an infinite, clean energy resource
22-year-old Ira Billings earns his bachelors degree and begins working on his post grad degree in psychology, applying what he learns about hypnosis to his virtual reality technology.
22-year-old Bruce Gordon earns his bachelor's degree & begins his graduate studies of the Archaic period of South America.
21-year-old Zazzala engineers the death of her adopted father, becoming the Queen of Bialya. She uses her phermone abilities to exert control of her population.
19-year-old Boodikka earns her rank in the ellite warrior caste.
18-year-old Yao Fei joins the People's Liberation Army in hopes of becoming a doctor.
17-year-old Emil La Salle becomes a professional burglar.
15-year-old Ph'yzzon is taken as a slave when the Gordanians invade Tamaran.
14-year-old Grant Wilson, looking for ways to emulate his father, becomes a test subject for H.I.V.E.
14-year-old Adara’s parents both die in a bio-plague, leaving her homeless. She survives as a street criminal.
14-year-old Zou Kang attends Party School.
12-year-old Ivan Evans is arrested for the first time.