< 13 Years Ago >
22-year-old Clark Kent arrives in Metropolis for his new job at the Daily Planet. He first meets 44-year-old Perry White, 24-year-old Lois Lane and 14-year-old Jimmy Olsen. He first reveals himself when he saves a falling orbital plane. He returns to the Kent Farm where he invents his Superman identity with 50-year-old Jonathan Kent & 49-year-old Martha Kent, although the name was invented by Lois when she writes the first story about him, coining the name. Martha makes his first costume using the fabric found in his space pod. 23-year-old Lana Lang travels back to Smallville to tell him how proud of him she is. Jimmy's photos and Lois's story make their careers. He interviews 36-year-old Lex Luthor for the first time.
33-year-old Eobard Thawne fully recharges his powers and attempts takes over the Rogues, killing 33-year-old Lisa Snart & 36-year-old Sam Scudder who attempts to hide by fleeing to Dublin. 30-year-old Leonard Snart must team up with 30-year-old Barry Allen & 13-year-old Wally West to stop him.
13-year-old Hartley Rathaway develops the technology to manipulate sound and produce various hypnotic effects. He rebels from his father to become Pied Piper, antoginizing 30-year-old Barry Allen & 13-year-old Wally West.
36-year-old William Glenmorgan, while exploring a lost underground city with Nuli, a Kawolo spiritual guide, is trapped in a cave in. They discover a talisman of ancient Kawolo design, enabling Bill to switch his consciousness with the legendary newly-awakened Golden Gorilla, allowing them to free themselves. Nuli gives him the name Congorilla. He begins to use the talisman to summon the Gorilla to protect people and defend against poachers.
25-year-old Pamela Isley's research funding is cut. Enraged, she adapts her own biochemistry to become a plant hybrid, generating a variety of poisonous or mind-controling pheremones. She threatens Gotham with her spore clouds and hybrid plants, demanding enough money to continue her research. She is stopped by 26-year-old Bruce Wayne when he manages to resist her.
33-year-old Jonathan Crane begins using his fear toxins to kill the university officials responsible for his firing. His life unravels when he is stopped by 26-year-old Bruce Wayne and he becomes the Scarecrow, holding the city randsom before he is captured and sent to Arkham as a patient.
35-year-old Hugo Strange becomes the new head psychiatrist of Arkham after 33-year-old Johnathan Crane is arrested. He works regularly with the GCPD taskforce.
26-year-old Nathan Prince kills a city mayor in the middle of a Justice League public appearance and manages to elude them, making a bold public statement.
27-year-old John Corben is nearly killed in a massive car accident. His body is recovered by S.H.A.D.E., who put his brain into a indestructible robotic body covered with cloned body tissue. He escapes and rampages, but it stopped by 22-year-old Clark Kent.
30-year-old Bruno Mannheim strikes a backdoor deal with cyber-tech industries to illegally distribute advanced weapons to fight 22-year-old Clark Kent..
Blackbriar Thorn is unearthed. He begins trying to rebuild the world with Natural Magic, but is stopped by the Justice League.
Blackbriar Thorn is brought to London by John Wycliffe. The spells binding him are broken and he begins trying to rebuild the world with Natural Magic. He is stopped by 41-year-old Percival Sheldrake & 18-year-old Cyril Cyril Sheldrake and sealed inside an enchanted sarcophagus.
40-year-old Jason Woodrue aquires some of the plants effected by Blackbriar Thorn, revolutionizing his research.
30-year-old Will Magnus builds a new body for 56-year-old Cliff Steele, developing technology he will use for his planned Metal Men.
56-year-old Niles Caulder recovers 56-year-old Cliff Steele in a body built by 30-year-old Will Magnus, awakens 31-year-old Valentina Vostok from her coma, and recruits 26-year-old Rex Mason into his reassembled Doom Patrol. 40-year-old Steve Dayton & 11-year-old Gar Logan join in the hopes of finding Rita Farr.
23-year-old Doris Zeul is diagnosed with a rare fatal blood disorder. She begins siphoning spinal fluid from victims to extend her own life.
12-year-old Roy Harper is taken in by 29-year-old Oliver Queen when Brave Bow dies, and becomes his sidekick, Speedy. he meets 23-year-old Dinah Lance.
34-year-old Eric Needham son and his mother are killed to force him to do a job, He becomes the vigilante Black Spider and begins targeting the drug trade with lethal force, unaware that 36-year-old William Tockman is secretly funding him as a way to take over the drug trade in Star City. He regularly comes into conflict with 29-year-old Oliver Queen & 12-year-old Roy Harper.
28-year-old Hal Jordan is assigned 13-year-old Arisia Rrab as an apprentice who works in his neighboring sector. Thaal Sinestro returns to Guardian space, having taken command of the Weaponers of Qward, who have outfitted him with a yellow Anti-Oan ring. He assaults several Green Lanterns inside their own sectors, murdering 43-year-old Tomar-Re, who sacrifices himself to save Arisia before she & Hal stop him. 53-year-old Salaak is selected to join the Green Lantern Honor Guard upon the death of Tomar-Re.
46-year-old Kanjar Ro constructs the Gamma Gong, allowing him to escape prison and rob the Earth of it's riches until he is stopped by the Justice League. He escapes to space, but has lost his pirate fleet.
25-year-old Katma Tui witnesses her planet being saved from the Spider Guild by 28-year-old Hal Jordan & 10-year-old Stel. She privately changes her opinion about the Green Lantern Corp.
Shaolin Robot remains dormant when the tomb of Quin Shi Huang is opened, and the teracotta automatons break forth and attack Bejing to retake the Forbidden City, stopped only by 59-year-old Gu Lao & 29-year-old Fang Zhifu. Shaolin Robot is taken in by the Chinese government and updated with reverse engineered Durlan technology.
Hu Li Jing first meets 29-year-old Fang Zhifu, forming their unique bond.
40-year-old James Gordon becomes the new Commissioner of the GCPD. He starts the new Major Crimes Division, with 45-year-old Harvey Bullock & 31-year-old Sarah Essen. He places 39-year-old Crispus Allen on administrative leave pending review, but avoids charges and is allowed to return to duty. Gordon specifically asks him to continue to keep them honest.
36-year-old Mark Bloodwynd is overpowered when the demon Rott takes control from within the Blood Gem, and begins to amass magical power.
58-year-old Thaddeus Sivana returns from Venus, reestablishing his secret labs. His son 10-year-old Magnificus Sivana returns to live with his mother. unaware that a dormant Mister Mind is inside his brain cavity.
33-year-old Matthew Cable's drinking worsens, and hIs relationship with his wife 28-year-old Abigail Cable deteriorates. His depression allows Anton Arcane to possess him, using him to psychologically torture Abigail and eventually kill her, forcing her soul into hell. Matt is able to steal control from Arcane, allowing 38-year-old Alec Holland to defeat him. Alec follows Abigail into the afterlife, guided by Deadman, the Phantom Stranger, and Etrigan. He finds her soul and frees her, restoring her to life. He helps her heal from her trauma, and they are handfasted. Matt is left with no brain activity for months before Abigail mercifully chooses to end his life support.
21-year-old Lady Shiva, 30-year-old Richard Dragon & 34-year-old Ben Turner part ways. Richard retreats to his private meditation while Shiva continually travels to expand her skills, working as an assassin. Ben begins training with the League of Assassins, not realizing that they are slowly brainwashing him.
32-year-old Malcolm Merlyn completes the trials to join the inner circle of the League of Assassins.
17-year-old Helena Bertinelli escapes when the villa where she has trained with Sal's family is attached. She goes into hiding, meeting 30-year-old Richard Dragon in the Swiss Alps, agreeing to become his student.
50-year-old Bro'Dee begins building temples across sector 666 to act as refuges of peace & hope.
47-year-old Dan Turpin works with 28-year-old Maggie Sawyer for the first time. He is hesitant at first but quickly becomes her biggest supporter. She is soon promoted to Inspector Lieutenant
21-year-old Ted Kord has 49-year-old Dan Garrett as a professor in an introduction to archaeology course.
13-year-old Jennifer-Lynn Hayden takes up modeling as a part-time job.
10-year-old Jason Todd's mother leaves his father. Jason is told that she died.
12-year-old Dolphin escapes from the alien labs after they abandon their experiments.
28-year-old Bonnie King is forced to retire as Miss Arrowette due to carpal tunnel.
34-year-old Mikron O'Jeneus joins the H.I.V.E. Academy, and starts seeing on of the techs.
19-year old Derek Reston joins the H.I.V.E. Academy. He creates energy & bladed weapons, and flying attack platforms.
33-year-old John Constantine outwits 36-year-old Felix Faust's attempts to sell his soul in a bargain to gain power.
31-year-old Dmitri Pushkin becomes Rocket Red #7.
17-year-old Hugh Dawkins first saves people with his powers. He becomes Tasmanian Devil.
26-years-ago Kirk Langstrom begins his research, developing new ways to extract genetic markers from bats with the intention of giving disabled humans access to sonar.
42-year-old Pat Dugan retires from his government post & starts his own private robotics firm.
24-year-old Daniel Cassidy meets Wayne Tarrant, a history undergrad at the University of California, who is working on a story based on an ancient demonology text. They begin preparing to make Blue Devil the debut movie of Marla Bloomberg’s company. Dan designs the costume he will wear as Blue Devil, the creature in their movie, including a trident prop with internal combustion systems.
44-year-old General Wade Eiling comes into direct conflict with the Justice League over the juristiction of their satellite. He is ordered to stand down, and is later placed in charge of developing a Metahuman deterrent for Argus by 34-year-old Amanda Waller. He creates the First Strike Program, using the technology developed by 42-year-old Pat Dugan.
28-year-old Christopher Smith is exonerated when it's proven in international court that the mountain chateau of the Pax Institute was sovereign land, protecting him under the laws of war. Released from prison, he is approached by 44-year-old General Wade Eiling to become the head security officer of Eiling's First Strike Program, which Chris accepts when he recognizes as being in support of the same ideology as his father.
Kobra deliberately lowers it's global profile to undermine 70-year-old Sandra Knight’s credibility after 34-year-old Amanda Waller leaves Checkmate to assume leadership of Argus.
30-year-old Mariah Romanova takes apart a group of artifact smugglers, handing them over to Interpol.
26-year-old Stanley Kitch proposes to his long-time girlfriend, Vera Sweet.
26-year-old Ray Palmer earns his doctorate in particle physics. He first meets 27-year-old Jean Loring, an assistant to the DA, and they start dating.
24-year-old Ira Billings earns his masters, and begins working as a counselor for students of Gateway University, privately manipulating them using virtual reality hypnosis technology, subtly manipulating their lives.
25-year-old Wu Mei-Xing begins her doctoral work.
25-year-old Simon Jones earns his Master's degree.
26-year-old Adam Strange is struck by the Zeta Beam, and is teleported to the planet Rann. He is attacked by a Predator on the great planes of Rann, and is saved by 22-year-old Alanna, who takes him to her father Sardath, the inventor of the Zeta Beam. Temporarily stranded, Adam helps Alanna defend Rann, falling in love with her. He battles Ulthoon when he is spawned in the Mutogenic Mists of Deep Rann, and is then cast into deep space. The effects of the Zeta Beam wear off, returning him to Earth, where he begins to hunt for incoming Zeta Beams to continually return to Rann & Alanna.
42-year-old Travis Morgan & 29-year-old Aram al Ashir are enslaved by a hidden civilization of Snake People. They escape with the help of 16-year-old Shakira, fleeing the undercity. Ashir reveals that he is the lost prince of Kaambuku, and returns to his home to take his crown.
Deimos follower Faaldren becomes his constant attendant, maintaining Castle Deimos and bringing him what he needs to sustain his undeath.
22-year-old Tatsu Toro & 23-year-old Maseo Yamashiro are married. 24-year-old Takeo Yamashiro is absent from the ceremony.
22-year-old Pete Ross graduates college and returns to Smallville, helping to run his father's grocery.
22-year-old Selma Tolon starts medical school.
21-year-old Cat Grant has her son, Adam
21-year-old Waylon Jones attempts to join a circus.
18-year-old Kate Spencer goes to college to study pre-law.
17-year-old Joseph Martin gets a football scholarship to Metropolis University.
15-year-old Dorah Leigh's metahuman powers begin to develop.
15-year-old Vic Stone begins his high school sports career.
15-year-old Tony Woodward drops out of school.
15-year-old Niharika Dyal's sorcery makes her a elemental magic nexus.
23-year-old Garfield Lynns is discharged from the army for psychological reasons. He begins his career as a pyrotechnician.
23-year-old Amon Sur becomes a captain of his own ship in the Black Sun Mercenaries, raiding Citadel Space.
14-year-old Koriand'r and her sister 17-year-old Komand'r are both captured by Psions from a Gordanian Prison Ship, who experiment with their Tamaranian biology, granting them both starbolt energy. They are able to work together to escape, but Kori insists on going back for their mother, and Komand'r betrays her.
14-year-old Luke Fox becomes a high school wrestler.
13-year-old Melanie Wayland's mother 36-year-old Mona Wayland begins training her to be the new 10 of Spades of the Royal Flush Gang.
Solomon Grundy is found in the ruins of Wonder City in the abandoned Lazarus Chamber. He kills the workers and hides in Gotham’s undercity.
51-year-old Eel O'Brian's son Luke McDunnagh is born.
Lorena Marquez is born in San Diego.
Krypto is born in Suicide Slums in Metropolis.