< 12 Years Ago >
When Circe is freed from her island, Ares leverages the armies of man against her. To stop the impending war, Hippolyta chooses to send out a champion, but forbids 20-year-old Diana from competing. At the suggestion of her older sister Nubia, she wins the tournament in disguise, earning the right to take her mother's mantle as Wonder Woman. She chooses to stay in Man's World, becoming roommates with 20-year-old Etta Candy at Gateway University, taking the name Diana Prince. She begins working with 32-year-old Helena Sandsmark to study Amazonian influence on the outside world, first meeting her young daughter 6-year-old Cassie Sandsmark. Soon she joins the Justice League.
16-year-old Donna wishes 20-year-old Diana well when she leaves Themyscira, privately longing to see man's world for herself.
27-year-old Bruce Wayne burns 49-year-old Carmine Falcone's secret stores of cash. He secretly agrees to a non aggression pact with 31-year-old Oswald Cobblepot and puts a 50 million dollar bounty on Batman, bringing in some of the best assassins in the world, including 44-year-old Slade Wilson, 32-year-old Thomas Blake, 26-year-old Floyd Loyton, 27-year-old Nathan Prince, 27-year-old Lester Buchinski, 33-year-old Malcolm Merlyn, 48-year-old Crusher Crock, 19-year-old Lady Elaine Marsh-Morton. He is injurred by Carmine's assassins and goes to 49-year-old Leslie Thompkins clinic for help, revealing his identity to her.
33-year-old Malcolm Merlyn is punished by the League of Assassins for interacting with Batman without their approval.
49-year-old Leslie Thompkins learns that 27-year-old Bruce Wayne is Batman when he comes to her clinic for help during the night he is attacked by 49-year-old Carmine Falcone's assassins. She treats him, but later confronts 50-year-old Alfred Pennyworth for allowing Bruce to become Batman.
25-year-old Daniel Cassidy and the production of Blue Devil, including 10-year-old gopher Eddie Bloomberg, begins filming on location on Ile Du Diable off the coast of French Guiana. Staging ancient rituals in the ruins of old temples, they inadvertently open the prison of Nebiros, an ancient high demon, who believes Dan is a real lesser devil. Performing a reverse baptism, Dan’s body is transformed. He is able to hold off Nebiros from killing the crew while Sharon Scott reverses the demonic prison doorway under the direction of Wayne Tarrant. Norm Paxton films the entire battle, giving them what they need to cut the movie.
19-year-old Artemis Crock helps her father 48-year-old Crusher Crock escape prison. He's caught in Gotham within 24 hours by Batman.
20-year-old Drury Walker first becomes Killer Moth in an effort to earn 49-year-old Carmine Falcone's bounty on 27-year-old Bruce Wayne. He takes hostages, but is stopped by 16-year-old Barbara Gordon, who soon works for the first time with Bruce Wayne & 14-year-old Dick Grayson.
28-years-ago Edward Nygma makes his debut as the Riddler, staging a grand ongoing crime spree pitting him against 27-year-old Bruce Wayne in a elaborate game. Eventually, he is caught and put in Arkham.
30-year-old Mackenzie Bock helps the GCPD solve several of 28-years-ago Edward Nygma's riddles. He is promoted to detective.
29-year-old Arthur Brown attempts to fill the void left by 28-years-ago Edward Nygma after he is caught, attempting his own crimewave as the Cluemaster by blanketing his crimes with competing clues to baffle investigators. He barely captures 27-year-old Bruce Wayne's attention before he is found. 7-year-old Stephanie Brown's mother hides the fact that her father was a costumed villain from her when he is sent to prison.
24-year-old Vicki Vale, interested in more investigative journalism, moves to Gotham City and joins the Gotham Gazette, regularly fighting with Gotham's corrupt entrenched new media. She first meets 27-year-old Bruce Wayne.
29-year-old Arthur Curry is contacted by 12-year-old Garth, an escapee from Idyllis, an Atlantean penal city housed within the alternate dimension Xebel. together they breach the barrier into Idyllis and free the prisoners. In doing so, they breech the barrier into 22-year-old Mera's dimension in the Bermuda Triangle, creating a weakness her people can exploit to escape. They are captured by 30-year-old Black Manta's forces, but escape with the help of 7-year-old Kaldur'ahm, destroying their ships. Kaldur'ahm is reunited with his mother Sha'lain'a, but longs to join the fight to reclaim Atlantis. Garth becomes Aqualad and joins the original Teen Titans while Arthur prepairs to retake Atlantis.
Nommo Balewa is awakened within his sanctum by 37-year-old Felix Faust as he attempts to claim his magic. Believing the modern world lost, he begins assembling the magic to try to reset the world back to his own time, fighting the Justice League as he does so with only the smallest fraction of the magic he once wielded. When he learns to accept his place in the world, he fights Faust with the League, absorbing his magic to defeat him and returning to his sanctum to watch over the world.
39-year-old John Dee is able to manifest the powers of the Materioptikon from his Arkham cell, attacking the Justice League in their dreams. He is defeated when they are able to follow him back into the Dream Dome, severing him from his technology and taking the ruby that powers it. He is returned to Arkham no longer able to dream, his body wasting away.
11-year-old La Sirène la Bailene is among the Atlantean refugees freed from the penal colony Idyllis by 29-year-old Arthur Curry. She feels a drive to assist in the battle against the corrupt Atlantis.
27-year-old Ray Palmer observes a meteor shower, and arrives at the crater of a small meteor, which he takes to his labs at Ivy University. Discovering that the meteor contains mysterious White Dwarf Star Matter, and attempts to use it to create shrinking technology, but is unsuccessful. When he is trapped in a cave-in during a student expedition, he uses the technology on himself, and successfully shrinks himself to save everyone. He designs his size-changing belt and begins to use it to explore incredibly tiny space, but also manages to save several people around Ivy Town. He is soon asked to join the Justice League, where he takes the name of the Justice Society hero the Atom.
20-year-old Karen Starr is taken by alien geneticist 36-year-old Despero and used in an experiment to synthesize kryptonian DNA. She becomes half-human, half-kryptonian, and is saved by 23-year-old Clark Kent. She adopts her Power Girl identity, but is warned that she needs to mature as a hero before she is taken seriously. Despero is finally stopped by the Justice League, his identity lost on an astral plane when his body is destroyed
42-year-old Anthony Ivo, now deformed and in constant pain thanks to his immortality serem, begins kidnapping Justice League members by stealing their powers, intent on getting his revenge. He upgrades 3-year-old Amazo's programming matrix to copy League powers conceptually, setting it to compile before he is defeated by a depowered League and imprisoned.
25-year-old Noah Kuttler hires operatives to challenge each member of the Justice League to collect data on them, beginning a comprehensive database on their abilities.
27-year-old Bruce Wayne asks 20-year-old Zatanna for help on a case.
27-year-old Kirk Langstrom, with his wife Francine pregnant and his hearing diminishing, treats himself sucessfully but slowly mutates into Man-Bat. He is saved from himself by 27-year-old Bruce Wayne, and Francine is able to administer a cure.
25-year-old Ralph Dibny discovers the ancient ginko fruit's elastic properties when combined with his rare metagene. He gets help from fellow investigator 41-year-old Terry Thirteen in exploring the history of the fruit before choosing to use it to become Elongated Man.
41-year-old Winslow Schott begins staging violent attacks against 37-year-old Lex Luthor with his weaponized toys as the Toyman. He is stopped by 23-year-old Superman and placed in a prison for the insane.
57-year-old Avery Sunderland, no longer willing to wait to learn the truth of Alec Holland's transformation, has his men raize the swamp to trap and kill 39-year-old Swamp Thing. He brings in former H.I.V.E. scientist 41-year-old Jason Woodrue to conduct the autopsy of Holland, only to discover that he is in fact not Alec Holland, but instead plant matter effected by Holland's formula that has absorbed his memories. When the Swamp Thing awakens and learns the truth, it kills Sunderland in a rage. 29-year-old Abigail Holland is terrified for the life of her child and for her husband's sanity, but 34-year-old John Constantine reaches out to Swamp Thing as he discovers the truth about himself, and helps him keep his sanity by showing him his purpose, and helping them find the Parliament of Trees. His daughter Tefé Holland is born, a hybrid human/plant elemental, and named for the source of the Parliament's river.
41-year-old Jason Woodrue, seeing a path to immortality when he examines Swamp Thing, adapts his own biology to become Floronic Man.
59-year-old Thaddeus Sivana, certain of the existence of the Rock of Eternity, funds the Batson's archeological expedition, hoping to find a way to access it.
29-year-old Roland Desmond's brother 25-year-old Mark Desmond tries to invent a cure for him, and inadvertantly turns himself into Blockbuster. Roland manipulates him into fighting 27-year-old Bruce Wayne while he commits crimes.
32-year-old Cole Cash is abducted by the Daemonites in their earliest incursions into Earth. he escapes and hijacks their ship, and begins a one-man war against them, hunting down their hives across their planet using their own re-purposed technology.
31-year-old Barry Allen & 14-year-old Wally West are able to seperate 32-year-old Albert Desmond from the philosopher's stone, but still feels it's connection. He goes to prison & devotes himself to finding a way to destroy it.
31-year-old Barry Allen & 14-year-old Wally West are attacked by a newly awakened Robert Turowski who is able to manipulate the Speed Force directly. He breaks Wally's leg and captures Barry, intent on using him as in infinite power source. With his new understanding of the Speed Force, Wally is able to heal his leg, and tap into the Speed Force to stop the Turtle and freeze him again, sending him to Iron Hights, where he is secured against any Speed Force access.
32-year-old Valentina Vostok is arrested by 33-year-old Dmitri Pushkin of the Rocket Red Brigade as a Russian deserter, until 57-year-old Niles Caulder is able to declare her legally dead.
35-year-old Ben Turner performs an assassination of a Russian Pakhan for the League of Assassins as Bronze Tiger. 33-year-old Dmitri Pushkin & the Rocket Red Brigade are unable to stop him.
37-year-old Lex Luthor buys most of the world's supply of Kryptonite and begins wearing his custom Kryptonite ring. He withdraws his support of 40-year-old Tobias Whale seeing the damage 33-year-old Jefferson Pierce is doing to his organization, instead moving the Metropolis drug trade over to 31-year-old Bruno Mannheim's Intergang.
Grr infiltrates the island of Dr. Osamu Kitamura when it is taken over by Dr. Ushitaro and his robot creations.
24-year-old Michael Holt sells Cyberwear Tech to Waynetech.
6-year-old Cissie King-Jones's father dies. Her mother, 29-year-old Bonnie King, begins training her obsessively to follow in her footsteps.
22-year-old David Knight begins his experiments with 58-year-old Ted Knight's cosmic rod, divining it's properties.
19-year-old Bette Sans Souci becomes active with a militant anti-nuclear power terrorist organization, and begins preparing to stage a terrorist bombing, training as an explosives expert.
19-year-old Cyril Sheldrake & his father 42-year-old Percival Sheldrake meet 27-year-old Bruce Wayne & 14-year-old Dick Grayson.
25-year-old Takeo Yamashiro comes into possession of the Soultaker. He becomes the infamous Yakuza assassin Wakizashi.
41-year-old James Gordon marries 32-year-old Sarah Essen.
34-year-old Bito Wladon invents his sonic technology, bringing Modora to the world stage with their new weaponry.
33-year-old Martin Stein begins working on an experimental Nuclear Matrix Reactor with his lab assistant 22-year-old Danton Black. He is aproached by 32-year-old Henry Hewitt of Hewitt Energy who tries to acquire his research to prevent it from disrupting his energy monopoly.
33-year-old Wade LeFarge is stalked and captured by 35-year-old Mark Shaw. He becomes a subject of the First Strike Program where the adrenocorticotropic hormone in his blood is extracted. He quickly proves too unstable to be of benefit, and is sent to prison.
28-year-old John Corben, his uranium core nearly depleated, steals a krytonite stone from Lexcorp as his new powercore.
21-year-old Jack Ryder leaves school to begin working on a sensationalist journalism program.
18-year-old Lorraine Reilly attends the University of Texas, double majoring in Political Science & Accounting.
27-year-old Hank Henshaw begins his astronaut training for Starr Labs, preparing to test their new hyperspace technology.
27-year-old Stanley Kitch finds evidence in his casework that his firm is working for 31-year-old Oswald Cobblepot, hiding his properties in shell companies. He quits, leading his fiance Vera Sweet to end their relationship. He decides to follow his father's footsteps and enrolls in the FBI training academy, becoming an FBI
43-year-old Travis Morgan witnesses the Theran army marching toward Shamballah. He warns the surrounding villages of the coming threat with the help of a woodsman, not realizing that he is the adopted father of his son 6-year-old Joshua Morgan. He uses a cache of ancient Atlantean weapons found by 17-year-old Shakira to break the siege of Shamballah saving 32-year-old Tara and it's people. He almost succumbs to the corruption of the Hellfire Blade, casting it aside. He becomes the Queen's consort.
39-year-old Machiste enters an arranged political engagement with the princess of Drakmeer.
26-year-old Wu Mei-Xing is married.
25-year-old Buddy Baker's son Cliff is born.
25-year-old Kitty Faulkner's work on her bio-energy catalyser is published, and she earns her doctorate. She secures funding, and begins building her labs to test her designs.
25-year-old Bruce Gordon earns his masters degree and joins a South American expedition into the Amazon.
24-year-old Lana Lang first meets Doug Parker, a student at the KU School of Law.
23-year-old Pete Ross gets married in the Smallville courthouse.
22-year-old Hunter Zolomon graduates and goes to the FBI academy.
22-year-old Barbara Ann Minerva gets her bachelor's degree & begins her draguate work.
22-year-old Tigorr is married.
22-year-old Liam Hawkleigh's kill count is officially recognized as the highest in the history of the marine corp.
22-year-old Renee Montoya graduates and attends the police academy.
22-year-old Kate Kane graduates West Point, and becomes a wartime investigator for the army's Criminal Investigation Division.
22-year-old Selina Kyle steals evidence of 46-year-old mayor Rupert Thorne's corruption to use as leverage against him when he threatens her. Thorne hires Private Investigator 43-year-old Slam Bradley to find her but when she reveals why Thorne is after her he walks away from the case.
21-year-old Shilandra Thane is chosen as the replacement Green Lantern when her people kill the Green Lantern coming to her planet to end their apocalyptic nuclear war. She manages to save a few thousand of her people before the planet’s destruction.
21-year-old Yao Fei helps supress an uprising in Gyantze, Tibet, and kills a monk named Tenzin Cering. Horrified, he deserts and is shot by his superior officer. He is saved by Tenzin's father, who forces him to take his sons place as the 17th incarnation of the Accomplished Perfect Physician. He begins living as an outlaw.
20-year-old Rac Shade becomes an agent of the Mentan Service.
19-year-old Beatriz Bonilla De Costa is tapped by the Brazillian government to become a covert operative.
18-year-old Helena Bertinelli collects her inheritance, including the hidden Bertinelli fortune. She attends Stockholm University under the alias Helena Rosa, intending to return to Gotham as a teacher.
18-year-old Scott Sawyer joins the air force.
17-year-old Grant Wilson leaves H.I.V.E. to become the assassin Ravager, an unwitting test-subject of their synthetic bio-enhancements
16-year-old Haruto Satou first becomes a street magician, feeding his growing alcoholism, always looking for more magical power.
16-year-old Xu Tao is attacked by his gang members, and hides in a tree in an ancient temple. Swallowed by the Earth, he finds the celestial bow of Yi and becomes the Celestial Archer, chasing away the gang before he ascends a magical bridge to the moon, where he meets Xiang-O, the Chinese Goddess of the moon, who charges him to become her avatar.
16-year-old Ryan Choi is bullied by the school’s soccer star Alvin Quinfan into doing his homework, and gets him expelled. He meets the love of his life, Jia, at a dance with their sister school, but he is confronted by Alvin who nearly beats him to death in front of her. Humiliated, Ryan returns to his Gung Fu lessons with renewed focus.
15-year-old Jimmy Olsen's online video content starts to regularly go viral as he explores the stranger parts of Metropolis. He detects a mysterious signal and is the first to meet intergalactic visitors from the Citadel, inadvertantly becoming Earth's ambassador. He disrupts an assassination attempt against the alien visitors, briefly being turned into a giant turtle kaiju monster. 23-year-old Clark Kent manages to keep him contained until the effects wear off. They agree that Jimmy should have a way to call Superman, and he starts wearing his signal watch.
15-year-old Luke Fox stands up for 14-year-old Dick Grayson in high school.
15-year-old Ivan Evans is caught selling handguns on school property and is sent to juvie.
15-year-old Heino Okata trains under O-Sensei, mastering his martial arts training.
14-year-old Frances Kane's powers manifest, accidentally killing her father & brother. She is raised by her mother who secretly hates her.
14-year-old Hartley Rathaway joins the Rogues.
13-year-old Tara Markov, tired of hiding her powers and resenting losing her place in the Markovian castle, runs away from home.
18-year-old Carla Moretti enlists in the army.
13-year-old Lilith Clay's precognative powers begin to manifest, plaguing her with prophetic dreams. Her parents, unable to cope, place her in a psychiatric hospital. She escapes and begins to hunt for her biological parents.
13-year-old Cisco Ramon's metagene powers start to manifest, gerating, absorbing, and redirecting kinetic energy. He uses it mostly as part of his dance.
13-year-old Naoko Shinzokesa meets Mochi, a talking rabbit, who gives her a magic locket and becomes her companion. When her schoolmates fall ill she and her friends Sakura & Takeo find that they were all sold cursed jewelry by a disguised alien looking to steal a magical artifact. She is able to open her locket & become Moon Maiden, defeating the alien & saving her schoolmates.
11-year-old Holly Robinson runs away from home.
8-year-old Nia Nal begins her gender affirming care with a therapist.
6-year-old Mary Bromfeld's parents are killed in a car accident. Without any surviving family, she lives briefly in an orphanage where she meets 11-year-old Timothy Karnes before being taken in by her foster parents, where she meets 53-year-old CC Dudley.
6-year-old Joshua's adopted family is killed during the Theran siege of Shamballah. He moves into the city with the refugees of the war.
Amaya is born in Gemworld, daughter of 20-year-old Amy Winston, Lady Amethyst of House Amethyst, & 20-year-old Topaz. She is delivered by Citrina. 63-year-old Lord Garnet is her godfather.