< 14 Years Ago >
58-year-old Gu Lao's protective armor is updated with reverse-engineered Durlan Technology after the Qinghai Incident, allowing him to work in in civilized China again.
Vandal Savage forces the Doom Patrol to choose between the destruction of the small town of Codsville, Maine, or to die in the destruction of his submarine headquarters. They choose the latter. 55-year-old Niles Caulder sees the Doom Patrol "die", & begins working to to rebuild the team. 55-year-old Cliff Steele's body suffering catestrophic damage, 38-year-old Larry Trainor's body is destroyed, & his soul-self bonds with 30-year-old Valentina Vostok, their identities blurring, leaving her in a coma. 34-year-old Rita Farr's body is scattered her body across the ocean. 10-year-old Gar Logan is left in the care of 39-year-old Steve Dayton, whi begins to slip mentally when he loses Rita. Codsville is renamed Three Heroes, Maine.
23-year-old Dai Yokohama is left alone in the final battle of the Monster War when the computers containing Zotaro are destroyed. He is finally able to unlock the Ultraspark and become Ultimon but is overwhelmed by the final surge of monsters before he is joined by 19-year-old Hiro Kunikawa, Grr & 17-year-old Mai Kusanagi, saving Japan. They help to rebuild Neo-Tokyo & build the Halo, their headquarters on My Fuji, founding Big Science Action.
13-year-old Heino Okata's OkaneKoin becomes the preferred currency in Japan as it is used to support the construction of NeoTokyo, making him the third richest person in the world.
21-year-old Selina Kyle is introduced to 25-year-old Bruce Wayne, and later watches Batman stop a group of hijackers. Inspired, she creates her first Catwoman costume, bating him with elaborate heists, beginning their pattern of antagonistic flirtation.
27-year-old Harvey Dent becomes Gotham's new District Attorney after the old one is brought down on corruption charges thanks to his work alongside 39-year-old Lieutenant Gordon & 25-year-old Batman.
12-year-old Dick Grayson arrives in Gotham City with Haley's Circus. Cronies of 48-year-old Tony Zucco extort the circus for protection money. When they aren't paid, they sabotage the Graysons trapese, killing Jack & Mary Grayson. Dick is the sole witness, but is stopped from acting on it by 25-year-old Bruce Wayne to protect him from Zucco's retribution. Instead, Bruce takes him in and begins training him to work as a detective, discovering him an instant genius with acrobatics and marital arts. He helps capture Zucco but chooses not to kill him. He becomes Robin, donning a costume based on the ones worn by his family. 48-year-old Alfred Pennyworth becomes a surrogate father. He first meets 39-year-old Lieutenant Gordon, and his daughter 14-year-old Barbara Gordon.
14-year-old Barbara Gordon moves to Gotham to begin taking college courses, leaving boarding school to live with her father 39-year-old James Gordon. She first meets 30-year-old Sarah Essen, and talks her father into asking her out.
14-year-old Ryan Choi enrolls in an elite science High School in Hong Kong.
28-year-old Mackenzie Bock is the first officer on site when 33-year-old Victor Fries stages a heist of the diamond exchange, saving several people.
29-year-old Sal Maroni brings in Black Mask as an enforcer just as 47-year-old Carmine Falcone's DA is brought down by Batman, Harvey Dent, & Lieutenant Gordon, effectively restarting the war between the families.
29-years-ago Oswald Cobblepot takes over the Tony Zucco's territory when they are brought down by Batman & Robin. He attones for the death of Sal Maroni's father Luigi, allying himself with the Maronis as they end the truce with Carmine Falcone.
33-year-old Victor Fries' use of his cryogenic lab to preserve his wife is discovered by Goth-Corp executives. they try to shut him down, and he is inadvertently bathed in experimental cryogenic fluid. He kills the men responsible, escapes and creates his own lab, using diamond-enhanced cryotech to steal the necessary funds to maintain his lab and save his wife, abandoning his title as doctor and instead embraces his role as Mister Freeze. He is stopped by 25-year-old Bruce Wayne, but is permitted to continue his research in the controlled enviornment of Arkham.
34-year-old Julian Gregory Day is caught & imprisoned by 25-year-old Bruce Wayne.
25-year-old Bruce Wayne battles the Mad Monk & his Monster Men, unaware that it is actually 34-year-old Hugo Strange who has been appearing on TV as a Batman expert.
33-year-old Amanda Waller betrays 69-year-old Sandra Knight's trust, leaving Checkmate for a tactical director position in Argus where she creates a new government-controlled Freedom Fighters. She recruits 27-year-old Rick Flag as her primary agent and the team field leader. She offers amnesty to 33-year-old Mark Shaw and strips Frankenstein & 26-year-old Bones of their positions with the DEO to bring them into the Freedom Fighters. 81-year-old Iron Munro joins, working secretly for Sandra Knight.
22-year-old Manchester Black uses the shake-up in Checkmate's hierarchy to manufacture his own release, becomes a black-ops British intelligence operative.
43-year-old Regina Darhk creates the H.I.V.E. Academy as a way to train some of the subjects of the experiments of H.I.V.E. members including 15-year-old Grant Wilson & 15-year-old twins Baran & Selinda Flinders.
25-year-old Nathan Prince is released from prison by Kobra, gaining his constrictor suit. He takes the name Copperhead.
12-year-old Wally West is in a lab accident that replicates the Flash's powers. At 30-year-old Iris West's suggestion, 29-year-old Barry Allen takes him on as his apprentice & sidekick Kid Flash. Wally gets to meet the original Flash, 48-year-old Jay Garrick, who helps to train him to use his powers.
38-year-old Roscoe Dillon's powers flare. He attacks the Rogues and battles 29-year-old Barry Allen, ultimately dieing as the Speed Force consumes him.
23-year-old Lois Lane is promoted to full staff reporter at the Daily Planet by 43-year-old Perry White & receives her first award for journalistic excellence.
13-year-old Jimmy Olsen participates in a work study community service project at the Daily Planet. 23-year-old Lois Lane sees his social media content and realizes how talented he is, and invites him to start submitting his photography to the paper.
35-year-old Lex Luthor watches as 20-year-old Mercy Graves, having been caught stealing from him, beats all his bodyguards. Rather than turn her in, he cleans her up and hires her as his valet & bodyguard.
Kobra is infiltrated by 21-year-old Lady Shiva, 29-year-old Richard Dragon & 33-year-old Ben Turner.
22-year-old Roman Sionis, in a last-ditch effort to save his failing company, releases an untested cosmetic product. When it becomes evident that the cosmetic permanantly scars and disfigures people. 45-year-old Lucius Fox has Wayne Enterprises buy Sionis Chemicals, requiring the previous board of directors to step down. In his rage at the world, Roman breaks into his parents tomb and carves a mask from his father's coffin. He becomes the vicious mob inforcer, Black Mask.
30-year-old Pieter Cross's advanced medical research leads to collaboration with Starlabs metahuman medical facility. He works with several members of the Justice League & begins corresponding with 22-year-old Michael Holt.
22-year-old Michael Holt wins the olympic gold metal for the triathlon.
20-year-old Cat Grant marries tech millionaire Joe Morgan. She starts building her style brand, Catco.
18-year-old Karen Starr graduates high school and moves to Metropolis, temping during the day and working as a waitress at night.
14-year-old Sadie Nash's mother dies. She is taken in by her father 59-year-old Kyle Nimbus, and begins training her to take his place and continue his vendetta against 56-year-old Ted Knight.
10-year-old Betty Kane, a nationally ranked gymnast, is selected as an olympic hopeful.
5-year-old Tim Drake witnesses the death of Dick Grayson's parents at Haley's Circus.
31-year-old Malcolm Merlyn is hired by 35-year-old William Tockman to kill China White while she is in custody of the police, attacking while she is being moved for extradition. 28-year-old Oliver Queen tries to keep her safe, fleeing across the city, until Merlyn finally kills her and shoots him off a building, taking him out of comission for months and claiming the title "world's greatest archer".
22-year-old Dinah Lance meets 28-year-old Oliver Queen when he joins the Justice League. He stops seeing 27-year-old Bonnie King.
29-year-old Will Magnus develops the earliest version of his responsometers.
26-year-old John Stewart finishes his tour with the Marines & uses the GI Bill to begin studying architecture.
26-year-old Jean Loring finishes law school, passes the bar, & starts working in the Ivy Town DA's office.
22-year-old Doris Zeul graduates and begins grad school.
27-year-old Arthur Curry thwarts 28-year-old Black Manta's preliminary attacks on Atlantis. When 38-year-old Orm Marius realizes that he is the lost son of 50-year-old Atlanna and the true heir to the throne of Atlantis, he imprisons him. There Arthur meets 52-year-old Nuidis Vulko, who teaches him his heritage and helps him escape. He talks to his father 54-year-old Tom Curry, deciding that it falls to him to liberate Atlantis. Vulko recants his past heresy and is permitted to return to court.
28-year-old Black Manta discovers the existance of his son 5-year-old Kaldur'ahm and kidnaps him, beginning his training.
25-year-old Rex Mason & 22-year-old Sapphire Stagg are engaged. He is sent along with 38-year-old Java to Egypt by 49-year-old Simon Stagg to recover the fabled Orb of Ra, unaware that Java has instructions to kill him once it's found. Java stabs him and leaves him in the tomb, bathing him to the artifacts's radiation, mutating him into Metamorpho. He returns to Stagg Industries to confront Simon, not wanting Sapphire to see him, but she chooses to accept him despite his deformity, and Simon promises to find a way to change him back.
12-year-old Grace Choi's powers begin to manifest, allowing her to escape & free the other children.
22-year-old Manchester Black uses the shake-up in Checkmate's hierarchy to manufacture his own release from Checkmate, becomes a black-ops British intelligence operative.
28-year-old Arthur Light steals the photon technology of Jacob Finley, killing him and 30-year-old Kimiyo Hoshi into hiding. He uses the technology to steal billions. He is stopped by the Justice League, with Doctor Hoshi's help. She chooses to continue her own research.
43-year-old Wade Eiling leads the military response to the Shaggy Man, a creature spawned by Dr. Andrew Zagarian's work in tissue regeneration and his polyalloy human tissue. The Justice League intervenes, and Eiling holds them accountable. Shaggy Man is trapped in a polyallow prison in the ocean.
28-year-old Fang Shifu is the lone survivor of the Qinghai Incident; a Durlan ship landing in China. He is saved from a flesh-melting pathogen by an experimental mutogenic countermeasure. He is recruited as China's new Super-Functionary, August Captain in Iron. The Chinese Government begins reverse engineeringtheir technology.
55-year-old Avery Sunderland reasoning that Linda Holland was subjected to the same stimulus as 37-year-old Alec Holland before his transformation and therefore must have been similarly mutated, has her grave unearned and remains stolen. No trace of mutation is found, suggesting that something unique happened to Holland. Alec finds her grave empty.
41-year-old Travis Morgan first saves 15-year-old Shakira from trolls. She begins to follow him, becoming his new travel companion. They fall in with a mercenary band, and rescue hapless rogue 28-year-old Aram al Ashir, agreeing to help him hunt for a hidden temple with a supposed secret treasure.
30-year-old Tara's father abdicates the throne, and she is crowned the new Queen of Shamballah. Her advisors constantly vie to find her a husband, but she rejects them all, believing that 41-year-old Travis Morgan will one day return.
18-year-old Zatanna has a brief, ill-advised romance with 32-year-old John Constantine.
19-year-old Evan McCulloch fulfills his first contract kill.
28-year-old Vic Sage starts taking cases as a private investigator.
23-year-old Ralph Dibny begins his career as a private investigator.
23-year-old Daniel Cassidy gets his SAG card and starts doing regular stunt work. He, Marla Bloomberg, Norm Paxton & Sharon Scott plan to do their own movie together.
29-year-old Sebastian Ballesteros' real estate empire becomes one of the largest in Argentina.
29-year-old Mariah Romanova's work on the possible history of Atlantis is published. She earns her doctorate.
27-year-old Thomas Tresser becomes a senior developer in Argus's tech devision, working on innovations in disguise technology.
25-years-ago Kirk Langstrom marries his wife Francine
25-year-old Hank Henshaw begins working for Starr Labs.
25-year-old Stanley Kitch becomes a junior law associate in a major gotham law firm.
24-year-old Edgar Cizko finishes med school. He becomes an ocultist & mentalist, using his powers to victimize women.
24-year-old Curt Calhoun goes into business himself, becoming an international mercenary & assassin.
23-year-old Daniel Cassidy gets his SAG card and starts doing regular stunt work. He, Marla Bloomberg, Norm Paxton & Sharon Scott plan to do their own movie together.
22-year-old Caitlyn Snow begins her post-grad work in particle physics. 31-year-old Martin Stein is her advisor, and she falls in love with him.
22-year-old Vicki Vale graduates. Rather than take an internship she begins taking foreign correspondance work, regularly reporting from active warzones.
22-year-old Lana Lang gets her first job as a remote correspondent for Channel 3.
20-year-old Rudy Jones gets a job as a janitor in Lexcorp Labs.
20-year-old Renee Montoya has her marriage annulled.
17-year-old Beatriz Bonilla De Costa begins her professional modeling career.
19-year-old Jack Ryder goes to school for journalism.
19-year-old David Zavimbe leaves the orphanage when his brother receives a special scholarship grant to attend MIT in the states, completing the training to become a police officer to attempt to atone for the sins of his childhood.
18-year-old June Moone's artwork begins to attract attention. She starts to travel, exploring artifacts of lost cultures.
18-year-old Etta Candy moves to Gateway City to attend college.
18-year-old Amy Winston chooses to remain in Gemworld. 18-year-old Topaz abdicates his lordship of House Topaz and they are married by Citrina, who steps down as regent as Amy becomes the Lady of House Amethyst.19-year-old Lady Turquoise is Amy Winston's maid of honor. The surviving Diamond Priest restarts their order as the Diamond Temple is rebuilt.
18-year-old Silver St. Cloud goes to college to study design.
17-year-old Lady Elaine Marsh-Morton’s father is killed. She takes over the estate.
16-year-old Carla Moretti starts perceiving her kinship with fire, but hides it.
15-year-old Alexander Nero's art gains international attention.
15-year-old Laira sees that her father is obsessed with revenge and control, but her loyalty to him keeps her at his side.
12-year-old Mal Duncan takes up the trumpet.
11-year-old Kendra Saunders moves to Egypt to be a part of her uncle 35-year-old Speed Saunders archeological dig.
9-year-old Holly Robinson's mother moves them from the building in East End into her drug dealer boyfriend's home.
7-year-old Grant Emerson's mother Kate Emerson goes on the run, trying to keep him away from S.H.A.D.E.
6-year-old Nia Nal's paternal grandmother, the current Naltorian Dream Oracle, passes away. Nia's half-sister Mysa Nal begins having precognitive dreams and becomes the new Dream Oracle, but Nia Nal begins experiencing them as well, despite those abilities traditionally being inherited by women. Not wanting to risk being discovered as a challenge to the Somnian faith, Nia's mother Ifza Nura takes her to Earth.
3-year-old Rose Worth begins learning to fight & protect herself from her mother 27-year-old Lillian Worth. From a young age she displays near photographic reflexes.
Tye Longshadow is born.
Zoe Torres is born. Her mother, Michelle Torres, keeps her a secret from her father 24-year-old Floyd Lawton.